
Allons Lire Le Monde

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Auteur: K josh

En cours




Am a young girl been disgraced by the landlady everyday Waking up at least 6am daily being surrounded by siress, Alexander, sliver everyday I earned a scholarship “ Good morning Ali" I heard sliver little voice loud as I jumped out of the bed to prepare for school

Chapter 1

I woke up and looked at my mini clock, it's past 6, I need to start preparing for school, it's the resumption of another school year and I thank God I got a scholarship at least I can finish this last semester and get a job and continue with silver's tuition fee

"Good morning ALi" I heard silver's tiny voice as I turned and looked at her

"hey silver, you are up, ok come on you need to prepare for school go to the bathroom immediately I will look for something for you to eat before leaving, come on be smart" I Said poking her noise as she smiled. I ran outside with the little money I have to buy some bread for her I can manage with the hunger till I get back but she can't, she is just a child 8 year old only

"ah ah you can't run away from me any longer young lady" I heard the landlady said as I turned my back to run away but she caught me

"ma'am please am gonna get paid today and I promise to pay you immediately I get back" I told her as she chuckled

"you say that all the time Alicia" she said as I sight

"I promise ma'am today is the last day I promise I will give you your money" I Said as she walked pass me without saying anything I just hope she doesn't do anything funny

I walked to school after I dropped silver in her own school it's not far away from our mini house, I walked hurrily to my own school as it is far away from my house, the weather was changing color so it looks like it's gonna poor

I finally reached the school and immediately I entered a mini block beside my class it started pouring heavily, oh wow looks like luck is on my side as I turned my back to leave two rolls royce dropped just 5 meters from me, I stood as I admire the cars they are so beautiful

A man in suit came out from the car with an umbrella, rushed and opened the car door as a beautiful, curvy girl came out wearing the same school uniform as mine but hers was looking well ironed and classic and the umbrella was put above her head wow rich kids. while the guard stood under the rain instead, I looked at them and chuckled at what I saw, just as I was about to see who will step out of the other car,

A teacher stood in front of me, I knew it was a teacher by the way she dressed with a cane in her hand

"move it young lady" she said as I bowed

"Am so sorry ma'am am leaving" I said moving away and I heard her Said something like " what a respectful kid". But I ignored anyway I don't know why she said that

Author's pov

"Xander....... My sister made to speak but I cut her off

" what's your problem Alexandra huh what is it?, can't you see it's raining "

I asked in anger because she had been bothering me right from home

" Xander don't let your situation drift you away from people, you can still be in this very class it's no big deal " she said as I sigh

" who told you it's because of this illness I don't want to sit in that class with you huh? I have told you I don't want to associate with this wretched people, if not for your dad you think I would be here and decides my VIP is much cooler and better than this place OK so fuck off

He said walking away putting his hands behind his back as his guards follow him with an umbrella

"Xander but.....

" fuck off bitch " he said as his sister sigh

" what a psychopath"

"hey Sandra" I heard as I turned and saw his 3 friends

"kelvin it's xandra OK xandra not Sandra, how many times do I correct you" Alexandra said to Kelvin, the funny one amongst all of them

"you look hot today Alex" Kelly said licking his lower lip

"yeah here comes the flirty guy" Alexandra said rolling her eyes

"hi Alex" Karl greeted

"yeah and the quiet and saddist one" she rolled her eyes again leaving

"I don't even have time for you people now I have a class to attend" she said walking away


Alicia went to class as all eyes were on her immediately she entered especially the boys, she could hear some girls praising her beauty while some were just sighing, she is used to it though, she walked at the end of the class as that's it's where she could find an empty seat with a boy beside her

"hi good morning" she greeted the boy who wore lenses

"yeah hi, are you a newbie?" he asked

"oh yeah I am, am Alicia Jones nice meeting you" she sent her hand forward as the guy took it happily greeting her back

"I am Steve........ Ohhhh sorry I mean I am siress Steve and nice meeting you too" he said, hmm he acts like a nerd she spoke inwardly

"OK nice meeting you siress" what a name though she taught

Just as she was done greeting the guy, Alexandra walked in as the guys started drooling over her too even her long brown hair makes a difference

"this girl can be stinking rich, I saw the car she came out from" Alicia spoke silently but her bench mate heard her

"you don't know her??" siress asked her as she shook her head negatively

"hmmm that's Alexander Bradley twin sister, her name is Alexandra" he spoke and Alicia looked at her doubtfully

"uhhhm who is Alexander Bradley?" she asked and siress was surprised

"you don't know one of the richest billionaire in this country? You don't know the most coldest mafia lord?? Everybody is scared of him" he said and Alicia laughed

"scared of him, why are people scared of him??" she asked and siress was surprised

"this guy walks around with a gun, you can never know if you don't know him too well, he started schooling here this year and he has a VIP Class meaning there is a special block for him and his three friends just the three of them according to rumors I have heard he is allergic to people that's why he doesn't wanna associate, he is so arrogant, trust me benchi he is a murderer, anywhere he is people tremble he is so cold " he concluded and took a bottle of water and drank

ALICIA gulped at nothing when she heard the scary things about the guy, she turnes and looked at his beautiful sister at the first bench smiling and chatting with her friends, is his sister like that too?? She asked herself

"no his sister isn't like that, his sister is so cool and nice to everyone but he is a devil and he is so dead gorgeous" siress replied and Alicia doubted If she was that Loud

"that's why I hate rich men they claim they own the world and I pray I never cross paths with him till I leave this school " she said to herself and shook her head just as a teacher walked in and everybody stood up to greet