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Loving the Secret Mafia Heir

Loving the Secret Mafia Heir

Auteur: MKZian



Loving the Secret Mafia Heir PDF Free Download


After moving to Italy, Mykaela pursues a modeling career with her friend Miles' help and a newfound sense of normalcy. All seems well and routine until unforeseen circumstances ruin the illusion and force her back to New York. Miles Falco, an artist enjoying the Italian countryside, must choose between the simple life he loves and being successor to a clan of influential businessmen contending for power in all of Europe. Can he escape his predetermined fate? A life of deceit, chaos, and deadly encounters with the mafia? Enzo is a businessman whose family has partnered with the Falcos to dominate the perilous world of organized crime in Europe. On the verge of death, he accidentally meets someone who changes his perspective on where his life is headed, and he's confronted with a moral dilemma that leaves him questioning his family's choices and his faith in humanity. Will the paths they choose to take grant the desires of their hearts? ◆

Chapter 1

Copyright © 2020 by MKZian


Scenes, characters, dialogues and events in this story are all invented.

This story contains mature themes, profanity, violence, and sexual content not intended for young readers.

Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this story or plagiarism of any kind is prohibited by the law.


Hi, dear readers! Thank you for giving this a read! This is a rewrite of my first mafia/romance/supernatural story now written in 1st person POV. Preview below.


[ KEL ]

It took me a while, but I finally figured it out. I let out a sigh, white mists coming out of my nose and mouth. My partly exposed skin just hated the dark and bitingly cold horror movie ambience at this hour.

"Miles?" I wrapped my arms around myself and peered around the dark grass-covered space.

To my utter confusion and horror, the paths diverged into more mazes. Darn. This thing didn't end! Moonlight was sparse in this side of the lot.  Would I even find my way out of here by tonight?

Shadowed hedges towered over me by at least four feet. How'd I even end up trapped in this creepy old maze at this hour of the night?

Actually I was just trying to find him.  Perhaps Miles and his older cousin were hanging out somewhere around here in this impressively maintained garden and backyard, which could be the size of an entire football field, if I wasn't overcalculating.

"Miles?" I called out louder. An old sweater covered half of my poor excuse of a nightgown while the wind tousled my hair.  It kept my cold hands pressed on my neck.

Drats! Where's a flashlight when you badly needed one? Of course I stupidly forgot my phone in the guest room.

Forcing my numbing feet to move was getting difficult with tense legs and a hyperactive imagination.  Now I was trapped in the most complicated, constricting, and suffocating pathway made of unnaturally tall hedges in the middle of the Falcos' intimidatingly huge backyard.

Why did I even think he'd be out here? And at this hour?  If only I knew which one of the hundred freakin' guest rooms Miles chose to sleep in for the weekend...

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

The night sky stayed black and unhelpful as my breathing grew shallow.  My attention flitted from one path to the next.  The leftmost one looked like another long 'L'.  The path on the right seemed to form a curve. I couldn't tell for sure;  the lack of lighting was messing with my concentration, only giving me more unnecessary goosebumps.

Two steps backward and my arms already touched another thick hedge.  Leaves and stems rustled against my body.  The nippy breeze, to my ears, sounded like it whistled. 

Dang it!  Why did it have to be this cold tonight? But I shouldn't panic, even though this place just gave me major creeps.  The next second, the hairs on my nape stood when something nearby made loud crackling noises, like that of dry stalks being stomped on.

"Please be Miles. Please be Miles..." I murmured to myself.

Footsteps crushing twigs and shrubbery were fast approaching. The scary thing about it? I couldn't tell if they were human or not. So I covered my mouth. At the moment, all I could do was shut my eyes and recite prayers under my breath...and pray I wasn't about to be savaged and eaten by wild wolves out here.

Cold and just about trembling in fear, I sat on the dry ground, succumbing to the darkness.  I protected my head with my arms and hands, and now my face touched my knees.  I should just keep my mouth shut and play dead.  Still and lifeless.

"Mykaela, why are you out here?"


. . . CHAPTER 1 . . .

. KEL .

[ Milan, Italy ]

Today wouldn't be any different.

This wouldn't be another one of those days. I had prepared for this, prepared my brain for instances like this.

My breaths had already turned shallow and quick. But I was in control; everything would be okay. I'd make it out of here easily—like everybody else—calm and in an orderly fashion.

I repeated the hopeful words in my head while my eyes focused on the wide mirror in front of me.  "You're fine. Keep it together. You're in public. You've done your job...had a good run. Time to go home."  I pushed stubborn strands of hair away from my cheeks, ignoring the anxiety welling up in my eyes.

My hand clasped the edge of the cold sink as I tried to stop the voices. They weren't exactly voices, though...more like, unwanted thoughts that threaten my sanity. My lips wrinkled into a frustrated frown as my paper-white reflection stared back at me.

The wipes my fingers crumpled dampened my skin with a coolness my dazed senses could barely register. I rubbed the foundation off my face and the swift, repetitive strokes started to chafe some color on my cheeks.

Two opening shows yesterday, one closing for this afternoon, and all went well. Typical work day—round-the-clock schedule, consecutive shows, nonstop changing and dressing up. My feet and back were killing me but at least I didn't trip or fall off the catwalk.

It had been my routine for three straight weeks now, including the work days I had to get up at 5AM to travel to the city for castings and fittings. I sighed. If I had other options, I'd quit in a heartbeat and find an easier job. But that wouldn't pay off my family's bank loans and credit card bills, would it?

As I leaned against the cold sink, a massive headache weakening my muscles started to bleed my patience dry. If this wasn't an escalating anxiety attack, then why did I feel like passing out on the floor right now?

Because you're weak...

Always been, always will be...

You're nothing but a stupid, gullible, pathetic wannabe...


"Greetings, Ms. Nielsen.

We have received your application letter and regret to inform you that your application has been disqualified due to inconsistencies we have observed on your personal information sheet. We also failed to verify the birth records you have attached to your application files.

UCMLE's scholarship committee reserves the right to reject an application if false information has been provided. Scholarship grants awarded by UCMLE's committee are limited and are on a first come, first serve basis. Providing false or incomplete information on the application forms will immediately result in the applicant's disqualification. Charges of larceny and forgery may also be filed against applicants who knowingly provided false details in the scholarship application forms.

Should you have any concerns regarding this matter, our administrative department will be available Monday to Friday during office hours to provide any assistance, but we cannot guarantee that every request will be honored.

We wish you good luck on your future endeavors.

UCMLE SC Head Office"

It might have taken three re-reads and half an hour before my shock lessened to a manageable degree, only to let the disappointment and reality sink in.

Dropping the impeccably folded paper on my lap, I hunched over on the toilet seat cover, put off by the scrupulous people behind this disappointing act of rejection. I didn't open the letter until I was sure I would no longer have to face any of my employers or agents today. The letter had to wait. I put it off all night and all morning. I focused first on the jobs I had to do today. 

All I had hoped for since those weeks of prepping the vexing amount of scholarship requirements, until today, was to be given a chance—a chance to join the list of scholarship awardees, and a chance to make my academic goals a reality this year.

UCMLE, a prestigious international school known to support local and foreign undergrads, provided the much coveted medical scholarship programs to those who qualified and met their exigent criteria. I had been waiting patiently for months. Long, tiring, anxious months.

A positive response was what I eagerly expected, of course. However, fate seemed to have a different plan for me and my future.

Modeling was a temporary thing, just a means to support myself financially for the time being, really. Not getting any younger and a lifelong career in the modeling industry? Moving to the North Pole would be less impossible.

A bachelor's degree in the field of study I'd chosen remained as my ultimate goal.  But it seemed the odds weren't in my favor.

Not yet, perhaps. I would try again, but that would mean I was out-and-out desperate. Maybe I should just go home and try my luck in other colleges?

That would mean I had to take weeks off work, though. It would cost me more time and money. Although my mom and dad would be glad to help out, I wouldn't dare ask them for help. They had enough bills to worry about.

Money was becoming an issue these days, seeing as my dad was in and out of the hospital, battling respiratory complications his illness had once again triggered. I sighed and composed a short prayer in my head.

God willing, my dad's current condition would improve in the coming months. Rather unlikely, but we still prayed for his health to improve after this fourth hospitalization. The constant prayers might just work.

My eyes shut tight while my palms covered my face, and before I could finish the prayers in my head, my phone's shrill noises broke off my thoughts.

New message

From: Jill

"You alive?"

Today 3:19PM
