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Lost Soldiers

Lost Soldiers

Auteur: fataldestiny

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A woman from the 19th century struggles as she watches her family fall apart and not be able to help. She found herself at a loss to who she is and hated that she needed to rely upon a man to save what her father fought so hard for when he was well. Lorry promised to herself that under no circumstances would she allow herself to be a wife of some well-off man that sees her as a display to their throne, but with unexpected turns of events, she happened to know a man. He’s got quite the temper, but women in London say he is the dream. She’s reluctant to agree, in her eyes he is the person she despises the most. If society was a person, it would be him. He is a prideful elite young man, nothing comes out to his mouth but a boast. However, neither this young prideful and boastful man knows what the future holds for him, so then, he found himself yearning for the woman who taught him what they don’t teach in education institutions, but in the end, they aren’t perfectly suited. She is a woman, full of desires and ambition, grew up amongst the swells, and he is a man, prideful and well-taught, a foreign elite from the lands of the lords. But just when their story is ending, another one is about to begin. A story of a young love ceaseless until they meet again.

Chapter 1

“Em! Stop chasing men!” Mother would be glad if she has heard of what this woman has been doing! They are the same!

“Don’t be so glum now, Lorry. How can you ignore such fine men? Don’t be so ridiculous!” I looked at her as I hurried. This woman is fast.

“Emily, fine men won’t look your way! Now, stop and wait.” Just what is she thinking about chasing and touching men? She must be out of her wits. Indeed, fine men won’t look her way. We are born unprivileged and have nothing. Not even a penny. “Emily Walmer! Wait up. Not all women can run as you do.” Finally, I made her stop. She looked at me with eyes sparkling, “Oh, my dear Lorry. Did you see? Sure enough, you did not, but oh, those men were so dashing. ‘Till now, I seem to have not forgotten the look in their eyes.”

“That is because you went half an hour chasing them and me chasing after you. Have you gone mad?" She sure does not know anything in this world aside from men and love. What is with youth and their thinking?

“Lorry, just because your apt and your liking are not the same as mine makes me mad. I sure am not mad. Those men I was chasing would be a good husband to marry.” Marriage. Then it is men, love, and marriage. “Why would you think of marriage? You have only lived for fifteen years. Could marriage be the only one you should be thinking about?” I placed the plates on the table and called for Mother. They do think the same marriage is all I hear inside this home. "Oh, Lorrisa, my dear. Emily is a fine and grown woman who possesses such intelligence and beauty. What could she be thinking aside from getting married?”

“Mothe, life. Life is much more important than marriage,” I looked at my mother’s questionable face as she sat at the end of the table. “Life is just about marriage, Lorrisa. Stop with the ambitions. It will not do you any good.” That made me scoff. Is this how dinner will always be like about me, not getting married despite how appropriate I am to be a wife?

“Mother, if you may. Nothing is wrong for a woman to dream. Nothing is wrong if a woman is ambitious.” Mother stopped from eating her soup, and Em stared at me, almost laughing at what I said.

“Everything goes wrong if a woman is ambitious. That could be the reason why you are yet to be married, Lorry,” said Em. I wiped my mouth using the napkin and excused myself.

“I’m full, and I think I have heard enough. Excuse me,”

What is wrong with dreaming a little? Not about getting married, with all the wealth and fancy silks. I opened the door of my room and sat at the edge of the bed. I held the locket that is most dear to me, “Father, how I wish you were here.” I walked towards the window and exhaled the fresh air. Love? Men? Marriage? I think not. I do not need love to prove that I feel, my eagerness is sincere. I do not need men to validate my existence. I sure know for myself I am enough. I do not need marriage to live. This world is big. I live for this world.

The door opened and showed Em. She was frowning and trying to say something.

"I- I -I shouldn’t have said that. I am sorry. Forgive me?” she said and was playing with her hands. I know my sister more than anyone. “Of course, I knew you didn't mean to.” I gave her a smile as a comfort, “I know how much you want the world to see you as you are, Lorry, and I envy you for that. However, does it not seem too hard for you?” She sat at the side of my bed and looked me straight in the eyes. “Hard? I know hard, Em. Father taught us what hard is.” I replied. I walked towards her and leaned. I held her hands to show that hard is not something that can stop me. “You dream so much, Lorry, you are making me worried. Us, worried.” I know, I know that much. “Em, promise me one thing. That just because a dream looks so hard to reach, we will not give up.” Em sighed. A very deep sigh. “I don’t dream, Lorry, but for you, I promise,” I chuckled and hugged her.

“What made you say that you're sorry for what you said? Mother?” she looked at me funnily, “No, my ego, sister. It’s not like I don’t have one.” I scoffed and pushed her shoulder a little,

“I sure for one did not expect that.” She threw a pillow at my face and laughed. She was saying morbid and hilarious things. When we finally stopped throwing and laughing, we lay down and looked at the ceiling. I reached out my hands and looked at it.

Em asked a question. “Have you heard about the Gilmore’s'?” I immediately stopped and put my hands down. “Why? Are they here?” she twists and turns to face me and nods. “The Gilmore’s? I thought not for a year?” I covered my mouth as I spoke and my sister. She was laughing and nodding. “Does this mean Arthur is with them?” My Em looked at me and shrugged, “Well, why? He must be!” Em sat in front of me and looked at me strangely, “Do you still have a crush on him? Oh, my Lorry, you’ve got a crush! I thought no more love! No more men!” I rolled my eyes and looked at the window and back at my sister. “It’s hardly even a crush. He’s a friend. A very close friend.” Em looked at me, not believing what I said. It sure is true. I never looked at Arthur beyond friends.

“Well, I heard they come in today, this noon. Maybe they will be at the gala this evening.” I looked at her with disbelief. “Gala? Em, this isn’t some trick just to get me dressed up, is it?” she was left in awe and was just looking at me. “No! Of course not. That’s absurd.” I looked at her again, but this time it’s a firm stare. “Well, not entirely. Besides, the Gilmores’ are here, in London, and it’s the truth!`` She stood up and pulled both my arms, and dragged me out of the bed. She went to her room with me and straight to her closet. She tosses and flings her dresses. “Now, now, Lorry,” she said. She gave me five dresses to try on. “What? Em! I never said that I would come. I hate galas!” She mocked me and did not care about any words I utter. “Don’t be such a baby, Lorry. It’s just a gala. Come and have some fun. All you do is poetry and theatres, don’t you want something new?” It appears that I don't have much of a choice; I need to go to the gala.