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Cursed Mortal And The Seven Hot Gods

Cursed Mortal And The Seven Hot Gods

Auteur: KrizzyMaya

En cours


Cursed Mortal And The Seven Hot Gods PDF Free Download


Myth says, whoever ate anything from the underworld will forever be bound in the land of the dead. * Heiner, son of Hermes and the messenger of the Gods, delivered a package from Adi, youngest son of Hades to the wrong address. A mortal's address, to be exact. Macy, a mortal in her 20's who wanted nothing but a peaceful life, ate the cursed fruit that was accidentally delivered by an undeniably hot guy with a pink hair. Being born and raised in a normal modern world, she knew 'almost' nothing about Gods and Goddesses. Though there is a minimal information she learned way back in university, 'Gods and their sexcapades', as what she usually describe them. For her, it was overwhelming and annoying at the same time being able to meet bunch of Gods who wanted to drag her down the land of the dead. But not only that, unexpected turn of events are about to happen. All the deepest secrets of the myth itself, is slowly unfolding as the two realms collide. And now that Macy is being summoned by the Gods, what will happen?

Chapter 1


  Being alone and independent is good.

  But sometimes it really sucks. I mean, really.

  The chaotic view in front makes me want to reconsider my decision in having my own place and being an independent chic. This is one of those times anyone would certainly want to depend on someone. Why on earth did I let this happen? I sighed.

  Unwashed dishes, dirty kitchenwares, and empty food containers from different fast food chains were all over the kitchen. And being someone who can't cook, fast foods and restaurants are something that I needed the most in life. I was so busy these past few days that I wasn't able to clean this apartment.

  I tied my hair into a bun, ready to clean everything. Feather duster, used cloths, mop, vacuum, and all other cleaning materials I have were piled up in one corner. In that way, I won't need to search for them in the middle of work, just walk and grab something from that corner then poof! Back to it again.

  And summer season didn't help at all, sweats were running down my forehead and I feel sticky and wet with all the work since I started cleaning, I guess, an hour ago.

  "This is what a lazy-assed chic gets, a whole lot of a messy place," I mumbled to myself. Silently cursing and hoping that something great would happen after all this load.

  I was in the middle of wiping the bar counter when the doorbell suddenly rang, it was followed by a knock on the door. I ignored it thinking it's just someone from the nearby store offering some of their 'newly-created' dish again.

  Well, they do that almost everyday, and sucks that I have to turn it down. I'm not the type who trusts easily, well, not unless you show me a proof of legitimacy. And my mom always reminded me not to trust anyone, especially now that I am all alone. Imma good girl, so yeah, that's it.

  "Hello there, human! Is anybody home?" I heard a muffled voice just behind the door. His cheerful tone made me roll my eyes.

  "You've got a delivery here!" he exclaimed making my brows furrow in confusion. My eyes slowly darted at the door. I don't remember ordering anything, and I'm quite sure I'm not expecting any package today. Wait, did I order food again?

  I wiped the sweat on my forehead with a clean face towel before getting the door. I kicked the used boxes and dirty clothes placed on the floor that was blocking my way. I gave my apartment one more look, and oh my, what a shameful sight!


  A pink-haired man greeted me with a cheeky smile, his eyes almost squinting. He was holding a box on his right hand and a black helmet on his left.

  He have this plump cheek and lips, both in the shade of pink. He is short, but muscular. That plain white shirt with black leather jacket, and black fitted jeans that perfectly mold his muscular thighs are a total opposite of his candy-colored hair.

  And his shoes, it's an all white shoes with small silver wings on it's side. Wow, is that a new design? It's- it's uhmm- nice??

  Anyway, he's a hot delivery guy!

  "A delivery for this address!" he said with all the energy I would love to have. What's up with people and their endless happiness?

  "Uh, sorry but I didn't order anything," I answered, trying to get the dirt off my shirt. I look like a mess!

  He scratched his head and looked at the box, tilting his head as if trying to remember something. The address, maybe? I think it's almost lunchtime the way the scorching sun was up at this moment, I can feel the heat from here. So hot! Just like this guy.

  "But I'm sure I got the right address," he whispered, still looking at the box and scratching his head.

  "I think you—" My words were cut short when he hurriedly gave me the box. "—what the hell?"

  "A surprise package for you, maybe? Anyway, I gotta go!" he shamelessly turned his back on me then wore his black helmet! "Son of Zeus would turn me into a fucking lizard if I came in late again," I heard him whisper.

  "Hey! What about this box?!" I yelled, gesturing the box but he was already on his motorbike, starting the engine and is about to drive off.

  That fast!?

  I didn't even notice him opening my closed gate!

  "It's for you! Do whatever you want with it!" he retorted with a smile on his face and waving his hands. Then off he goes, leaving me with this strange looking box.

  Stupid hot delivery boy, what if the real owner looked for this?! His company would definitely receive a complaint! I went back inside with the package still on my hands, but eventually stopped when I remembered something.

  He was right outside the door when I opened it, right?

  I turned to look at the gate, it was closed.. and locked. Goosebumps started forming on my skin. It sent shiver down my spine when a sudden thought came to mind.

  How the fuck did he get inside my yard?!

  Well, my gate isn't the big and tall type, you can see what's inside even when you're outside. But still, no one would dare to enter someone's house with the door being locked. I can sue him for that!

  "That pink-haired delivery guy is ugh!" I exclaimed in distress.

  The box had this ancient carvings with shiny gold stamp right in the middle. My eyes squinted trying to figure out the image formed in the stamp.

  A three-headed... dog?

  There's also a paper with glittering gold attached at the corner, quite small but good enough to write a short message.

  Eat thy fruit, imbecile. And forever be at peace.


  Okay, that's it.

  I am so done with this thing! I placed the box on top of the dining table and continued with what I was previously doing. I turned on my bluetooth speaker and blasted off songs I love jamming with. Music is great! Music sets up the mood. I don't know, but everytime I play songs, it gives me the energy that I never thought I actually had.

  Hours passed and my apartment is  back to being a clean and liveable place. I even changed the curtains, from floral pink to maroon, same with the cushion sheets. Beads of sweat trickled down my face, and 'tired' is an understatement to what I'm currently feeling.

  I am beyond exhausted!

  I was about to relax and lay down the sofa when something caught my attention. The box. Curiousity got me when a visible green light suddenly glowed in it, like a green smoke was coming out.

  What's that?

  My mind was clouded by thoughts all of a sudden! I opened the box unconciously, revealing red circular things properly placed inside. It gave me a slight ting in the head just by staring at those things. Like I was drawn by it, giving me chills and a sense of familiriaty.

  Then an unfamiliar scent brought me back to my senses. At first I though those were apples, but no.


  And just in time, my stomach rumbled.

  "I guess I'll be having my lunch first."