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Auteur: Vee smart

En cours




Maureen Emily Daniels, a twenty three years old heiress to the Daniels industry. She's none fate to be cruel to her since the death of mother. She has faced so much in the hands of her father,one day a marriage proposal is given to her and she has no other choice but get married. What happens when she gets married to a Radriel.

Chapter 1


  she walked to the stage in a white slim fit gown.

  she walks gracefully in her silver pencil heel and with a silver purse in her right hand.

  she walks further to the mic as she gives the guest a feign smile on her face.

  wearing a blank look on her face with her packed in a perfect bond and some strings of hair on both sides of her face.

  ”Good evening everyone"she said as she gives a feign smile to the guest.

  "Thank you all for coming today ,with all your busy day you still found a little time to come.

  "As you all know Daniels Industries will be opening thier new business brand today" she said .

  "Daniels Industries says a big thank you to each and everyone that has stayed still with us ,from t day one up to this very day"

  "Daniels Industries has brought a new means of happiness to the city of New York.

  she paused ,realised a feign smile inhaled and continued"we give you "Dan chocolate empire” DCA.

  the crowd was left clapping,at her short but beautiful speech,she feigned a smile again and waited for the cameras to do it's job before she left the stage.

  she's Maureen Emily Daniels,a twenty three years old heiress to the Daniel Empire.

  she always clad in white, always having this blank look,a look which can never be read,she keeps to her self,and she's rarely seen,she's only seen in important occasion like opening event.

  she lives a very cruel and lonely life,sometimes she just which that the heavens should come and take her.

  and just like her name "Maureen"she's bitter.

  "This is my daughter Mr Daniels said as he introduced Maureen to his new partner Mr Radriel Nathaniel.

  ”Hi good evening sir"Maureen said taking Mr Radriel already streched hand into a hand shake.

  the party went on and Maureen attend to the guest with a feign smile plastered on her face.

  Most men were left drooling as Maureen walked passed them.

  she's endowed with a killer shape,her tiny lips that will leave a guy wanting to taste it,her grey coloured eyes,that show no emotion,she the type of girl a guy always wants,for body look only.

  ”Mr Daniel the reason I invited you to my office is actually because I want the partnership you and I share to change to a relationship"Mr Radriel said handing Mr Daniels a drink.

  "How I don't get you"Mr Daniel responded with a confuse look on his face.

  " yes Mr Daniels I want your daughter Maureen for my son"Mr Radriel said as he sipped from his Champaign glass.

  ”What are you serious Mr Radriel"Mr Daniels asked with his inner mind jumping for joy.

  ” yes I'm darn serious about it"Mr Radriel said.

  "I know your company is looking for a company that will help in boosting your sales and will help you in making a good name,so here is a chance to make a name for your company cause,

  Radriel Legacy is giving an open arms to you”Mr

  Radriel said with both his hands apart in a wide spread and a drink in his left hand.

  ”This is great” Mr Daniels exclaimed."I accept this marriage proposal because I know that my daughter will be happy , I have heard of your son,his the most prominent bachelor in New York and I heard he also has his own company,infact I have heard so many good things about him,and I know he will make my daughter happy" Mr Daniel said grinning evily.

  Christopher Daniels did not say yes to the marriage proposal because he loves his daughter,infact that is the opposite,he loathe's Maureen with everything in him,he wish he could just kill her and getting her married is also a good thing because he doesn't have to see her again,he considers her being sold.

  'That will be perfect"and the contract will be signed on Saturday and your daughter and sons signature are needed.

  "okay and thank you so much Mr Radriel"Mr Daniels said grinning from ear to ear.

  "okay thanks for accepting my offer"Mr Radriel said giving Mr Daniels a hand shake .

  "Jade"Mr Radriel called his secretary through the intercom.

  "You called me Mr Radriel"Jade said ,closing the glass door.

  "Yes I did,cancel all my meetings for this week and book a flight from San Francisco to New York,Leo is coming home.

  Last night when Mr Radriel saw Maureen,he saw beauty that wasn't exposed,most girls Mr Radriel See's are always to exposed so he fails to see a bride in them,and he just had a liking for Maureen that he made the decision to get his son married to her.

  THE RADRIEL LEGACY........................

  The Radriel Legacy is owned and manged by Mr Nathaniel Radriel.

  Radriel Legacy is one of the biggest company in New York and it has so many branches around the world and it's virtually the company everyone wants to do business with.

  Leonardo Nathan Radriel,is a twenty six years multi billionaire.

  Leonardo has no time for girls , clubbing or other things young guys do,he is always busy ,he has to time to waste its either his funding a new business brand or his partnering with another company.

  His considered the most prominent bachelor in San Francisco and New York.

  His perfect muscular body that fits in what ever he wears,his curly shining black hair that matches his perfect ash eyes.

  His cute ,charming, cheerful handsome and good at all things,he is nicknamed Mr Perfect.

  After the death of Leo's mom ,his only main source of happiness is making his father and twin sisters happy.

  leornado is a kind of guy that can give his last drop of blood to make someone happy,his father considers him ”God sent".

  He agrees to marry Maureen because,he wants his father to be happy.

  Leonardo finds Maureen weird because of her odd character.

  And who said Maureen never had a pure smile on her face,who said she always wore white,she was as lovely as anyone could be ,but something happened that changed her, something actually changed her to what she is now