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Roshville HS: He's Fire, She's Ice

Roshville HS: He's Fire, She's Ice

Auteur: Author Kelvin

En cours


Roshville HS: He's Fire, She's Ice PDF Free Download


Hey… just so you know, High School is an interesting place to be, and in a classic high school like Roseville, we have The band boys; these dudes make the girls go crazy, they are hot, popular and talented. We also have the Cheerleaders; They are popular and good at screaming for the victorious. Now let's not forget the posh classy girls, these young ladies are very elegant, exquisite, and luxurious, wearing the best label name outfits and proudly members of the Elite class families. Then we have the nerds, and bookworms; this set only cares about their studies, they are super brilliant and have no time for fun. To mention but a few, we have the bandana boys, the bad girls, the cute guys that every girl drools over, and of course, the poor Fella's who happen to be there by luck. The last mentioned category has Issabella's name on it. Meet Issabella Morrison, beautiful as an adjective would do no justice to her looks. Sixteen years old, blonde, brilliant, and to crown it all, the sweetest voice you have ever heard. She has a passion for singing. Luckily for her, the president happens to be a lover of good music and that catapults her to a destination she never imagined to reach in life. During a singing contest sponsored by the Number one citizen himself, Isabella's outstanding performance impresses the president and as a reward, he offers her admission with scholarship into the most prominent and prestigious High School in the states. The same school which his daughter attends. Issabella felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Never in her weirdest dreams did she imagine attending such a school, and would she? Since she is just a girl from the slums. However life in H.S was not as smooth as she pictured it to be. Not when she has to deal with the jealous freaks, the school's most popular bad boy who is obsessed with her, and majorly… The Mafia Lord who is after her. How will this poor girl overcome all these challenges? Is she going to fight for her right? And stand up to the bullies Or back down and let them oppress her? Most importantly, what story does she have to tell as a bad boy's obsession!! Find out in this exciting high school romance!

Chapter 1

Those grey eyes!. They were staring at me again, making my heart beat faster than supposed.

Who is he?

Why is he staring at me?

Does he know me?

Why does it bother me so much?

These questions kept flooding through my mind but I had no answers to them. I was trying hard to focus on why I am here, but with those intimidating, yet magnetic eyes staring at me, it was like looking for a pin in a haystack!

"The next contestants to perform is, Miss Isabella Morrison!!" The MC announced and I sighed in relief. He is a life saver.

Thank God I can finally escape from those piercing eyes.

Wait, shouldn't I be nervous rather than relieved?

Because I have just been called out to perform in front of 1/4 of the United States population.

Oh my god! I am freaking out.

Take a deep breath Bella, take a deep breath!

Without wasting more time, I stood up and walked out to the stage. I don't even know how I made my way to the stage light, because I had my face bowed in shyness, and my legs trembling nervously.

I took a seat on the stool, it was quite long that my legs were barely touching the floor.

Facing the quiet and expectant crowd of people in the auditorium, I brought the microphone closer to me and lifted the guitar that was lapped against the body of the Microphone.

With that, I was set to go! To do what I love the most, but this time I wasn't doing it in the confines of my bedroom, I was doing it before the world.

"Good day impartial judges, beloved guests, audience and my co-competitors, I am Issabella Morrison and it's an honour for me today, sitting before you to perform, I would be singing a song titled...

My One And Only Love , originally sung by John Coltrane"

After that brief introduction, I pulled the strings of the guitar, producing a melodious tone that got the audience silent.

Before now I was feeling nervous, but the moment I shut my eyes, humming the tone that had been stuck to my head after so many days of practice, it felt like the whole world had froze, it was just me and my guitar.

"The very thought of you makes my heart sing~•

Like an April breeze on the wings of spring~•

And you appear in all your splendor~•

My one and only love~•"

"The shadows fall and spread their mystic charms~•

In the hush of night while you're in my arms~•

I feel your lips, so warm and tender~•

My one and only love~•"

"The touch of your hand is like heaven~•

A heaven that I've never known~•

The blush on your cheek whenever I speak~•

Tells me that you are my own~•

You fill my eager heart with such desire~•

Every kiss you give sets my soul on fire~•

I give myself in sweet surrender•••

My one and only love!

My one and only love!!"

With few more pulls of the guitar strings, the song was over. I wish it would never end, music takes away my worries, it drifts me to a world where there is no violence, where there is no suffering, just love!!

After what felt like an eternity, I exhaled and opened my eyes. The first thing the met were the mesmerized audience, they were just staring keenly like I had put them in a trance, or hypnotized them with my alluring voice.

Their silence made me nervous. Once again my heartbeat picked a race, thumping about ten times in a second, I could even hear the rhythm of its beat.

Was I that bad?

Well I received the answer to my question when suddenly, as if they were being controlled simultaneously. The audience started applauding in a crescendo.

The look on their face told me all I needed to know, even if not perfect, I had sang well and they seemed impressed.

"Wow… that was marvellous!!" The MC finally spoke. His compliment made my nerves relax a bit, there is no need to be nervous, it's done and over with.

Just for confirmation, I looked towards the judges table and I could see smiles plastered on their faces.

That's a good sign, I gave it my best shot and I am confident that it wasn't a failure.

"Thank you all" I uttered with a smile on my face, excitement in my tone.

Getting down from the stool, I stood up, made a slight feminine bow and left the stage, going back to my seat.

I remembered the guy with the grey eyes that had been tormenting me earlier with his burning eyes. I turned to see if he was still staring at me, but I couldn't see him.

I suddenly felt bad, but why should I be? Ah, silly me.

First I was uncomfortable with his tormenting eyes on me, and now I wish he was still staring at me, his eyes burning through my skin like the flames of hell.

Arrrghhh! What is wrong with you Bella?

For the rest of the contest, half of my attention was focused on my co competitors, while the other half was pondering about the strange handsome guy that had his beautiful, yet intimidating eyes piercing through my skin.

"Finally, all the contestants have performed" the MC's voice jolted me back to reality.

"At this point, we request that the audience and participants take a thirty minutes break, and then return for the announcement of the contest results" he continued.

Great! I am so famished, I should go grab a bite before the results are called.

I quickly rose to my feet and strode out of the event hall, outside the building was rowdy as the crowd of hungry audience emerged. Everyone is heading for a canteen or grocery store, some going further in search of high class restaurants and eateries.

I walked to the nearest canteen. Hopefully I can find something i can purchase in here.

Arriving at the canteen, I could see sausage, meat pies and cookies displayed in a showcase.

I bought two sausages, that was all my money could afford.

Then I took a seat at an empty table.

The tables in the canteen were round in shape, neatly arranged with two chairs on each side. There was a little flower cup kept in the middle. I don't know what type of flowers it is, because I am not familiar with flowers but it smells really nice. I feel tempted to bring it closer and sniff it, but then the people around might think I have gone bananas, so I held back the impulse to do so.

After consuming the sausages, which wasn't enough to quench my hunger, i decided to rest my head on the table and wait for the remaining twenty minutes to elapse.

"Hey, little girl!" I heard a stern feminine voice yell at me, accompanied by a tap on the right shoulder.

I raised my head to meet a not-so-happy looking woman, probably in her early forties.

She was wearing an apron with the canteen name on it, so I knew she works here.

"Um… hi" I spoke, not sure if it was the right word to use.

"Listen up girl, this is a canteen, not some private room, so if you are done eating, you should get your ass up and leave so that others can find a place to sit." She scolded in the meanest voice I have ever heard.

I looked around and there were still many vacant seats and tables, so why is she sending me out?. Oh how could I forget, it's because I am a nobody.

Many eyes were now staring at me like we were acting a movie or something, they were boring holes in my body.

"I am sorry, I would leave now" I said softly feeling embarrassed. I stood up to leave, but just then I heard an authoritative voice behind me.

"Don't leave" he uttered, sounded more like a command to me.

I looked back and met those eyes, it was him, the guy with the grey eyes. This time those eyes had fire in them.

"Why are you sending her out?" He queried. Anger audible in his voice.

Why is he getting so upset, he doesn't even know me, or maybe he acts that way with everyone.

"I… I am sorry young master, I didn't know she was with you" the woman stuttered.

Young master? Is that a name or a title, and why does the lady look so terrified by him, could she also be scared of those intimidating eyes like I am? Or was it something else about him?

"Fuck off!" He muttered angrily and she scampered away.

I was shocked, how could such a young boy command such authority.

I turned to leave but he caught hold of my arm as I was about to walk past him. I felt some sought of electricity surge through my body as his soft palm made contact with my skin. The hairs on my arm stood instantaneously and goose pimples emerged from my skin.

I looked up to his face and our eyes met, this time much closer than before.

I noticed the dimples on his cheeks. Oh just one side, that's strange but cute though.

I was dazzled by his beauty, his nose hanging perfectly before his upper lips, he has a sharp jawline. While his hair was dark like the night, his skin was pale like the moon.

"Please let me go" I muttered when I finally found my voice, I was scared to say it out loud. He has this Aura that made me scared of him.

I tried to wriggle my arm out of his firm grip, but it was useless, he was way stronger than me and my fragile arm stood no chance.

"Sit" he instructed, like he didn't care about what I just said.

The look on his face told me he didn't give a damn what I said, he wasn't kidding around and he wanted me to get seated.

I tried to resist but it was of no use. I lowered my gaze unable to stand those intimidating eyes anymore, then to my surprise, I sat.

Who is this guy? And why is he making me feel this way?