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Miss Divorcee's Billionaire Revenge

Miss Divorcee's Billionaire Revenge

Auteur: LunaticPessimist



Miss Divorcee's Billionaire Revenge PDF Free Download


Humiliated. Exploited. Betrayed. This was the harsh reality Camilla faced at the hands of her husband for five years. However, she put an end to the suffering after a miscarriage caused by her cruel mother-in-law. Saved by a stranger from a suicide attempt, she is now ready to embrace her destiny as a Billionaire Heiress and seek revenge against those who have wronged her. What if a man arrives promising true love to her? Will Camilla's thirst for vengeance and her hardened heart prevail?

Chapter 1

Migumi’s POV

Filled with excitement, I quickly exited the taxi upon seeing my husband, the CEO of a large technology company in the country, stepping out of the car. I instinctively lowered my head when he glanced in my direction. As I peeked again, I saw him starting to walk towards the company building.

"Thank you, sir!" I said with a smile to the taxi driver, handing him a hundred dollars. " Keep the change, and take care on your way."

The man was pleased with the generous tip I gave him. I was worried that he might think I'm a stalker for asking him to follow the white car in front of us, but he didn't judge me and just did what I asked without questions.

I was a little nervous that my husband might notice the yellow taxi following him from behind. The last thing I wanted was to spoil my surprise for him.

If my mother-in-law hadn't mentioned that her friends were coming over and she would be busy, I wouldn't have had the chance to sneak out of the house. Lester told her not to let me leave because it wasn't good for me, especially since my pregnancy was sensitive.

So, I always ended up being left with my mother-in-law in the house, who also kept giving me orders of household chores, so it felt like the same thing, and I was always tired. Sometimes I couldn't understand why she liked to order me around when we had plenty of helpers.

But who else would she rely on for those things if not me, her daughter-in-law, right?

I stopped in front of the intimidating Nexus Innovations building. Its towering height almost reached the sky. Until now, I still don't know how many floors my husband's company had. This was Lester's inherited company, which was also the reason why he was always busy.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I was startled when the cars entering the parking lot honked at me.

"S—Sorry!" I apologized shyly and stepped aside to let the car pass. I avoided eye contact as the man inside stared at me. He then swiftly drove into the parking lot.

He works for my husband. I'm good at memorizing faces, so I can't be mistaken. Maybe he didn't recognize me because of the tacky dress I am wearing but I remember meeting him already when Lester asked him to escort me outside one time. The look of disgust on his face, I can never forget it.

I don't look like this all the time. Boring and ugly. I just had to rush out of the mansion earlier, fearing that my mother-in-law would catch me. That's why I only brought my wallet and didn't have a chance to change clothes.

It doesn't really matter as long as the baby inside of me is comfortable and safe.

Who says only husbands can surprise their wives, right? Besides, he's been busy providing for us, so it's just normal that he forgets events like this one.

"Good morning!" I greeted, smiling at my husband's secretary who isn't paying attention to me. "Is Lester already in the office?" I continued, still smiling, to the busy woman typing on her laptop. She looked up at me, her face showing surprise and confusion.

"M—Mrs. Agravante?!" she exclaimed.

Puzzled, I looked at her stunned face, as if she had seen a ghost. I understand that it has been a long time since I last visited my husband at work. Didn't she recognize me? Or is it because I look so plump now that I am eating for two people?

"Yes, it's me, Bea. Haha! Is Lester in the office? I wanted to surprise him," I said cheerfully, lifting the gifts and balloons I was carrying. The secretary glanced at my husband's closed office. Her face is a mixture of fear and worry. I couldn't help but wonder about her behavior. The way she's acting seems like she doesn't want me to be here.

My smile slowly faded as doubts began to form in my mind. I set aside the negativity, thinking that he must be slump in his desk again. He needs to give himself a break.

"I followed him earlier, so I'm sure he's already inside. I'll just go in. . ." I said without hesitation and went straight to the door to enter inside. The look on her face looked like she wanted to stop me but it was too late. " Happy fifth anniversary, hon—" I paused, my smile wiping off instantly at the unexpected scene inside his office.

My husband is sitting on the couch, and a familiar woman, completely naked, is straddling his lap while pushing his chest against his face like he wanted to feed him.

The balloons slipped from my grasp, soaring towards the ceiling, catching the attention of the two individuals in the room. Lester's eyes widened as he pushed the woman aside in surprise. Seeing me, the woman hastily gathered her scattered clothes from the floor.

"C—Cindy. . ." I whispered in disbelief.

The woman who dared to be with my husband was none other than my own best friend. " Let me explain," Lester said.

He was about to approach me when I stormed past him, marching towards the direction of my traitorous friend.

"You bitch! I treated you like a sister, and this is how you repay me?!" I yelled in anger as I pulled her hair. Tears streamed down my eyes uncontrollably as I trembled with rage. My mind couldn't accept that not only my husband but also my friend had betrayed me. How could they do this to me?!

Cindy tried to wrestle her hair from my grasp, but I held on tightly. All I could feel was anger. The room seemed to darken, and all I wanted to do was release the rage I'm feeling. I want to tear her apart!

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Lester intervened, forcibly separating me from his disheveled mistress. She was crying, and her hair was a mess, but I couldn't care less.

So, this is why she always initiates to help me whenever I need help on something with my husband. SHE'S BEEN FUCKING HIM ALL ALONG!!!

Lester pushed me away from both of them. I held onto the hair I had pulled from her scalp, feeling as if it wasn't enough payment for their betrayal.

He hugged Cindy with concern, as if protecting her from me. But weren't they the ones at fault? Why did it seem like I was the bad one?

"You beasts. . ." I muttered into the air.

I began to feel tightness in my chest. It felt like my heart was being squeezed so hard that I couldn't breathe. I can't believe they could do this to me. Lester has been cold to me for so long, but I never thought it would come to this. I never thought he would betray me, especially on our anniversary.

"I—I'm so sorry, Camilla. I didn't mean for this to happen. . ." Cindy sobbed apologetically, which only fueled my anger.

I was about to confront her again when Lester forcefully pushed me away. My stomach nearly hit the edge of his desk, but I managed to protect it with my hands.

"I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH!" he thundered, his voice shaking the walls of the office. "Stop hurting the person I truly love."

Tears welled up as I met the gaze of my husband, his eyes filled with anger. " Enduring five years with someone like you. Do you truly believe I married you out of love?" he sneered, his words piercing my heart. It dawned on me that perhaps I was really the sole bearer of love in our five-year marriage.

"I only married you because my father FORCED me to marry you. He threatened to strip me of my inheritance if I didn't comply with his wishes. But now that he is dead and I have completely taken over the company, I no longer need to endure a boring and ugly wife like you!"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at my husband, who was glaring at me with anger. My heart feels like it is breaking into a million pieces. I can't believe I am hearing these hurtful words from him.

His words were enough to break me, but the next he said killed me. "I want a divorce."

My eyes widened in shock at his words.

N—No. . .

No, he can't leave me. He can't leave me, especially now that we're about to have a baby!

My knees gave in, and I fell to the floor. I kneeled in front of Lester, hugging his legs as I repeatedly shook my head.

" P—Please. . . Let's not do this, honey. Let's not end up like this. Let's fix this. I'll forget this day. Just don't leave me. . ." I begged desperately. He emotionlessly removed his legs from my embrace. I was left kneeling on the floor, continuing to plead.

They had betrayed me, but here I am, kneeling in front of them, begging.

B—But it's okay! I don't care even if it makes me look so desperate. What's important is to stop my husband from leaving me. I'm going to die without him. I have learned to live my life beside him!

" Lester, please, let's not do this. I'll do anything, okay? If you want both Cindy and me in your life, then so be it! Just don't leave me. . ."

I don’t even know what nonsense was coming out of my mouth already. My mind feels blank, and all I could think about is how I can stop him from divorcing me. It felt like all my anger quickly flew away and was replaced by a heart clenching pain. I can't imagine a life without him. I just can't. . .

He looked at me coldly.

I tried to find the man I loved in his eyes, but I couldn't find the Lester I married. I was left kneeling on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably as he blatantly neglects my poor state.

Next thing I knew, hands grabbed both of my arms. It wasn't until later that I realized he had called the guards to take me out of his office.

I looked at him with fear in my eyes. “ L—Lester … ” I mumbled his name. But he just looked away.

"Take her out of here. . ." he ordered.