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Silver Queen

Silver Queen

Auteur: Christy Pfeiffer

En cours


Silver Queen PDF Free Download


Nienna Narmolanya is in an arranged marriage with Realla Leoxidor, Lord of Eloalos, a moon elf. When on the verge of war with Alishondra Kyrrenthia, an enemy of the family for centuries. Anything can happen to her...find out in this adventure what happens with them!

Chapter 1

  One morning Nienna’s dad thought she was of age

age 1,440, to us that is 10

to start learning her elf magic. So gently after they had their breakfast, they went to their training room and he had presented her with a gift.

  “Good morning father, what is it you want to train me in magic or weapons?

  “Good morning daughter and it will be both. I want to present you with this bow. It’s a weapon, not a toy my daughter so be careful.”

  "Thank you, my lord I will take good care of it. Am I to train with its father?”

  “Yes, and I will personally train you.” She does not have a lot of time alone with her dad with him being king he is always busy with something.

  “Also, I was going to save this for your birthday, but I think it is appropriate for right now.” And he presents her with her sword too.

  “Oh, father a new sword too! Hug, Diola lle father! I will treat them with great care and with respect since they are presents from you.” He had trained her for hours and she was turning into an excellent archer and swordswoman. Soon after her lesson, her father said she had a visitor she usually does not have any so this was a surprise.

  “Daughter, this is your betrothed… Realla Leoxidor Lord of Eloalos, a moon elf he is an excellent archer and warrior and would protect my little girl.”


? Betrothed father I did not know…"

  “I was watching you train you are a great bowman.”

  “If you did not notice I’m a woman, not a man…"

  “I am sure you got a different style for your kind of language.”

  “Yes, we do. I am an ithil'quessir, a moon elf.”

  “Yes, I remember we are mith'quessir, silver elf.”

  “Pleasure meeting you… Farewell.” Nienna left a little angry at her father and to her newly found fiancé. She went back to training to let out her anger, so she will not get mad at her loving parents. She does love them it is just she just wished she would have known about this…

  “Is something wrong daughter?”

  “Oh, mother you startled me. Just met my fiancé…why wasn’t I told about him?”

  “We wanted to wait until you were of age to meet him.”

  “Oh, and now is the right time with the war with our enemy going on and father just starting my training?”

  “Well yes, Nienna we thought it was good timing. Do you not like him?”

  “Well it is not like I have many choices do I mother? Amin delotha ho he is selfish and self-centered. I just want him to go away…”

  “He will not go away he will be here more and more to help with the war and get closer to you.”

  “I do not want to get to know him!” She storms off to her room getting away from everyone and just crying. Her parents figured to give her time to let the surprise news of Realla sink in and that he will be her husband. He tried coming back when she was still angry and upset but her parents advised him not to go in at the time but they were glad to have him as their company and to stay at the castle for as long as he wanted.

  “You are so kind for allowing me to stay.”

  “It is our pleasure and we will be seeing more of you.”

  “I am not so sure she looked so angry when I saw her in her room.”

  “Give her time to calm down I am sure she will come around in time.”

  “I hope you are right Heruamin.”

  “Ah, here she is now. Quel undome daughter you remember Realla right?”

  “How can I forget the most selfish and self-centered elf I know…? Good evening mother.”

  “I am sorry you feel that way…”

  “All you and father talked about was yourselves. I find out I am engaged and did not even know? How is that fair??”

  “I can see why you are angry daughter, but we made this decision before you were born.”

  “Oh, and that makes it so much better."

  “No, I guess not…”

  “Now if you excuse me, I will retire for the night.

  “We did not have our evening meal daughter must you go?”

  “The less time away from him the better.” Still angry she storms off to her room and stays there for the rest of the night while the parents were getting to know him. While they were talking Alishondra was climbing their wall trying to get to Nienna’s room.

  “Mother, Father, Realla help me!”

  “Nienna we are coming!” They ran as fast as they could to her room to find Alishondra clutching their daughter and fiancé with a knife around her neck.

  “Alishondra how dare you touch my daughter!” Haldamir had the angriest look on his face when he found Nienna at knifepoint...

  “Haldamir how nice to see you again oh and your queen I almost killed those years ago," Alishondra smirked the evilest smirk as she remembered almost killing his bride...

  “I have not forgotten that…I still have your scars from your weapons you used to kill me Alishondra.” Elvadrieng had scars on her neck, upper arms, upper chest, and upper back/shoulder blades. They've faded with time, but you could still see them. It was torture...Elvadrieng almost did die...luckily for her Haldamir got to her in time and was able to heal her of her scars...

  “Then I did my job…too bad I did not finish the deed. Oh well, maybe your other daughter will do.” Alishondra pulled the knife closer to Nienna's neck almost drawing blood...

  “You tried to kill our eldest must you kill our youngest?” Haldamir almost crying did not want history to keep repeating itself...he almost felt like he has failed as a husband and father...that he could not protect his wife and daughters from this danger...

  “You tried to kill my sister?!” Nienna was scared and crying wondering why Alishondra was doing this to them.

  "Yes, I did, and I would have gotten away with it if it was not for her husband.” Alishondra sounding almost annoyed that Melia's betrothed had gotten in the way of her plan

  “Well, who do you think I am?” Realla finally speaks up and has an arrow ready to shoot with a good shot of Alishondra without hurting Nienna. The shot would only hurt Alishondra and not Nienna.

  “Oh, we got the whole family well I can take out your family in one swoop,” Alishondra smirked again thinking she could take out the whole family

  “No, you will not.” Realla takes arrows and shoots them at Alishondra only injured her and she escaped again.

  “Realla…I am in your debt…thank you, Realla.” Nienna was finally let go from Alishondra's grip and she fell onto the floor after Realla's arrow had hurt her...luckily the knife did not leave a scar on her but Nienna did not want to be left alone tonight

  “You are welcome…does that mean you will warm up to me?” Realla sounded hopeful that he finally had made a new friend in Nienna now...they both had a little smile and sigh of relief now that the danger is over...Nienna did not want to be left alone, and her parents could tell.

  “After what you did for me…yes I will." Nienna nervously smiled at everyone trying to put on a brave face, but deep down she's just a young girl elf who wanted a good cry and a hug... "Can Realla stay in the extra bed in my room? I know that it used to belong to Melia, but she doesn't use it much anymore and after everything that just happened I do not want to be left alone..."

  "Of course sweetie..." Elvadrieng gave Nienna a comforting hug and helped her get cleaned up again and ready for bed. Moms always seem to know what kids mean even when they don't speak it...Elvadrieng got her all cleaned up again and tucked her into her soft twin-sized canopy bed, with light and dark green leaves on sheets and blankets. Elvadrieng kissed her on the forehead and bid her and Realla goodnight...