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The Heirs Of Maghada

The Heirs Of Maghada

Auteur: daizy dee

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Steamy Stories

The Heirs Of Maghada PDF Free Download


There were two kingdom, Maghada and the kingdom of Colchis. The king of Maghada, King Frederick. Always felt the King of Colchis had despision for his regality. Frederick's Ego grew and He decided to attack and take over Colchis. Many great men of Colchis fell by the blade of men of Maghada.Everyone else that survived the conflict were taking as slaves into Maghada. thirty years after King Frederick took over, The People of Colchis had completely lost hope on any way of escaping slavery. Three of the old slaves, who were once princes of Colchis managed to escape slavery alongside some courageous slaves. They went into hiding and ameliorated. It took them years to gather up enough strength to ambush and attack Maghada. King Frederick fell alongside his Empire and the princes took back what was lost. The men cheered and their noise Reverberated throughout the Empire. The Eldest Son of Colchis was about to give a speech to their well deserved victory when some of his men came up dragging The princess of Maghada along. “we can't kill her now. ” The eldest Son said. “ I will not kill you yet..ill make you suff..” “Where is my Father, what have you done to everyone you dimwits!” The princess Curt words came. The Eldest Son walked over to her and tilted her chin up, with his humongous and painful hand. “You will suffer in folds what your father did to us!”

Chapter 1

Boudica, The eldest son of the Colchis. Walked into the palace of The slain king Frederick. He stared around at the well decorated Palace. The air of the palace interior was filled with fragrance from expensive perfumes and sprays.

The fabrications and every single vase and tables in the palace hall seemed imported. It was the first time Boudica would step his feet in King Frederick's Palace. All these was his now..

He arched his eyebrow and took a deep sigh.

Boudica walked to the throne and stared at it for a while. He summoned courage and climbed the staircase slowly.

He reached the throne and stared at it again. “Father..” Boudica Remembered the little time he spent with his father again. He sank in the throne and stared around. The throne felt obnoxious.

“I see you're testing out your new seat” The second son walked in. “Louis. How are you doing my dear brother” Boudica smiled at him.

“ We've done everything you asked. The men are cleaning up everything else and she has been kept in one of cells” Louis said.

“Good. I'll address my new people tommorow. But first I need to find someone who would help announce this to the people. I'm guessing you killed their town criers already.." Louis nodded in affirmation

Boudica smirked. “You all did a great job today. Help me pass the message to the people. I'll address them tomorrow"

“”Alright brother. I'll do as you say. But, you haven't forgotten our conversation before we did this right?”

“Of course I haven't forgotten silly. Let's do what's important first. We'll resolve everything else later” Boudica said curtly.

Louis bowed and left.

“This seat is so uncomfortable” Boudica grumbled.

Aurora fell unconscious as she was been dragged into her cell. They yanked her in and chained her to wall. One of the men tilted her chin and spat on her face. They all let out a reverberating laughter.

“ she dead?" One of the men nudged her.

“Who cares!” They all bursted out laughing again. The men exited the cell, locked it up and left.

Many hours passed and Aurora was still in her dream world. She dreamt of her father and family. She saw all of them eating in a big table and some hefty men holding Daggers and blades walked in and killed all of them.

Aurora woke with a yell and stared around in confusion. “Where..where am I?” she continued staring. The memory of what happened all rushed into her memory at once causing her to scream out.

“father..father!" Aurora tried to stand up. It was then she realized she was chained to a wall. ”You murderers!. Release me right now!. Right now!" Her voice echoed through the cells but no reply came.

The cells used to be filled with the People of Colchis but now, it has all been emptied. Aurora Didn't stop yelling and her screams soon reached some men who were passing by.

Three men walked in and walked up to her cell. “ You shouldn't scream. It will do you no good.." one of the men said to her.

“Let me go you dimwits. I am Aurora, the princess of Maghada and you peasants have no audacity here. How dare you put me in chains and confine me!?” Aurora continued pulling herself from the chains and they only hurt the more she pulled.

“you are only reaping a fruit your father planted. I really hope my Lord deals with you very.. ” The Man paused as a figure appeared.

Boudica Fearful face walked into the Cell room. With just a nod, The men all left instantly without uttering another word.

Aurora stopped screaming the instance he walked in. She stared at his eyes that semmignly were filled with rage. Her heart was pounding now as he drew closer to the door.

He pulled up a key and unlocked the door..

Boudica walked and approached her. His monster-like body stopped in front of her and he bent slowly. Aurora could feel her heart fly out of her heart now.

He grabbed her Chin and tilted it up. “You have no right to make a single noise in my Palace” His masculine voice came. Aurora mustered courage and freed her chin from her grasp.

“This is not and will never be your palace. You are nothing but a slave and a thief who came to steal what does not belong to you!” She said bluntly.Boudica grabbed her by the neck and pinned her to the wall.

“Your father killed my father, mother and three of my sisters. He did not stop there, He killed hundred of innocent people too”

“ I have chosen not to kill you so I'll not forget about what happened easily. You'll suffer so much that you'll pray for death but sadly death will not come until I say so!"

Aurora gasped for air and held his strong hands as they clinged to her neck firmly and tightly. “You have not started suffering yet. I'll make you my sex slave and slaves do to you what you what your father did to our women. You'll suffer so much pain" Boudica finally let go of Aurora and she fell with a great thud.

She laid on the floor trying to get back her breathe. Her eyes had turned tormented and tears burned in them

She slowly regained herself and stared around. He had left and the cell had been locked again. Aurora managed to take her seat again and rested her back on the wall.

Tears rolled down her eyes as she thought off the ill-treatment she just got from the new king. Noises were soon heard outside. The man seemed to be partying and celebrating their defeat over her father's land.

“you have your victory over my father today you monster..but I'll revenge and take back the throne from you no matter what it takes. I promise you this with my life” Aurora broke down in tears.