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Mr Billionaire's Unwanted Wife

Mr Billionaire's Unwanted Wife

Auteur: Maahisingh01

En cours


Mr Billionaire's Unwanted Wife PDF Free Download


Welcome to the beautiful love story of Adrian Campbell and Emberly Swan He was supposed to marry someone else, but Destiny already written their names together in this relam she is unaware of consequences of her actions in order to save her loved one He don't love her , He hates her , he wants to take revenge from her but she is innocent, will her Innocence be able to melt his stone cold heart Will they ever fall in love as it is only business deal for him and compromise for her Is this is unfortunate tragedy or something that Destiny already written in their fate.

Chapter 1

"Miss, we will be there just in ten minutes," Bus driver informed me looking in my direction

I did my body posture straight and nodded while my head is still rested with the window of Bus, after my flight landed here in New York from Los Angeles, an hour ago, with luck mistakenly by my side, I found the bus in lane road outside of the airport

I am Emberly Swan, I am 19 years old, and I recently came here to New York an hour ago, from Los Angeles; I don't have any other option rather than coming here, so far, far away from them, who will always haunt my soul but, I really miss Los Angeles, the place where I was born, grown-up, so much, but I can't go back there not now, not in future too because some very dark memories are present there of mine, which makes me shiver

Honestly said, I can't live without my spicy food and my favorite Indian street food is the only thing I am yearning for since I come here to New York

I don't know anything about my parents, I was grown up in my aunt's home back there in Los Angeles, and trust me, it's the most horrible thing in my whole life

She behaves with me like I am not human like I am a doormat

Beside her, her daughter Delilah almost killed me that day, by beating the shit out of me

I looked at my hand and my stomach, scars are faded away from om past but still fresh in my soul

Besides them, my uncle is the most disgusting man I ever encountered in my life, he always insulted me and also almost ......./ I closed my eyes so tightly and shook my head

I want to avoid thinking about them, not now not never even in the future again

I opened my eyes and looked at the large apartment building where I will live from now on!

Away from them, away from that hell house

These memories are let better to be buried inside my heart so deep

I come out from cab with a small bag, which has only a few cast-offs, and my baggy clothes beside this my phone with Bluetooth headphones, given by my cousin brother Asher, he is the son of my aunt but is unique from them, unlike his family he always protects me from them, even give me food hiding from my aunt, as my aunt keep me hungry for days as my punishment

Since childhood he is the only one, I have had to call someone for me, he is the best brother in this world, even he is the one who makes arrangements for me to come here from Los Angeles away from them because they almost......

I closed my eyes and count, one, two, three four

Try to calm me, I just can't lose myself again

What will I do, if Asher was not there for me back there in Los Angeles, thanks to his friend he arranged money and a ticket of flight for me so that I can be safe here away from those cruel people?

My phone buzzed, and I quickly picked up the call

"Did you arrive there is," I heard my brother Asher's concerned voice

"Yes, don't worry, I will be fine here," I convinced him

"How can I, when my sister is there in an unknown place, with Strangers," he uttered, I can feel pain in his voice?

I know very well, he hates me leaving here alone, without any support, but we don't have any other option, with so much difficulty, I come here now, I just can't give up

"How many times, I have to convince you, bro, I am, and I will be perfectly fine here, I said to him

"Look I will transfer more money to your account in the upcoming two days, I almost arranged money suitable for you to rent an apartment there e, just two more days' sis, you will be fine," he said with a voice filled with hope

I smiled, god never did injustice with us if he gives me such a cruel aunt and uncle them he also gives me a loving caring brother, who will always protect me

"Don't worry Asher, I will manage you don't need to do this, you already did so much for me," I spoke feeling so embarrassed that he have to struggle because of my problems

"Shut up, sis, don't even talk like this again, I won't tolerate, you are my little sister, my responsibility, most importantly my lovely little sister, how can I not care for you, it is my right after all," he said seriously making me chuckled, honestly after leaving Los Angeles, that place where I spend my entire childhood with some sweet memories with my brother, a nostalgic feeling for me?

Tears gathered in my eyes, thinking about the beautiful moments we spend together, our precious brother-sister bond

I quickly put the phone call in mute, I closed my eyes and sighed breathing heavily, I can't cry here, otherwise, he will also feel so bad if he will hear my weeping voice

I turned the phone into normal again "Bro, I will call you later, I think a motel is here already, and now listen doesn't worry about me, I will be fine," I convinced him and hang up the call

I come out from the bus and looked up at a building in front of me, it's a motel, in Central road, of New York

I slowly made my way towards it, I found somebody, reading newspaper sitting in counter of the motel

He must be a receptionist because I found a tag of it on his table

I go towards him, I cleared my throat to catch his attention

Finally, he looked up at me

"I need room to stay for a week," I asked him, silently my heart is pleading with God, to be with me in this difficult time of my life

He looked up at me and nodded,

"May I have your ID card, miss," he asked me and I nodded while taking out my ID card from my backpack

After, fulfilling all the formalities, finally, he gives me the key to a room with thee n motel here, thank god rooms here in this motel are cheap and affordable

I opened the gate the of room, thankfully it's a clean and sophisticated room

Not only this, but it also has a desktop beside the bed

I quickly put my stuff, in name only because it is only a small bag with plenty of clothes only and my backpack

I quickly switch-on the desktop and opened goggles to find jobs suitable for me to live here

Finally, after sitting in front of the desktop, for two hours, I find waitress job as a waitress is needed in a cafe, it was twenty minutes as the walk from here

I mentally high-five myself this is the right time and ga good opportunity to do something for myself, but my eyes become drowsy due to sleep my tired body with the mind.

I decided to take a nap hoping my new life to be better than my past.