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Isla De Las Sirenas

Isla De Las Sirenas

Auteur: Bunnybibi_00

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Isla De Las Sirenas PDF Free Download


The existence of mermaids and mermans are still tale among us. Jacob is a guy that doesn't believe in any mythical creature, for him it's just a myth or tales for kids. One day, he went for a vacation in an island that he bought from the saving that his father left him before he passed away. He met a woman that is weird and claimed to be a mermaid, and she is from the depth of the sea, and the most ridiculous part his the lost prince. A lot of strange thing happen that force him to believe the tales of the tails.

Chapter 1

There was a  far away village, who's electricity was not still present. Kids used to play, like in ancient times, where gadget are not yet invented.

Their customs and tradition, are still from their ancestors. They are not informed of the new modern world.

Their village was known around in Southern Asia, 'Pueblo de Mitîcas'. In this town, there was a cave of truth and Isla de Sirena, is just one of the famous places among the villagers.

People used to come and go to convince them and educate them about the modern world, but they purposely send them away politely.

In their village there was a lot of tales. They believe and worship those magical creatures from tales, which they ancestors believe it does exist and it was from their ancient, ancient ancestors whose from those tales.

Goblins, foxes, vampires, wolves, fairies, nymphs, mermaids and etc. They believe that they still have blood from those creatures.

'One of these days, babies will born from different dimensions and reunite on the cave of truth. They will show the world that tales aren't tales, they exist and those creatures exist. The world will fall because of those other creature who wants the world in their hands, they want to rule the whole world, but some magical creature will born to defend the world. They are coming.' The gaze of the 200 years old lady was lift on the girl whose sitting on the stone.

The eyes of those who witnessed the foretold of the lady looked at the girl. She's looking on the night sky and her hands was trying trace the round and bright moon.

'She's bearing the eldest son of the dark. She will bore a kraken who will live as human.' and she point to the another girl who's holding her hands as her tears flows continously. 'you will bore a son who will defend the sea and the living of the human race.'

'In another dimension foxes, goblins, nymphs and another creatures are starting to make their way to descend and disguise as human.

They will make their way to feed their greed and use those greedy humans.

'Greed is one of human behaviour who's willing to do anything just to satisfy their greed. Human are greedy creatures.

'Look how i will make human race dance on my palms. Look how im going to destroy them. They were really enjoying their power over to those powerless. They are more likely your descendants than me, father. '

'You are not from my descendants'

The sea breeze, waves, sunrise and the melodious sounds of birds is really relaxing in the morning. He opened his tantalizing eyes and his lips curved a smile. He stretch his arms and sat up on the bed. He breath the morning air, the smell of the sea filled his nostrils, which makes him smile even more. He just woke up and he decided to serve himself a beans coffee.

'Gucci, Gucci' a white female adorable pomeranian dog appeared and licked his  feet while waggling her tail. She looks so happy as she saw her owner. She doesn't know how to express how happy she is. She's just showing it as she wags her tails in the most adorable way.

"Let's go for a walk in a bit, okay?" She keeps on waggling her tail and make a cute sound. She's really adorable.

He opened the windows and let the morning air filled his abode. The cold air mix with the sea scent filled his house.

"Now, it's time for the coffee," he poured the coffee on his favorite mug and bring it outside. He sat on his swing while sipping his coffee. The sound of the waves and chirp of the birds is the only sound that he can hear. After sipping his coffee, he decided to head inside his small and yet, organized room to unpack his things.

During weekends or during his finals. His house smelled roasted beans, since it was just the day he visited his abode, on one of the island of the famous folktales.

Until lately when his so stressed out. He decided to stay here in a month.

He bought this house from one of the former resident here.

He sell it to him immediately when he find about  his father, but refuse to give him any statement which is odd though.

It was his last saving from his late father, who works really hard to give him savings before he die.

"Gucci, come here." He called his pet. He doesn't have anyone on his side, it's just gucci.

It was the last present of his father, on his birthday. A tear suddenly escaped from his eyes, but he quickly wipe it and sigh.

"You know what, gucci? I was beyond grateful, that I was a full time scholar from one of the prestigious school in our country." He look at gucci who is just looking at him, while laying on the floor and waggling his tails.

"I worked as a part time coach for children, who wants to have swimming lesson, they paid me enough for foods and transportation." He stretch and smile. He really looks so grateful, as he describe it to his pet.

"I have a free dormitory, I have a rest house. What would I ask, as an orphan, right?" He patted his pet head. Gucci is his listener, whatever he wishes to say. He loves gucci so much.

As soon, as he finished unpacking  his  things, he got up. He carried gucci and  they went outside.

They went on the seashore and sat on the sand. The sand on the beach was so white and smooth. He looked on the another side of the seashore, it was a rocky part.

It was prohibited to go there, there were a lot of signage everywhere. Red flags and strings were every corner of the rocks and the string was connected to, who knows where. It looks like a shaman place -- well not bad for the creepy sight.

The rocks looks so slippery and algae were everywhere. Kids might slip or adults possibly slip if they will go up there.

There are some parts of the rocks that so big and sharp. Who would be on this island. People are so scared of this place, even villagers who believe the tales.

There were a lot of tales about mermaids, merman and scary sea creatures that was spotted here by several fisherman who went fishing during night.

They said they used to live on that rocky sides of the shore. They believe in mermaids and all sea creatures. It was just a tales, and who believes in tales? We are already  living in this modern world, villagers here were not still informed on the modern world that they believed on this ridiculous tales. The existence of the creature from the depth of the sea.

Gucci ran toward the rocks and barked. She keep on barking and it seems that something is behind the rock.

He ran toward gucci to checked, but to his surprise it was a human who's sitting on the shore. A naked girl sitting helplessly looking at him.

He reached his hand to the lady.  The lady declined and stood up by herself confidently and not bothered by the thought, that she is damn naked.

He closed his eyes tightly, he remove his shirt and hand it to her. Screw this girl, he mumbled.

"Im done. You can now open your eyes." Her voice is deep. She's looking at him. She's looking at him flatly.

He seems having hard time reading her facial expression.

He open his eyes and help the lady on her way out. He acted like a gentleman as always, but he is.

"Miss. Are you okay? What happen to you? Why are you naked? Are you a raped victim or someone is chasing and trying to kill you right now? What? Are you with someone?" He asked the lady unstoppable. He looks worried and at the same time bothered by the thought that someone is chasing the girl.

"No. I'm thirsty could you please give me something to quench my thirst?" She looked at him in the eyes. She got the guts to look at him, even he found her naked.

Does being naked is not embarrassing? Gosh! People nowadays are beyond horrible.

She didn't even answered his question properly and she is now asking for something that can quench her thirst. Excellent!

He scanned her body, but she doesn't have any scratch and she seems so fine. How is that possible?

"Why are you keep on looking at my body?" She asked innocently. 

He was embarrassed by her question, but confused by her facial expression.

Seriously, she doesn't know? "You're head is perfectly fine along with your body." Those words suddenly comes out on his mind and his very obedient mouth spit it out, obediently. Amazing!

She just raise her brows to me and giving me a 'what' look.

I was confused by her action and facial expression.

She seems so clueless on her state. I found her naked, but she acts un-bothered. Does she have mental disorder?

"It's not yet time, your highness. Could you please give me something to drink?" She slightly bowed her head to me.

I looked around, no ones is around either, is she talking to me? Did she just call me 'your highness'.

'Your highness, out of the blue, huh.'

I was about to burst when her gaze darted on me. I just pinch myself for me not to laugh.

Her eyes screams innocence. Is she lost? Even it's confusing,  I lead her the way to my house and gucci is  keep on waggling her tail, while sniffing the girl.

Maybe, I was just guilty.

She looks so happy. I offered her a seat and went to my small kitchen to get water. As i head back, the idea of she's wet suddenly pop up on my mind. I head on the cabinet of my bathroom to get her a towel. She's looking around un-puzzled.

I handed her the water and the towel. She stare the water and murmured something that I cannot hear.

She stood up and bowed at me again and drank the water in three gulps. I was shocked by her gestures. She put down the glass. She's weird.

"Do you still want water?" I asked her. I just thought maybe she's so thirsty.

No one will drink a water that way, she act like she came from a dessert and stuck there for a long time. "No. Thank you for your kindness." She slightly bow again. "Okay." I said to end the awkwardness.

"That is the way to my bathroom. You can wash up." I point my bathroom so she can wash up and head to my room to find some clothes for her.

I just took my pajama and T-shirt. I'm pretty sure it's too big for her, but I don't have anything.

"Miss. I will just leave your clothes on the door. Take this and wear if you are done." I raised my voice, a little bit, so she could hear me from outside.

No one answered and I left the door on that way. Clothes on the side of the door.

"Where is it?" A deep female voice spoke behind my back.

"The what?" I asked her. I turned around saw her naked, and the towel is tied round on her head.

Holy moly! I quickly turned around again, My body suddenly, heat up.

I'm sure that my face is already red like a ripe tomato due to excessive blushing.

"What the fudge, lady. Cover yourself. It's just on the bathroom door." I sounded like a man, but my knees are already jelly and my body is keep on heating. It's like I was suddenly toasted.

It was a Red alert for a man like me. Somewhere on my body ache. Shit!

"Oh that! Thank you." I can hear a faint foot step walking  away from me.

"Gracious Goodness! My virgin eyes was already di-virginized by that lady." I whisper.

The wind blew and the curtain sway. Whoa! It feels nice. It's really relaxing.  A faint smell of a fishy sea creatures filled my nostrils. What is it? I don't have fish in my house.I heard a loud thud from outside!