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Don't Look Back

Don't Look Back

Auteur: Caps

En cours


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Herlin was a very busy doctor who had no time to pay attention to her own surroundings while giving medical help to as many people as she could around her. She was a very selfless and a very careless person until one day when she felt something strange, someone was behind her, always watching her, following her. She couldn't think of anyone who would want to hurt her, now she really felt someone did but who could it be?

Chapter 1

"Doctor, the pa....pat...patient in room number 378, an emergency. We will have to get her to the OT as soon as possible." the in-charge nurse was out of breathe by the time she came to my clinic to inform me.

"Inform the team" I told her hurrying to the patient, my shift was already over but patients are important. Doctor, being one was not an easy job. I didn't even get time to drink a glass of water today, was thinking of getting home soon, having a hot shower, warm food and tea in this winter sitting peacefully looking out of the window of my tiny 1BHK at the beautiful big snow covered city; I have always wanted to and the winter is almost over now. Once inside the hospital one loose track of time but I love it, this busy schedule might be so tiring but the satisfaction from this job is just so much that you do feel like coming back the next day and doing it again. I was on my way to the patient's room when I saw the nurses making her lie down on the bed and rolling it soon towards the OT. Telling them to hurry up I ran to the OT, as the operation came up unexpectedly we needed to arrange all the instruments in there and needed as much help as could. Within 3 minutes the team did all they can and we were starting the operation. "Dr. patient's heart rate is decreasing....." Sr. Sharon was newly joined here and inexperienced, I could see her already sweating. "We'll sure get it under control Sr. she is strong I hope yours don't increase much due to the tension" and that's when Dr.Sharma came in "Sorry a bit late but lets calm down first, we don't want this to go out of our hands." His hands could do magic on patients as everyone says. The patient was mine but he was our senior and he got the situation under control within the next 10 minutes, the patient was no longer in a dangerous stage "She will live, she really got a beautiful long life exactly like her" he said smiling down at her. We were doing the remaining peaceful in OT, it was then Dr.Sharma started with what he always do. He moved closer to Sr. Sharon almost rubbing himself on her purposefully, I could see she felt very uncomfortable and literally wanted to run away from him. He was such a great doctor, very calm and cool with his patients but was definitely a pain in the ass for young doctors and nurses.

"Such a pervert, how did he even end up being a doctor? Oh Lord....." I was sitting in the canteen with my best friend Clasa who was a psychologist in the clinic near by. We have been friends from a very young age and she was someone with whom I could share anything and everything. "She should have given him a tight slap across that face."

"Seriously Clasa in OT? I still see her helpless face in front of me, I couldn't do anything. No one could."

"Just cause someone is your senior doesn't mean they can do anything they want. No wonder his wife left him. He is a very handsome, physically well built talented man in his late 30s. One of the best in his profession but doesn't respect anyone. That makes him worthless no matter whatever he has."

"I know right....heard he is interested to marry someone now, but not any patients. I heard he likes a staff. I hope she never agrees."

"Damn sure dude if thats a staff of this hospital she would never agree, everyone knows very well how he is."

We were busy talking when I suddenly felt a huge warm hand on my shoulder. "Hey, Dr. Herlin nice job in OT." I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. He pulled a chair and sat next to our table. "I just wanted to talk something personal, I hope you don't mind Ms. Clasa." Dr.Sharma said flashing his best smile at her. On seeing him here unexpectedly Clasa went speechless, she soon gave me a nod and left.

I could see his eyes follow her definitely not in a good way "Perfect" I heard him whisper. Oh God at least not in front of me that too my bestie I honestly felt I might be the one ending up punching him hard and even though I just sat there pretending not to notice anything, my anger was sure visible on my face. I could never hide or lie about anything as it all would be clearly shown on my face even when I don't want it to. In a way this is worse but on the other hand it is good as I don't have to tell someone how I feel about them or something they say. Dr. Sharma did notice it, but probably decided not to mention. "Herlin you are so good at your job and I hope you are good at other things too. Oh.....I mean taking care of a home, a family."

"I'm afraid that's a no. I'm not good at anything other than my job and I'm not deciding to be good at anything other either." I wanted it to sound usual but came out irritating.

"Wo...didn't mean to irritate you but once you start a family you will have to manage everything pretty."

"Dr. I'm a bit busy, my shift was already over long time ago. I really don't have much time left before next shift so please do excuse me in case what you have to tell me isn't something important."

"I am thinking of getting married but never saw someone good enough..." I was rarely paying attention to what he had to tell, only if he wasn't here or only if he just disappeared from here I would have worked extra hours at the hospital. First of all the job wasn't an easy one, second of all you can't talk what you really think to your senior doctors and third of all senior doctor is a pervert like him.

"Are you listening sweety"

Giving my best smile trying to hide my irritation I said "Yes Dr.Sharma" by the way who the f*** is his sweety.

"I have got a luxury villa in town about 70 km from here. It's just beautiful, my favourite. I would really love to gift it to you in case you do agree to be mine."

"Wait....WHAT?" I didn't know it came out loud "agree to what doctor?"

"Be mine Herlin, my girlfriend, living together relationship. Being my wife would me too hard on you as you said you can't be good at everything. Just for the time being beautiful I wanna know what all you are good at" he said with a creepy grin, I clearly understood what the ass hole meant but how come he be so shameless. "I hope you pay more attention to what you say Dr." I couldn't hold back anymore, I stood up from my chair; no matter even if I loose my job but I can't keep listening anymore. I really love my job but people like him makes it hell.

Standing up he moved closer to me, but I was not gonna tolerate this. I moved away and he quickly grabbed my arm tightly pulling me closer to him, placing his other hand on my waist. I suddenly felt my heart beat racing, I was getting scared, my legs were frozen and my mind was confused and blank at the same time, I didn't know what to do nor did I understand what he was going to do. His face moved closer to my left ear his lips brushing it while he whispered "Fight how much ever you like, I always end up getting what I want".