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Auteur: ScarletThunder


Steamy Stories

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"It was just an ordinary night for me. And by ordinary I am referring to my annoying slut of a stepsister throwing another one of her parties. I just wanted to downstairs for a glass of water, when HE looked at me. All those hot girls dancing around in the house, some even throwing themselves at him, yet his eyes remained on me. I couldn't understand the situation myself, but it's then and there when I realised that my life was about to change." ~Nicholas Cooper Hey there guys, this is my first try at an original erotica based Novel. Nicholas Cooper had just moved in alongside his mother, to live with her newly wedded husband. Aside from his stepsister being someone he does not get very well along with, there just happens to be this certain friend of her whom he always had an eye for. None other than the hot Dominic Jones, Eastgate's fratboy god...

Chapter 1

It's another dreadful day for me, and by dreadful I'm talking about my Mom and her husband Hugo going on another honeymoon.

I have no problem with them leaving, they can go to hell for all I care, but now I'm stuck with that annoying slut of a stepsister of mine, Desna.

Desna and I have known each other for a few years now, since my mom and her dad started dating. She's always been so bitchy and annoying. Rude for no fucking reason at all and such a huge snob, she can't go a day without living her classy lifestyle with her expensive makeup and her designer dresses. She always found a reason to look down on me and piss me off.

Mom believes it's because of the age gap that we don't get along, but her being three years ahead of me really is absolutely no excuse for to be a bitch!

As usual I woke up early and headed to the kitchen where I make myself a bowl of cereal. None of the house servants are present since Hugo have them the weekend off, so we are pretty much left alone here to see after this place all by ourselves. I don't have a problem with that, I doubt I plan on being in this house much sooner anyway and with that I send Layla a text asking her if she'd like to hang out sometime later.

It's then when I hear footsteps and walking down the steps, is a face all too familiar. The kind of face which got blood instantly rushing to my cheeks. My knees almost turning into jelly while my heart felt like it was given a new jumpstart.

What the hell is Dominic Jones doing in my house?

I try and keep my composure, just sitting there by the breakfast bar while he looks at me dressed in a blue sweatshirt with a grey shorts. His eyes still look sleepy yet none of that can actually make him look handsome than he already is and I am practically still sitting here with my spoon, stuffed in my mouth.

“Morning.” He says, smiling at me as he walks into the kitchen then heads over to the fridge, opening as if he also lives here at this place. He's just busy making himself home, also making a bowl of cereal. “Shouldn't you he at school?”

I quickly stare down at my bowl, slowly removing the spoon from my mouth. I'm finding it hard to have any words to say to him. Out of all the friends Desna has, this is the one who actually makes me feel so insecure and pathetic.

Yea it's kind of exaggerrative to think that, but I actually have a small crush on it. Not a big deal in my opinion, he's just so goodlooking. He's built like some Greek god and there's just something about his hunky persona, which gets to me and it gets to every other girl I bet even Desna. And just whenever he talks to me like now, I usually end up swallowing my own tongue or I do super embarrassing stuff and for that reason I am not moving from my seat. I'm staying right where I am.

Besides if he's just a friend of hers, why is he here? At this time of the morning?

It's then when I finally put all the pieces together and it all just makes sense. They've been sleeping together.

“Uhg…Dommie!” The bitch yells from upstairs, coming downstairs already dressed up in one of her expensive skimpy outfits.

Her eyes land on me and all I receive is a glare and eye roll from her, before she approaches Dominic, “I'll be heading out now. I still need to fix my laptop so I can finally like send out all these invitations. Will you be able to handle the ford here?” she asks him, one hand adjusting the bouncy red curls on her head. I'm pretty sure she spent three hours doing all that hair and why is she also awake this time?

“Why do I have to do it?” Dominic asks, the disinterest evident in his voice and for some reason I just find that cool. He's just sometimes so smooth and badass, I find it extremely hot. But now that I found out he's been sleeping with her last night, I don't know how to process that.

It's disturbing to know, infact I think I'm jealous.

“Because there's just like not enough time for me to get my laptop fixed, get my hair done, get a manicure with the girls and also arrange a party!” She answers him walking to the oven door and glossing some lipstick over her lips while using the oven as some type of mirror.

Did she just say party?

I drop my spoon in my bowl and stand up, spinning around to look at her. “Party? What party?” I ask, keeping my town snappy as usual when I talk to her. She doesn't deserve my politeness.

As expected, Desna ignores me by not answering my question and remaining quiet for a few more minutes before she walks pass Dominic, patting him on his shoulder. “Okay I gotta go! See you later!”

“Yea sure.” Dominic replies.

Now I'm just left standing there like an idiot and I simply have no words to say. No words about what just happened.

Her dad made it clear that there's going to be no parties under his roof. As usual, like a disobedient child Desna is, she decided to do it in anyway and nobody cares how I feel about this matter or the fact that I have a Chem test I need to study for.

I actually just lost my appetite.

I grab my phone once I hear the front door go shut, a sign that she just left, and then I text Layla again.

Me: Hey it's me again. Annoying bitch is throwing another fucking party and I just don't want to be at this house! Save me!!!

I add a bunch of other emojis before tapping Send.

“Desna talks a lot about you.” Comes a voice behind me, making me jump and quickly turn around to see it's Dominic. Shit I almost forgot he's here too.

I take a step back because he's standing rather close and then I clear my throat, “D-do I wanna know what she's talking about me?”

“I guess no.” He replies before scooping some cereal into his spoon and stuffing a rather large bite into his mouth. Just watches his lips move as he chews and his tongue lick the excess milk off, is rather mesmerising. “But maybe you shouldn't be so hard on her…if you give it some time you'll grow to like her.”


He sees that I am slightly offended, because he's making it seem like he's taking her side. Yet there's something else I see in the man's eyes. Something different, something warm and in a way it feels so calming and mesmerizing to look into those dark brown eyes of his.

Slowly his hand comes up. For a moment I stop breathing when he brushes the back of his hand over my cheek, a strange tingling sensation caused by that and once I finally do catch my breath he has my chin held in his hand.

“Cute.” Is the words that comes out of his mouth.

Not knowing what to say or do, I just kind of panic. Well not really in a bad way, there's just a lot of crazy shit going on in my mind right now and with him just suddenly calling me cute, and touching me in a rather very seductive way…first thing I can think of is to escape while I still can.

“ I gotta go!” I say, speaking louder than I intended to as I take a step back. “Gotta get ready for school!” I try my best to come up with an excuse. This one seems to work because I do need to go get ready for school—in an hour—I just need a moment alone and staying here with him won't give me that.

So before he can answer me, or stop me, I turn around and rush out of the kitchen to then run up the stairs. I nearly trip over when I reach the top but manage to save myself from that fall before I storm into my room and slam the door shut.

My heart beating so fast as I stand and just lean with my back against the door and then I take out my phone quickly texting Layla.

Me: Gurl, you won't believe what just happened!


The school bus soon drops me off at the usual spot. As soon as I get off I need to jump over a puddle, in order to get to the paving and once I do that I look around, to try and spot my bestie.

And that's when I finally see her get off her bike and wave over at me. Dressed in her usual school uniform, button down shirt and some grey slacks. Her long dark hair tied in a ponytail.

Walking to Layla, whom I definitely told what happened this morning, I notice a smug look on her face. Of course there's curiosity going along with it too and as soon as I reach her, she eagerly hooks an arm into mine.

“So…what the fuck happened. I want details!”

“Geez Layla!” I groan, “I already told you over the phone.”

“Yea and now I want to hear it all come out from your very own mouth! Tell me more! Did you two kiss!?”

“Shhh quiet down, don't want the whole Eastgate to hear you!” I say in a hushed whisper, looking around because I don't want anyone to listen in on this especially not the people of this Academy.

Layla and I walk together up the steps to the entrance to the school building. We've made a habit out of walking like this together, having our usual shittalk and none of those jocks bully me anymore. Not since Layla punched that Kessler asshole in the face.

Layla and I have been friends for a long time and it's safe to say, we just met on Facebook. Crazy right? But I guess that's just how people make new friends these days.

When I moved to this town few months ago, my life just felt so full of shit. I didn't think I would fit in because I didn't have any friends here, I never had any friends in the first town I lived, but still atleast I could cope on my own knowing that I'm not a complete stranger to the people surrounding me.

And then I just found out that my Facebook buddy coincidentally lives here too. We didn't expect to have the great chemistry we do have now. People always think that it's impossible to form any kind of connections on social media, but they're actually wrong.

Layla was infact the only person who understood me. It was easier to talk to her about things that bother me, and we have a lot in common. When I got in this school, she already got my back the first day when those pricks tried to bully me. She might be a girl but she can be pretty tough. And now we are best friends.

Once we reach her and my locker, I've already told her about this morning. Of course she gave an eye roll whenever Desna's name is mentioned, but she also doesn't stop grinning each time I say Dominic's name. I get it, I had a crush on him for a long time but I still don't know what happened this morning or what it meant.

“So let me get this straight. Dominic slept with Layla and then the next day he comes to you, he holds your chin in a very romantic and sweet way and he tells you you're cute?” Layla says putting it all up in a summary and i have to nudge her arm so she would stop saying that out loud.

“Well yes…sort of.” I tell her and then open my locker taking out my math and chemistry books, “I mean it doesn't look like they are in a relationship. When I see them together they're more like…”

“Me and you?” Layla finishes the sentence for me and quickly adds, “ Without the sex of course.”

“I guess so. Yea.” I say, frowning again as I close the locker. I really don't like the idea of him sleeping with her. I can't help but feel a bit suspicious, like why he'd give me mixed signals after sleeping with her. Does he really think I'm that naive?

“Here's what I think…” Layla says pausing while busy taking her books out aswell before closing the locker. We then walk together to the steps. Our first class is at the second floor. “I don't think those two are sleeping together.”

“Why?” I ask her, wondering why she thinks that.

“Because he isn't her type…” Layla trails off.

As soon as we reach the stairs i frown at her. What does she mean, not her type? Desna has always been into hot fratboys with hard abs and huge cocks she jump whenever she wants to because she's so pretty. She really is pretty.

“How do you know her type?” I ask Layla.

Layla doesn't answer me and for a moment there's an awkward silence forming between us, one which came out of nowhere. But once we reach the second floor she comes to a halt then turns to look at me before placing a hand my shoulder the way she usually does when she encourages me into doing something. “Look. Just think about it. Dominic's not a player Nico and besides you have the hots for the guy and he clearly gave you some signals. You're very goodlooking and I think having a little fun won't do you any harm.”

“Fun?“ I say the word which sounds so foreign to me. I don't know, I think I can do fun. ”I mean yea?“

I might seem uncertain, hell I most definitely am. There's just so many holes in this situation that doesn't make any sense to me. I thought Dominic wasn't into guys, so maybe the guy is a closet.

I still don't know if I should trust him, or even trust myself. I'm afraid of screwing up and messing up. If Desna finds out I have a crush on her friend or whatever they are, she's going to use it against me and humiliate me infront of her friends all over again.

She always does it and that's why Layla doesn't like her. She's a homophobic bitch.

”Come on, let's go to class.“ Layla says and together we walk down the hallway on our way to class.

For the rest of the day i can hardly focus or keep my head straight. Because the memories of this morning and his voice are still busy swirling in my head.
