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Return of God

Return of God

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The formidable hero returns to the city from another world, sweeping the way forward, enriching and honouring those who have shown kindness to him and fiercely trampling upon those who once were his enemies. He rescues the beauty, concocts elixirs, cures diseases, and honours the immortal oath. Watch as the most powerful immortal emperor transcends the city, creating a legend like no other.

Chapter 1

The once clear sky suddenly darkened with looming clouds and gusting winds.

In less than a minute, a downpour rained heavily, the sizeable droplets smacking against the glass with crackling sounds.


A thunderclap exploded, the bustling sound penetrating the ears of countless people in Jiangzhou city.

Unnoticed, a tiny black dot descended rapidly from the thunder, landing outside the wall of a certain high school.

This abrupt storm arrived and departed swiftly.

In the blink of an eye, the raging wind ceased, the dark clouds dispersed, and the sun hung high in the sky once more.

If not for the puddles remaining on the road, no one would believe the event that had just transpired.

“A familiar sensation, a familiar scene.” Zhang Jun spoke slowly, a smile emerging on his face, he whispered softly, “I, Jun the Heavenly Emperor, have returned!”

The speaker was a young man, about eighteen or nineteen years old. On his upper body, he wore a blue and white striped school uniform, with a pair of blue jeans on his lower half, and Nike sports shoes on his feet.

Appearance-wise, he is seemingly an ordinary high school student, which indeed matches Zhang Jun's present role.

Yet, this is merely Zhang Jun’s identity on Earth. His true identity, however, is that of Jun the Heavenly Emperor, one of the youngest Heavenly Emperors in the celestial realm.

“Few things in life can be redone. Since heaven has granted me a chance at rebirth, there can be no regrets in my life.” Zhang Jun stated objectively, his words radiated an aura of dominance.

A dominance that suggests he will not bow to anyone, a dominance that can crush everything in its path.

As his thoughts ran, scenes from past events emerged in Zhang Jun's mind.

Eight hundred years ago, he was just an ordinary high school senior when his 'good brother', Qi Bao, found him, sobbing and pleading for his help no matter what.

For this reason, the innocent Zhang Jun, due to the bond between brothers, stole a top-secret document from his father, Zhang Tian Yuan's company.

Because of the leak of this document, his father's company suffered a huge blow, and soon declared bankruptcy, and they even accrued a lot of debt.

His mother, Jing Yu Yan, to salvage his father's business, went to the Jing family in Yanjing to plea to the person she least wanted to beg, but was cruelly ridiculed and mocked, and while returning to Jiangzhou, she had a car accident on the highway and forever left Zhang Jun.

When he heard the news of his mother's death, Zhang Jun felt as if the sky had collapsed.

But for Zhang Jun, this was just the beginning of the nightmare. His 'good brother', Qi Bao showed his cruel claws and teeth, not only did he steal his girlfriend, but he also beat him up severely, causing Zhang Jun to be confined to bed for a full three months.

Then, his father, in order to escape the debt, took Zhang Jun into hiding.

And Zhang Jun, filled with guilt, was utterly dejected.

Not long after, on a stormy night, his father was taken away by a group of strong men into a van without a license plate. A week later, someone found Zhang Tian Yuan's decomposing body by the river.

From then on, Zhang Jun was the only one left in his world.

He was decadent, helpless, and angry.

Several times, he wanted to seek revenge on those who had harmed his parents, Qi Bao and others, but found there were no opportunities.

Later, Zhang Jun left for a foreign land, joining a mercenary army to prepare for the day he could avenge his parents with his own hands. But, who would have thought that he would get ambushed during his first mission.

Just when Zhang Jun thought his life was about to end, and that he would never be able to avenge his parents, he met his master, the person who would change his life.

Emperor Hong Tian.

A man integrated with talent and gifts.

Herewith, Zhang Jun followed Emperor Hong Tian back to the divine realm.

In eight hundred years, after countless efforts and numerous fatal fights, Zhang Jun grew from a nondescript ordinary man into the youngest, most domineering emperor of the heavenly world - Jun Tian Emperor.

However, even with the strength to obliterate mountains and rivers in a snap of a finger, Zhang Jun's heart is still filled with guilt over the tragic death of his parents. His hatred for those who murdered his parents penetrated his bones.

Seeing this, Emperor Hong Tian told Zhang Jun that there was a secret method that might offer a chance to return to the past, but there have never been any known successes.

But for Zhang Jun, it was like clutching at a straw. Upon careful study, he found that in theory, the secret method was entirely feasible.

Therefore, fully prepared, Zhang Jun performed the secret method. Under the Lei Tribulation, he journeyed across the river of time to return to the present.

"Unfortunately, my current strength is not even one percent of what it used to be," a hint of melancholy radiated from Zhang Jun's eyes.

In the divine realm, there was only one rule: the survival of the fittest. As long as your strength was sufficient, you could have everything.

However, almost instantly, his trace of melancholy disappeared.

Because he realized that this is no longer the divine realm. Here, the individuals don't possess myriad supranatural talents. On the contrary, the personal strength of people on Earth was pitifully weak.

"Even if I only have one percent, or one-thousandth of the strength, in this world, I'm still the king."

Zhang Jun clenched his fists. And with it, that deep-seated hatred began to surge forth wildly.

He remembered that Qi Bao handed the stolen files to his father, Qi Zhiming, and Qi Zhiming gave it to Zhao Hailong. His father's company went bankrupt under the calculation of Zhao Hailong.

The people who took his father away were all from Zhao Hailong's team, behind whom, was the shadow of Jing Zhongyang.

After his mother returned to the Jing family, the person who was harshest towards his mother was Jing Zhongyang, his uncle whom Zhang Jun had never met.

Up to now, Zhang Jun still had no idea whether his mother's car accident was accidental or man-made.

However, without these people, his parents would definitely not have died a tragic death.

"I didn't have the power before, but now, I want you all to wait for me. I'll make sure each of you pay the price, you owe me, and you'll pay me back tenfold, a hundredfold," Zhang Jun gritted his teeth.

If someone were standing beside Zhang Jun at this moment, they would feel a chilling cold air.

Slowly, Zhang Jun calmed down, deciding in his heart that those who had helped him in the past, he would shower them with endless glory in this lifetime.

As for those he missed, this time, of course, he wouldn't leave any regrets.

Thinking of this, a beautiful figure surfaced in Zhang Jun's mind.

Her name was Lin Han, a woman who had been by his side when he was most helpless. Although she wasn't particularly beautiful or outstanding, she was one of the two most important women in Zhang Jun's life.

However, in his previous life, Zhang Jun had left her resolutely for revenge.

"Lin Han, in this life, I won't let you leave me again," Zhang Jun made a vow in his heart.

At the same time, he set another goal for himself – he would never let his parents and Lin Han leave him in this lifetime.

A hundred years, a thousand years...

Zhang Jun wished for them to live as long as he did.

To the people of this world, living for thousands of years without death is utterly impossible. But Zhang Jun knew, it was entirely possible.

As long as, he was powerful enough.

With a direction and a goal, Zhang Jun felt an energy coursing through his whole being.

"Well, if it isn't Brother Jun! What's the matter? Afraid to go home and get your legs broken by your old man?" a taunting voice suddenly rang out.

Zhang Jun quickly turned around. Not ten meters behind him, a group of teenagers who were about eighteen or nineteen years old walked over. The leading one had a buzz cut, a cigarette hanging from his mouth, and an arm around a beautiful girl's waist.

Zhang Jun seemed to have thought of something. He quickly took out his phone from his pocket. Upon seeing the time, he chuckled lightly.

His timing couldn't be more impeccable.

By now, Zhang Jun had already leaked the top-secret file to Qi Bao. His father's company had already declared bankruptcy. However, if he remembered correctly, his mother had not yet gone to Jing's family. Meaning, the tragedy had not yet occurred.

Since it hadn't happened yet, it would never happen.

"What are you laughing at, Zhang Jun?!" The youth who had spoken earlier shouted, fury in his voice.

This was no other than Qi Bao, one of the people Zhang Jun despised the most.

Zhang Jun calmly replied, "You will never understand my smile."

Qi Bao was abruptly incensed, "Damn it, your family is freaking bankrupt, your dad owes millions, and your girlfriend is now my chick. And you still have the nerve to smile? Have you lost your freaking mind?"

In his previous life, when Zhang Jun had learned the truth, he indeed felt like going mad. However, in this life, there was not even a ripple in his heart.

The journey of eight hundred years had made Zhang Jun unruffled in the face of anything.

Zhang Jun's gaze fell upon the woman in Qi Bao's arms, “Li Fei Fei, are you certain you want to betray me?"