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Only His

Only His

Auteur: Mallory Simmons

En cours


Only His PDF Free Download


Avery Collins 19 and sweet. Just graduated high school. She’s fun and out going full of life and just a normal girl. Being the sweet girl she is, she's in for a wild ride when she arrives home one day to Alessio Cafarella, The mafia leader of Detroit.

Chapter 1

"You need to get closer Avery you are way to blurry."

Standing closer to Becca, I pull my arms around her. Today was graduation day, 12 years of pure fucking hell has passed me by in a hurry. Thank fucking god.

"That's perfect Avery. Got it!"

Smiling, I tossed my cap into the air. Watching the fabric covered cardboard drop to the ground, I felt the pressure of this school shit fall away from me.

I was finally free and away from all school shit till August.

"Where did you get this dress Avery?"

Turning toward Becca, I smirk. "Why? It's just a dress."

Pulling the tag from my collar, she pulled my face to look at the tag.

"It fucking says Gucci!! How the hell did you afford a Gucci dress if you don't even have food on the table at nights?"

Tugging the tag back in my gown, I feel my face getting red.

"Mom won the lottery alright? I didn't want to say anything. She took me shopping for my graduation Becca."

Raising her eyebrows, she smiled. "Are you fucking serious? How much did she win? And why the hell didn't you tell me? I'm your best friend!!"

Laughing, I bent down and picked up my cap. Cleaning the grass off the top of it, I turn toward her.

"4 million dollars. She can finally get out of that shitty neighborhood Becca!!"

Hearing her scream and jump for joy, she grabbed my hands feeling the joy go through me, I jumped with her.

"I can't believe this. This is so fucking awesome she can finally buy a nice house and a nice car. I'm so excited for Samantha."

Stopping, I had to take a breather. I was out of breath already.

"We need to go celebrate my mom is having a party at my house. You should invite your mom and we can party all night!"

Smirking, I knew my mother wouldn't come. She doesn't like to go out and do things with anyone, She likes to stick to herself.

"Maybe but I doubt she'll come. She likes to stick to herself, You know her Becca."

Pulling her arm over my shoulder, she walked me to her car. "Yeah I know, I just wanted her to hang out with us. My mom wants her to start coming over more. She doesn't like Samantha alone and by herself. Once we leave for college, I think it will only get worse."

Looking down in the grass, I think of how my mom will take me leaving for college in the fall. I hate to leave her alone but I know I need to better educate myself and she knows this.

"You alright Avery?"

Looking up to her staring at me, I smile and nod. "Of course, I was just lost in thought."

Letting me go, she pulled her keys from her pocket. "Let's leave this shit hole."

Smiling, I turn back and face the hell hole I stayed for 12 years. Looking back, I felt a emptiness come over me.

As much as I hated this school, I was going to miss it.

Hearing the honk of Becca's car, I turn and get into the vehicle . "I thought you were going to enroll back into that shithole."

Laughing, I pull the belt over me. "Naw just letting it go for good."

Hearing her engine rev up, she peeled out the parking lot. "Fuck this place."

Watching her flip the school off, she sped towards the freeway.

Rolling up her window, she turned on the radio.

Feeling my phone vibrate, I pull it from my dress pocket.

Sliding the screen over, I answer quickly.

"Hi mom."

Turning the radio down, I hear my mother talk.

"Hi honey, Are you coming home soon?"

Clearing my throat, I hear my mother sigh.

"I'm going to Becca's her mom is throwing a party for us. Can you make it? We all want you there mom."

Hearing the silence, I knew she wasn't going to come. It was a waste of time asking her.

"I can't honey. I have company."

Company? Who the hell is there? The fuck?

"Who's there?"

Not answering me, she cleared her throat. Was she crying?

"Are you alright mom?"

Hearing her move the phone away from her, I hear mumbling.


Coming back to the phone her voice changed instantly.

"What time will you be home sweetheart? I'm cooking dinner."

Confused she avoided my question.

"I'm not sure mom. Maybe like in 3 hours? Who's there?"

Not saying a word, she cleared her throat. "I'll see you then honey. Have a good time."

Quickly hanging up, The line went dead.

Shoving the phone back in my pocket, I turn to Becca.

"What did she say? Is she coming?"

Shaking my head, I focus my attention back to what she was doing. Who was there? Mom never has company. Maybe it was someone from the lottery place? I doubt that they just send the money. They do not make house calls. Do they?

"Well maybe you can bring her food. We will have extra shit."

Exhaling, I look out the window. "She's making dinner she said. So I'll just leave it at that."

Unzipping my gown, I take my arms out the sleeves and toss it to the backseat. Taking my hat off, I throw it back with the gown.

Pulling the visor down, I fix my brown hair around my shoulders.

"Now your looking hot! I love that dress though. When your done with it, Let me have it."

Smiling, I pull the visor back up. "Yeah right, I'm keeping this forever. It's a permanent staple for my closet."

Catching her smirk, I watch her turn off on her street. Becca's house was the last on the corner, a massive stone home with security. Actually, this whole neighborhood has security.

It was what her father called a fortress, he owned Aerial Enterprises. A industrial corporation here in Detroit, he made his money in the export, import department. Money was never a issue with them, I use to be jealous but I got over it. They cared for me like I was their daughter.

Becca's mom made dinner every night and every night I was here. I ate what I could and brought home the rest to have dinner for the rest of the week or Atleast something to eat.

My mother worked 24/7 to make it. Bills eventually piled up and of course when she won the lottery that changed for ever. She paid off her bills and now we are living comfortably, I never knew what life was like with money.

"You coming or what?"

Blinking away my daze, I open my door. "Yeah, I was just in my thoughts."

Fixing my dress, I slam her door shut. Looking up at the home, I watched the crowds of people turn toward us.

I can feel the redness appear at my face. Even though it wasn't for me, I knew this party was not going to be small.