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The Holy Demoness

The Holy Demoness

Auteur: Abeille.s sweet words

En cours


The Holy Demoness PDF Free Download


A unique little girl witnesses her mother's death, so she grows up in a holy temple with a fatherly priest. She, then, gets out of the temple to search for her mother's killers and avenge her rested soul. In her journey she meets a bunch of strong samurais and falls in love with one of them. Who might it be?

Chapter 1

Long long ago, the queen of devils bloodline passed the role of royalty to every elder daughter of the royal queen. The role was tough and exhausting one, however many had craved for it leading to hurt the queen, abuse her, threaten her or even kill her.

The queen was known for her enormous power that could destroy any creature on earth, whether it was people, devils or even gods. She was a tremor upon those who meet or see her and a wise ruler of both if the worlds. All of the devils were forced to obey the queen including the king, princes and dukes, because the female was pictured as the image of wisdom!

However, the great misery is when the queen would make a brutal mistake and get punished by the gods, she would get to live an immortal life in darkness under the ground. That kind of punishment created hatred in all of the queen’s bloodline when many of the devils’ queen suffered living for so long in tragedy and misery. So, all of the queens hated gods and wanted to suppress them for the reason that god would torture them one day.

That thought was delivered from one queen to another, from one mother to daughter, which leaded to creating more chaos, wars and bloodshed as the devils were frightened of what the gods might decide on hurting them. The fact that gods were barbarians, mischievous and detrimental was carried from one generation to another until all of the devils held grudge and hatred against gods.

However, one day, deep from the hating kind of creatures, a little maiden extended her white wings into gods’ love to feel their supremacy, blesses, gifts and adoring. She loved all of the gods without any exception, because all of them were her heroes and family..




It all started from that time, when a young Goddess gave a born to a twin. The two babies looked exactly as their parents, however one took love from hos parents and the other one took power. The girl gained her father’s great power and prosperity who became later on harsh and merciless then her offspring were called the devils, and the other one was a weak and frail one with a lovely, kind and gentle who then had his offspring called humans.

Both of the siblings were raised up in the same warm home. They loved one other and promised to protect each other for forever. Humans and devils used to love each other and fight for a better life, until one day the girl decided to rule over both of the worlds as she considered herself the one who really deserves, so she fought against her brother until she killed him and ruled over humans. As a result of their father’s death, humans held grudges against the queen and escaped into another side of the world crowing their prince to be the new ruler.

Wars between humans and devils lasted for a long period of time when they all hated one another. Every queen aimed to rule over them and every king aimed to restore their rightful lands from demons, however devils had always won over them as they were the dominant breed of the gods. Until one day, the gods decided to punish the devils for their immoral actions against their brothers, so they punished their queen with an eternal life of misery and pain that even death could not save her. So, the next queen learned from the queen before and tried to have peace between human beings and devils, however, fights never ceased as both of the sides hated each other.

A lovely queen of the next generation fell in love with the humans’ king, so she stopped all kinds of wars to seek the love of her beloved one and live a happily ever after life. Yet, her sweet dreams were nothing but a lie after the humans’ king had betrayed her leaving a scar in her heart..



  Deep hidden in the mountains was a small mansion, inside a lady silently crafted her passion with a golden and red silks onto a palm-sized cloth. Gently smiling at her work, she raised it up towards the bronze sun for a better look. Out of blue, breaking the peaceful silence, the faint sound of rushing small footsteps approaching the door filled the lady's heart..


      "Mommy! I did it!!" a little girl chuckled "I hit and beated up all of these bullies around me"

      "Huh!!" the lady sighed "look at you, you're filthy again.."

  Using her long dress sleeve, the mother lightly wiped away the dirt on her kid's delicate round cheeks.

      "Mommy.. Are you mad at me?" the little girl pouted "I put my strength in use, it was self defense, they cornered me.."

      "Don't worry, I'm not mad" the woman smiled "However, did you try using words?"

   The young girl went silent and said nothing. As the woman looks at her daughter, her curiosity aroused.

      "They called mommy a barbarian" the girl whispered "and I am a daughter of a monster..."

      "Youriko!" the woman chuckled while resting her baby's head on her chest "Do you think mommy's a monster?"

   Amazed, the baby raised her head and shook it vigorously.

      "No way!!" she clamored "How can mommy be a monster? You are totally a goddess.. Or maybe.. A so strong goddess"

   With her long golden hair and light teal eyes, anyone catching the glimpse of her would think she is totally an angel descended from the skies.

    Giggling softly at her daughter's reaction, she pats her silky hair and claimed: "Mmm.. That's good.. If youriko thinks so, then the others opinions don't matter"

    Hearing her mom's words, Youriko felt her heart skips beats. Feeling embarrassed, she buries her head into her mom's bosom hiding her blushed cheeks.

      "Mommy is strong just to protect little Youriko."

  That day she merely wanted to stay in those warm loving arms forever. She wanted to grab onto those loving memories for as long as she could.




  The sound of endless cries rushed through the castle, as a monsterous figure showed up lighting a blaze. The flames spread engulfing the rooms and corners with a dancing golden glows.

  Deep within the dark chilly mountains, a flash of golden light could be seen dashing through the castle. A young woman panted heavily as she ran through the dark forest, murmuring "he came for us!"

  Seen hidden within the woman's arms was a small figure. Absolutely, a little girl!!

  The heavy sound of horses hooves could be detected chasing behind the woman as she runs.

  Suddenly, the figures of men dressed in black emerged from the bony burning trees. The woman halts at the sudden ambush, gritting her teeth hatefully as she grips tightly to the cild in her arms..

      "Stay away, Youriko." she whispered softly in her kid's ear, who clutched tightly to her mom's robe scared of the destiny she might face and begging not to apart from her.

  The mom smiled at her before she voldly shifts her emerald eyes at the advanced figure on the bronze horse.

  The figure of the man showed up between the flames as a Japanese man with a scar on his right cheek, having a long brownish-black hair dancing through fire's butterflies, wearing a dark silver heavy armor with a crafted chrysanthemum emblem.

      "You should have accepted my deal, Shirayuki!" he glared at the mom with a sharp mean voice.

  The woman called Shirayuki curled her cherry lips into an icy sneer and said: "I would rather sacrifice my soul to devils than accept your selfish deals."

   Hearing such words coming out from the golden-haired woman's mouth, caused his eyes to narrow dangerously, flashing with ill intentions

      "Catch and kill her" he ordered "I don't want her alive!!"

  Nodding at their general's words, they closed in and surrounded her while the little princess was shifting her gaze around the group of strong men, the woman, then, places the petite girl down onto the frosty ground.

   She stares at her mom for so long, as if she was farewelling her with teary eyes, as the woman abruptly rises to stare coldly at the seizing men.

  Releasing a loud shout through the air and fire: "Youriko! Run away!! Now!"

      "Who's Youriko?!" the guy with silver armor said "Don't let anyone escape here!"

  Just before the woman could even finish her sentence, the barbarous men attacked her fiercely from all sides. Then, Shirayuki unsheathed a long metal and swiftle sliced through them. With blood splattering onto the snow covered ground, an instan foul stench roams the air..

      "You bitch!" the man in silver armor gritted his teeth so hard that a crack could be heard.

      "Youriko.. My love! Please run away!!" she shouted to her kid before glaring towards the general "Even if I'm dying.. Right here.. And right now.. I will never ever make you a king and allow you to rule my people of the other world.. I will, at least, die protecting my child's and people's safety"

  The golden beauty covered in blood smiled deadly.. Despite the killing intent in her smile, she radiated a beautiful aura as the wind fluttered her bloody white robes, only wishing that her shockes frozen girl would run away and escape.

  With all means, she'd galdly sacrifice her life, as long as her child was alive..

      "Goodbye, Youriko.. I only wanted to live with you.. I'm sorry" she grievely cried.

  Shirayuki, divinely, fell on the ground, her bloody face patterned the icy-frosts, making her hair decorate the snow with golden silk color, merging tohether to form an art of golden-reddish-white portrait..