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Her Tattoo

Her Tattoo

Auteur: Leglory

En cours


Her Tattoo PDF Free Download


"A time will come when the one is born and seperated from her roots but she'll be found and be back for the mischievous and cunning mind who hurt her her fire and ice will devour his flesh and he shall be wiped out from the earth" Blanche sat looking into the white colored fire "Who's the one?" The three witches asked "The one with the tattoo...

Chapter 1

"It's all your fault Cecelia!"Xander yelled

"W-what do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb, you clearly understand what I mean!!, it's all because of you, I watched every thing that belongs to me be given to Xanthus right before my very eyes!!"

"And how's that my fault ?!!"

"If you hadn't lost our baby , Xanthus wouldn't have attained that position!,I got married to you all because of our silly mistake a mistake that should have benefited both of us but your bad luck destroyed it all !!"

"It wasn't my fault Xander, have you forgotten what you did that day....

"So you're trying to put the blame on me?!"He yelled and angrily slapped her, despite this she hugged him tightly in between her sobs

"Please Hon don't do this...

He pushed her away and angrily stormed out of the room.

Cecilia burst into uncontrollable tears,she looked at their wedding photo on the wall of their room as tears slowly flowed freely from her eyes,she was used to this sort of treatment but she didn't expect it to happen now,this was the same man she did everything he wanted ,she didn't go to Xanthus' inauguration ceremony she became his contracted wife and eventually his real bride,she bribed the board members to make him the President of Quon Fashion but unfortunately the corrupt members were few. She almost lost her womb because of him and now look all he could repay her with was constant abuses,slaps and insults.She looked at the purple dinner dress on the chair,the maids brought this in earlier,she wiped her tears and stood up to get ready for Xanthus' party,the guests were already arriving.

At sunset all guests were already seated,the party was glamorous ,it was held at the Andrews' garden ,the maids served the guests their favourite delicacies, the first lady of Country Gee was present to witness the occasion.Alexandria gently used a spoon to tap her wine glass

"Can I please have your attention?"She smiled and the audience turned to her direction

"Thank you all for being here,I really appreciate all your love and support, well I'd like to introduce you to the new President and Vice President of Quon Fashion worldwide, Xanthus and Brianna Andrew!!!!"

All eyes diverted to the young couple walking towards the stage, Xanthus smiled at the them and the ladies went crazy ,his looks were to die for, he looked like some sort of demi god . Approaching the stage he shook hands with Alexandria,and Brianna hugged her.

"Thank you all so much for being here, well I don't plan on saying anything much since I said a lot at the company, I really appreciate this honour to lead Quon and with the support of my vice and wife ,we'll be unstoppable!..

The audience cut him off with a loud applause,he smiled at them, the guards signaled them to keep quiet and the sound of the applause slowly died off.

*****AT STE's BAR***

" What's up bro?"Philip said sitting close to Xander, Xander didn't reply ,he kept sipping his drink.

"This party is lit"Philip chuckled looking at his phone.

"What party?"

"Xanthus', it's dope even the first lady's there"


"Everyone really loves this guy,no offence bro ,But why do people think he's better than you...

"Enough!!!"Xander yelled slamming his palms on the table

"Hey,no need to yell" Philip said realising that people were staring at them.

"You've waited for this all your life and now you're gonna let Xanthus take it all?,if I were you I wouldn't let some piece of s*** come kick my out of my rightful position,I'd go there and show them what I'm made of,Xander you seem to be getting too soft and weak these days ugh!"

No,I can't just let him take it all ,I'm not a coward,Xander thought he immediately stood up and ran to the garage,he got into his black SUV and drove to the party venue.


"Good evening sir Xander"George greeted but Xander walked past him,he walked to the garden and spotted Xanthus dancing with Brianna he angrily walked towards them and held Xanthus' collar.

"So you're happy now huh?!!,theif!!!"Xander hissed the audience had already started whispering , Xanthus turned to look at Brianna she was giving him the sign of not retaliating but he was fed up with Xander's threats ,how long does he had to keep quiet and endure this nonsense,he turned to look at his brother and before t

anyone could blink a huge punch landed in Xander's cheek.

Soon Xanthus was on top of him giving him series of punches, Brianna ran to separate both of them but Steph held her back, Alexandria ordered the security guards to intervene and they eventually stopped.Xander laughed hysterically cleaning the blood oozing from his nose. Cecilia ran from the kitchen and took her injured husband to their room. Brianna angrily stormed into their room, Xanthus knew he was in trouble but he had to apologize to the guests first especially the first lady after apologizing the guests were dismissed.

"You're not sleeping here?"Xanthus asked , drying his hair with the towel on his neck.

"Hmm" Brianna mumbled

"I said I was sorry"Xanthus said attempting to hug her but she refused

"I told you to...

"Ignore him and walk away, because attack is not the best form of defence"Xander continued

"And why did you do it?"

"Because I was fed up with him,I wanted to move out you begged me to stay back ,I can no longer put up with Xander anymore"

"Tsk tsk and that's why you'll be sleeping alone until you learn how to put up with him"She said turning to leave but he held her back

"Alright I'm sorry"He said holding his ears

"You promise not to do it ever again?"

"I promise"He said placing his right hand on his chest

"Alright"She said rolling her eyes and he excitedly hugged her.

" Hey it's enough, you're hugging us to tightly"She said pulling out from his embrace

"What do you mean by us?"

"Ahem I'm thirsty"She feigned a cough running out of the room



"Why do you keep doing this to me?"Cecilia cried looking at Xander , who laid on the bed like a lifeless body.