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Lovers reunited

Lovers reunited

Auteur: HayleyGallagher

En cours


Lovers reunited PDF Free Download


A story of two exes finding their way back to eachother after five years. The love story start with them meeting again at a school reunion and falling in love once again. With twists and turns amazing sex and even an evil mother in law and an unexpected pregnancy. They fought fpr their love.

Chapter 1

  It was early morning the sun was rising over the peach tree in Aliya's garden. Aliya was already awake sitting on her porch swing sipping on a nice hot latte. It was the one day she had been dreading for years, the day of her school reunion. The only part she had really dreamt about was seeing her friends again,seeing how much they've changed. The issue was she knew she'd have to face Catrina, her nemesis. They were best friends back in high school but on graduation Aliya walked in on Catrina and her boyfriend. You can guess what was happening.

  But anyway Aliya knew that now being twenty one years of age she should just let it slip, leave the past in the past. So that's what she did putting on her best dress, a big smile and walked one point five miles to the one place she never thought she'd be again, her high-school… But what Aliya didn't realise was what was going to happen after she walked through the doors…

  Well that was it she walked through the doors with her head held high. Thinking to herself “I can do this.” Saying hi to all her old friends and teachers, and then she saw him. Matelio, laughing with his mates at a far table closer to the stage than what she was. At first it didn't bother her, she just walked over to Catrina to make amends. “Hi” she said bluntly Catrina looked at her and laughed in her face. Aliya ignored that and stated “i don't like you and you don't like me but let's put the past behind us and grow up” with that aliya turned away and headed for the doors.

  But as Aliya walked she heard Catrina's voice shout “you think i'm still a kid, you're the one who came here to talk to me, see me.”Aliya turned around to see her standing there hands on her hips with her new bestie Sasha by her side. “I came here to make amends” Aliya stated with a deadly look in her eye.

  That's when Catrina grabbed Aliyas hair pulling Aliya toward her chest, then grabbing her neck pushing her into the table of food. Aliya’s face was then red in anger, thought of rage taking over her mind and with that she realised it wasn't worth it, she left. But as she headed for the door she heard another voice. “hey wait up” it was Matelio Aliya turned around and whispered “sorry i must leave” then she carried on walking while Matelio just watched after her.

  That night Aliya dressed in her fluffiest pyjamas and made a nice hot chocolate so she could relax. She put on her favourite television programme and layed in bed. She got up a few times to make more hot chocolate. After she watched a few episodes she got a notification on her phone, it was Matelio. “Let me take you for coffee at that cafe we used to go to,” it read. At first Aliya ignored it but as she went to close her eyes she remembered the memories they made, all the times they laughed and cried. So she typed “tomorrow? “

  Aliya had fallen asleep before she had gotten a reply but as she always did she woke up bright and early. She checked her phone to see if Matelio had replied and by surprise, she did. It read "perfect, i will meet you at the sweetheart cafe at exactly 12pm can't wait." Aliya smiled and went to her wardrobe to find the perfect outfit. She didn't want to look like a try hard but also didn't want to look sloppy.

  After two hours of trying on clothes, seeing what looks best and singing her heart out she was ready. Aliya put on her best boots and looked at the clock to see she had exactly fifteen minutes to get there just enough time. When Aliya arrived at the cafe she saw him standing there. Tight ripped jeans and leather jacket his hair swept back with a mouse. Holding in his hand the most amazing roses. “Aliya you look beautiful” he said with a smile on his face. Aliya smiled back and said “thank you”

  They stayed at the cafe for over two hours catching up laughing and obviously drinking tea and eating cake. It was probably the best few hours Aliya had had in years. She felt her heart glow as she heard the words “I've missed you” come out of Matelio’s mouth. She must have been crazy to feel love in this moment, but she did.

  The next morning Aliya woke up pretty late, later the usual. She put her phone on charge as she forgot the night before, and decided to go for a morning jog around the block. As Aliya jogged she said hello to all her neighbours smiling about the day before,the best day ever in a long time. Probably the last time she'd see Matelio she thought.

  Finally Aliya got to the cafe sweat dripping down her cheeks, she grabbed a napkin, wiped away the sweat and ordered the largest coffee ever. She sat by the window watching the pigeons fight over a few crumbs. It was the most beautiful day. As Aliya stood up ready to leave she saw Matelio again.

  “Wow you must have had a major workout this morning” Matelio laughed wiping away some of the sweat on Aliya's forehead. She giggled “only a jog but something like that.” they started walking back together hand in hand speaking about their date the day before.

  By the time they got back Aliya really needed a nice hot tea and a chat so she invited him inside. They sat down at the table and spoke. “So how's your mum?” Matelio asked. Aliya shrugged “haven't seen her in two years so no idea” Matelio held her shoulder slightly rubbing with his thumb. He gave her a soft look as if to tell her it's okay and then got up and walked to the kitchen. After five minutes he came back in with a mug of hot chocolate cream and marshmallows exactly how she had it as a kid. Aliya smiled at Matelio “thank you” she said. They carried on speaking about old memories and what they've been up to until they heard a knock on the door. Aliya looked confused as she got up and walked to the front door. She looked through the peephole to see Matelio’s mother standing there looking rather cross.

  Aliya opened the door to greet her but as she opend her mouth Stacy pushed her away and stormed in “Matelio what are you doing here” she screamed. Matelio got up shocked and looked at Aliya farley confused. “What do you mean mother?” He asked Stacy had nothing to say. She just grabbed his arm and pulled him out and to the car, no words spoken. Aliya looked confused but ignored what happened completely and shut the door before heading to bed.

  The next morning Aliya sat at the end of her bed pretty upset, not wanting to get up at all. Sitting there she looked down at her phone to see she had no messages or missed calls. “maybe he's asleep” she thought to herself as she dragged herself out of bed.

  Not so far from where Aliya lived Matelio and his mum were eating their breakfast, grilled cheese. Matelio stared at his mother and then asked “why can't i see her” Stacy looked over at him while sipping on her tea. She laughed and said “she's too good for you” with that she got up and went to take a shower. Matelio waited for ten minutes before grabbing his phone and walking out the door toward Aliya's. As he walked he text letting her know to meet him at the park down the alley.

  After half an hour they had met at the park Matelio rushed over to Aliya who was still fairly upset. “what's wrong he asked” Aliya wiped away the tear that was rolling down her cheek and looked up at him. “nothing” she said and she wrapped her arms around his waist. In that moment she hoped it would never end thinking to herself “is this what love feels like.”

  They spent the next few hours walking around the park talking about the day before “I'm sorry about my mum, she says you're too good for me” Matelio cried, a small tear running down his cheek. Aliya smiled and with her soft thumb wiped away the tear. “It's okay” she said in a soft voice slowly pulling him closer to her. Their noses touched ever so slightly, butterflies were felt in both their stomachs. Soon their lips pressed against eachother’s and Aliya felt happier then she had felt in her whole life.

  Both of them stayed together for a little while longer, sitting in the field by the park feeding each other biscuits and laughing about how so many years ago Matelio had fallen in the pond. “That was rather funny,” Matelio laughed while staring into Aliya's eyes. He laughed grabbing her hand “would you love me again” he asked “because I never stopped loving you.” Aliya smiled at him “I do love you” she said.

  With that they looked into eachothers eyes falling deeper in love. Matelio holding his warm, soft hand against Aliya's cheek. Ever so lightly rubbing his thumb down the side of her nose. It was that moment they both knew it was meant to be. Aliya laid her head down onto Matelio’s lap, his fingers in her hair. For hours they looked up at the stars not saying a single word. Soon enough they both fell asleep under the night sky moon light shining down at them. There was something of a romantic silence, them laying there under starlight in eachothers arms holding hands while they slept.

  The next morning they both woke up to the sun rising over them Aliya looked over at Matelio and giggled. “We fell asleep” she smiled Matelio smiled back while looking straight into her eyes. “Can I kiss you” he asked Aliya, nodding a leant into a kiss, but at that very moment they heard Stacy's voice “Matelio” she screamed…