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Heart Entwined

Heart Entwined

Auteur: Esther Esty

En cours


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Ann is a 25-year-old independent and beautiful woman, who believes that her skills at seizing opportunities are exceptional. A chance encounter at a party leads to an unexpected twist for Alex, the object of her obsession whom she has been stalking for months. They strike up a conversation and end up getting intimate. a few weeks later, Ann confronted Alex that she was pregnant with the child conceived during the passionate night. Alex decided she would move into his house till the paternity of the child was confirmed. weeks later Ann presented a DNA result saying Mr Alex is the father of her unborn child, he then proposed a solution: a contract outlining their commitment to marriage solely to raise their child together. “Marry me, he said with his deep cold voice” Being a well-respected man in society having a baby out of wedlock would tarnish his image. They signed a contract to get married with the sole purpose of raising the child together. What will happen when Alex finds out that Ann is an opportunist? Read on to find out!!!

Chapter 1


My heart was racing as I stood in the lavish ballroom, taking in the sea of well-groomed guests. My plain black dress stood out against the elegant gowns and fitted suits that surrounded me, making me feel uncomfortable among the wealthy socialites and prosperous business people.

I took a deep breath and told myself why I was at this place. I had the opportunity to present my artwork to prospective buyers and collectors at this art event as a struggling artist. It was my chance to establish a reputation for myself in the competitive world of art.

But I started to lose confidence as I made my way through the crowd. My mind began to chatter with doubts, suggesting that I didn't belong here and that my artwork wasn't good enough. Reminding myself of the many hours I had spent painting, as well as the love and emotion I had put into each brushstroke, I tried to get over the feeling.

My drink spilt when I ran into someone while lost in my thoughts. I looked up to see who I had collided with and murmured, "I'm so sorry," my cheeks flamed with shame.

A man unlike any I had ever seen stood in front of me. He was tall and immaculately dressed in a fitted suit, and he gave out a sophisticated, self-assured vibe that was at once seductive and frightening.

"No harm done, his voice was silky and smooth, "It's quite alright," he said grinning charmingly.

My heartbeat quickened as I observed his attractive features, including the smooth fall of his dark hair across his forehead. There was something about him that drew me in that defied rationality, a magnetic pull I could not understand.

"Hello, I'm Alex," he introduced himself.

"Ann," I answered, extending my hand to shake his.


Without a doubt, she was the most stunning woman present. Her brown hair with blonde highlights was pulled up into a bun, and her captivating blue eyes with gold flecks that appeared to dance in them complemented her figure perfectly. I was taken by Ann's beautiful smile and the genuine depth and sincerity with which she spoke. Her grin was warm, and her straight, pointed nose went nicely with their oval jaw.

During their conversation, Ann was enthralled with Alex's charm and charisma. His questions concerning her creative process and sources of inspiration revealed a real interest in her art. They were deep in discussion, covering everything from life and love to art and culture before she even realised they were absorbed in each other's company. The world appeared to disappear behind them, as though they were the only two individuals in the space.

Ann found it impossible to ignore their obvious chemistry as the evening went on. She felt an instinctive pull towards Alex that she had never felt before, one that sent thrills down her spine. She sensed disaster when he bent down to whisper something in her ear while his warm breath touched her skin. She didn't care though, at that time. It was all she wanted to lose herself in the heat and passion of the night, to ignore the outer world and give in to the allure of want. Ann felt a twinge of excitement in her heart as she took Alex's hand and let him guide her out of the crowd, knowing that whatever came next would alter her life irrevocably. As Ann followed Alex through the dimly illuminated hallways of the opulent hotel, the cool night air caressed her skin. Her mind was a tornado of contradictory feelings, and her heart was thumping with excitement. When they walked into the luxurious suite, Ann's mouth dropped at the stunning vista of the cityscape that met her eyes. A warm glow from soft candlelight permeated the room, complementing the luxurious furnishings and décor. With want in his eyes, Alex drew closer to her and looked directly into hers. Without saying anything, he reached out and softly caressed her cheek's curve, giving her a thrill that made her heart accelerate. All uncertainties and anxieties vanished at that instant, to be replaced by an intense sense of want. Ann was drawn to Alex like a moth to a flame and could not help but feel his magnetic pull. As their lips met in a searing kiss, a fierce storm of passion enveloped them both. Time froze as they gave in to the alluring beat of want, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. They were so absorbed in each other that it seemed like forever. When they eventually crashed onto the plush bed, entangled in each other's embrace, Ann's senses were overwhelmed by Alex's strong perfume and the warmth of his skin against hers, and she felt herself surrendering to his spell with each touch and caress. It seemed as though they were two parts of a whole, meant to be in this blissful state of abandonment together. Alex wondered what was ahead for them as they lay together following their passionate encounter. Would this evening only serve as a passing thought, a melancholy flashback of what might have been? Or was it the start of something more, something genuine and lovely? For now, the promise of tomorrow and the warmth of Ann's arms were all that mattered. Only time will tell. And when Ann dozed off while nestled in his arms, she realised that she would always treasure this evening, no matter what happened.

Ann wakes up slowly, her eyes fluttering open to the gentle morning light coming in through the transparent drapes of the luxurious hotel room. She is enveloped in comfort by the velvety bedding, which seems like a cloud underneath her. Stretching lazily, she enjoys the feel of satin sheets across her body.

She sits up, and her surroundings in the room focus. Wide windows let in an abundance of natural light while providing a panoramic view of the urban skyline at dawn. Everything about the lavish furnishings, from the elaborately carved wooden furniture that graces the space to the elaborate chandelier hanging overhead, exudes elegance.

With a steaming cup of coffee and a platter of fresh fruits and pastries, Ann's eyes wander to the bedside table. She could get used to this lifestyle. And then a knock came in. She got up to open the door and a handsome-looking young man standing at the door.

“Good morning ms" Mr. Alex requested me to get you; he's waiting for you downstairs, he said.

Alright, I'll be with you shortly. She replied and turned inside to pack her stuff, she packed everything right away and followed him downstairs.

Last night was beautiful. "Good morning, gorgeous," he whispered, kissing her hand.

“Good morning Alex. She greeted.

I'm sorry, but I have to leave now; I have an important meeting to attend. My driver will drop you off, he said, flashing an endearing smile and looking even dapper than the previous night. With that, he left. Ann just stood there reminiscing on what had transpired between them the previous evening.