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Grand Alpha: Divided Moon

Grand Alpha: Divided Moon

Auteur: Okiami

En cours


Grand Alpha: Divided Moon PDF Free Download


"Does any other werewolf dare to defy me?" He asked, his voice creaking. "I shall rip off his head and hang it on the branch of a tree for all to see!" The Alpha turned and snarled at a nearby pack of werewolves. A few ran, while the rest merely watched the slaughter. "Your doom is upon you, Alpha Vlish!" A sharp voice came from behind, washing upon him. The pack broke apart and scattered, heading in different directions to flee the danger of what awaited them. "M-mother goddess?" Vlish called, freightened with dread and trembling, stumbling back to the dead wolf at his feet. His claws were out, his fangs dripping, ready to rip off skin from his prey, if any. The smell of fresh blood teased his nostrils. He was ready as always. "You know the laws of the land, Alpha Vlish, but you chose to go astray from the path of your pack, and now you and your people will be wiped out." A beautiful voice, yet icy and deadly.

Chapter 1

A piercing roar escaped through the darkness, growing and fading with the deep song of the wind in the trees. It pounded the stones with such force they seemed to split apart. Several seconds later, it would grow to a harsh hissing and die. The twinkling moon set behind a cloud allowed for only a dim and distant view of the watery hell in the sky, lit only by the moon. The woods at this hour were quiet, save for the snapping of a branch and the chirping of a few birds. The barking and growling of the wolves in the depths of the forest was also a constant disturbance.

"We need to leave, Grand Alpha. They might come for us at any moment. Please, Grand Alpha, let's just go while there is still time." He mindlinked with the wolf who took the lead, a rather large black wolf with a heavy set of features.

His fur was black with patches of white mixed in.

In turn, the wolf linked back. "I need to get it right now!" The Alpha linked as the moon swept across the surface of the dark ground.

Their night vision was somehow blocked while mindlinked. How is this possible? The wolves pondered for a time.

"Please listen to your Beta for once, Grand Alpha Vlish. This is serious. Mother goddess will..."

"Stop this, Dan! You know how disobedience stains my fur!" Alpha Vlish growled in warning as his claws began to lengthen and thicken into sharpened blades.

His Beta shifted into his wolf form, but not quickly enough. He knew there was no sense in arguing with the powerful Alpha, but his wolf acted like he didn't care. Alpha Vlish turned and stared down at the black wolf with a rage so deep and long that it made the beta's fur prickle. The Alpha's night vision was better, and he easily detected the wolf form in Dan's.

"You dare shift before me, Beta? By all the gods, what am I going to do with you, Beta Dan?" The Alpha growled and approached him with his mind deep inside Dan's brain.

Dan's heart raced as his wolf charged the Alpha. Before he could get a reaction, the Alpha was upon him and shredded his throat open, severing his head from his body and spitting blood across the forest floor. A hiss of madness filled the air, blood dripping from his mouth.

"Does any other werewolf dare to defy me?" He asked, his voice creaking. "I shall rip off his head and hang it on the branch of a tree for all to see!" The Alpha turned and snarled at a nearby pack of werewolves. A few ran, while the rest merely watched the slaughter.

"Your doom is upon you, Alpha Vlish!" A sharp voice came from behind, washing upon him.

The pack broke apart and scattered, heading in different directions to flee the danger of what awaited them.

"M-mother goddess?" Vlish called, freightened with dread and trembling, stumbling back to the dead wolf at his feet. His claws were out, his fangs dripping, ready to rip off skin from his prey, if any. The smell of fresh blood teased his nostrils. He was ready as always.

"You know the laws of the land, Alpha Vlish, but you chose to go astray from the path of your pack, and now you and your people will be wiped out." A beautiful voice, yet icy and deadly.

The golden brown colour of her hair gleamed in the dying light of the moon. With her snow white skin, and blood red lips, she was beautiful beyond belief. He hadn't seen her since his days as a pup. His heart raced as he stared into those piercing green eyes like emeralds in the sky. A sudden dark cloud descended and sliced down from above, carrying on its trail lightning, thunder, and rain. Vlish roared, like a trapped animal, his claws parting the fog that filled the air. As the storm started, it grew larger and darker. The lightning jumped with blinding speed.

"Mother goddess, please have mercy! I needed to…" Vlish screamed, straining to open his eyes as the lightning exploded.


"M--mother goddess... Please, have mercy."

He cried out in agony as his wolf sensed the inevitability of his fate. He began to change fully into his human form, into a figure with white skin and enormous muscles, as the rain poured down upon him and the lightning blinded him. He growled ferociously and tore into the storm

"There is none available for you. You shall be thrown into the human world. Your curse is listed, but the first to your survival journey is to lead the new Alpha to his throne. You shall remain this way forever if you don't. Not just as a human, but s human stripped from happiness."

The mother goddess had summoned her storm and dealt with the wolf to keep him imprisoned. Her light spilled down and shattered the dark rain against the ground, and it shimmered into diamonds. Then the rain suddenly darkened, like water soaked into clay. Her body floated toward him, yellow eyes blazing. He stood, lifting his hand to block the direct strike, waiting for a thunderclap that never came.

"The last thing you'll do is to father children for yourself. That is a curse that cannot be forgotten." Thunder followed her, thunder so heavy and big, it shook the ground. "Find the next Grand Alpha or remain cast out, and vulnerable to all the shadows that now lie behind you!"

The mother goddess floated away, floated up to the clouds and vanished into the depths of another world through the heavy spray of rain. Vlish froze. His heart raced. He realised, too, that this was all too complicated. He felt like a kid in front of the class. He just could not believe his ears. Then a crackling storm struck with the force of an earthquake and he was thrown off his feet, slamming into a foreign location. His head snapped back and forth as he stumbled to find his feet.