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Doctor Cutie

Doctor Cutie

Auteur: Racheal Dennis



Doctor Cutie PDF Free Download


Meet Aurora Grace Cox warm-hearted, straight forward, smart mouth and loves making people around her happy. But she is a money lover, pretends to expert in all professional just to make money. But what happens when she sneaks into Ian's mansion pretending to be a doctor just to find the real cause of her parents death? What happens when on her first day of work Ian's fiancée died on her treating the fiancée? Can she leave the mansion alive? Will Ian find out she is a fake doctor?

Chapter 1

  Aurora POV

  "Rora, are you sure you wanna do this?" Brittany, my best friend since forever asked me.

  "Yes, Britt!"

  "But it's gonna be a dangerous adventure, no, I'm not gonna let you go!"

  I sigh and take her hands in mine.

  "Britt, this is a lifetime opportunity for me"

  Brittany puts her arms across her chest and narrow her eyes.

  "Why do you want to go to the Morgan's mansion so badly?"

  I bite my lower lip and look away from her.

  "Because,,,, I can make hellata money there?"


  I nod quickly, a small smile tug on the corner of my lip.

  "But you can make money anywhere, and besides what do you even need so much money for?"

  "Huh?! I need money for so many things, like,

  I need to change my wardrobe, I need to buy new sets of accessories, no, THE trending sets of accessories. And maybe if I save enough I can buy my dream car!"

  Brittany gap at me before rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

  "Nope, I won't let you risk your life for trivia things such as these!" Her tone held finality.

  I gasped dramatically loud.

  "Trivia things?!"


  "Britt, you don't understand. These things are life, I mean life is nothing without them, I mean life is meaningless without them, I mean,,,,,,, "

  "Fine, fine" she cuts off my blabbing.

  I smirk.

  "Even if I let you go, how will you cope? You are not a doctor and you know nothing about medicine!"

  I waggling my eyebrows, I move closer to her.

  "You can help me from afar"


  "I'll reach out to you on critical situations"

  "Reach out to me?"

  "Yeah, via phone!"


  "Yeah, oh!" I mocked her but quickly sober up when she glares at me.

  She stays silent for a moment, her brows furrowed as she ponders on letting me go or not.

  After few minutes of silence, she speaks.

  "I can let you go in my stead but you must promise me something"


  "You must give me a call everyday"

  "Everyday?!" I exclaim with wide eyes.

  "Hmm-mm" she nods.

  "Isn't that too much?"

  "I need to be sure you're still alive and breathing. Do you agree or not?"

  I huffed but nod all the same.

  She sighs and eyed me.

  "You can go tomorrow!" She reluctantly agreed.

  I jumped from my spot and wrap my arms around her in a very tight hug.

  "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, tha,,,,,,"

  "Can't,,,,,,,bre,,,,ath!" She muffles out.

  I quickly let go but didn't stop smiling.

  "Thank you, Britt. I should go start packing"

  "You can pack tomorrow morning, tonight yo,,,,,,"

  "Goodnight!" I cut her off and dashed into my room.

  Tomorrow I'll step into the Morgan's mansion.

  Finally, I will find the real reason behind my parents deaths, mom, dad, please help me out.

  || Ian ||

  I stand in a corner watching as the little girl knelt next to her parents body, she is crying her eyes out.

  She keeps shaking her parents' stilled body.

  Soon, a man in mask appears in front of her, pointing a gun at her. The little girl look up and gasp.

  She stands up slowly.

  "W-who are you?" She asked quietly.

  The masked man laughs sadistically.

  "Someone who wants you dead!" His voice boomed.

  The little girl drops something and take slow steps backwards, the masked man pulled the trigger but somehow it failed.

  It seems to be out of bullets.

  The little girl sees that as an advantage to make a run for it.

  "No, don't run! He's out of bullets!" I try to advice the little girl, but she didn't listen.

  She runs out and head towards the woods and keeps running, the masked man hot on her tails.

  "Hey, stop running! Stop there!" The masked man yells.

  The little girl keeps running, faster and faster, I catch up with her and tries to hold her but I couldn't.

  She suddenly stops, and turned back to look at the masked man. Her big brown eyes widened and filled with fear.

  The man masked man tilts his head and sees that she has no where to run to. There's a cliff behind her.

  He laughs.

  "Run! Run!" He mocks.

  The little girl shakes her head, tears running down her cheeks as she knows nothing can save her now.

  "Aren't you a fast runner? Now run!" He taunts.

  In a flash, the masked man push her off the cliff.

  My eyes widened as I watch her fall helplessly. Then I did the only thing I can do, I screamed.





  My eyes snaps open and I sit up on my bed. I reach out and take a glass of water from the nightstand and take small gulps.

  My door roughly burst open and my right hand man, Brandon walks in. He takes the glass from me and hands me a small handkerchief.

  I wipe off the small beads of sweat that has formed on my forehead, and I pant lightly.

  "Another nightmare?" He asked me.

  I nod.

  I hear him sigh.

  "You've been having these nightmares for 10years now, how about we seek help?"

  "Seek help?"


  I take off my duvet and got off my bed and walked towards my glass window, I stand there and look outside.

  Perfect view of New York City welcomes me.

  "Seek help from where?" I asked him.

  "I don't know, maybe, therapy?" He suggests.

  I frown and shake my head in denial.


  "It might help"

  "No!" I said firmly.

  "Ok!" Then he keeps quiet.

  He knows better than to push it.

  "So,,,are you still going back to sleep?"

  "No. I will just be in my study"

  I turn towards the door and we head out. We take the stairs leading to my study.

  "General, the doctor is coming in tomorrow morning" Brandon said.

  I halt in my steps and faced him, my brows furrows in confusion.


  "The doctor we paid to treat your fiancée!" He explained.

  I nod and continue my journey to my study.

  Soon, we arrived. I stopped at the door and face Brandon.

  "Don't disturb me, unless it's something important" I ordered.

  "Yes sir!"

  I enter my study and slams the door shut.