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The Mafia God

The Mafia God

Auteur: Lady Prim


General Romance

The Mafia God PDF Free Download


“My Lord!” She gasped when she saw a deep wound on my hand and ran to me with quick steps. The rain was nonstop and it was thundering terrifically but the girl standing before me doesn’t seem like she cares about herself much. She is literally drenched cold to the bone yet she is trying to tie a handkerchief around my palm. “M… My… What?” I frowned at her. “You are hurt, My Lord.” My Lord! What the hell is she calling me? “I am not your Lord, girl. I’m –“ I was about to tell her my name when she cut me in the middle and shivered in cold with a smiling face. “You are My Lord because you are a God.” I looked around the dark empty wet alleys to find no signal of mental hospital staff or the mental hospital ambulance. She must have ran away from her psychiatrist. I am a God? From when? From which angle? I thought I’m a Devil? ~*~*~*~ Callisto Raul Mancini, the second most powerful Mafia in Europe and America, a man with cold heart and unlucky hands who can kill anyone without a remorse, crosses paths with a God devotee girl who can make the great Mafia kill himself without shedding a drop of sweat. Albina Rae White, the literature and cultural student, is a kind and a caring girl with only one weakness… or should we say strength - She has ultimate belief in the Almighty with no religious boundaries. She just worships every scripted God on the planet. What happens when the Almighty believer crosses paths with the Almighty himself? Wait, is he really a God? How will the great Mafia fair up with the young girl who believes he is a God? Join the journey of Albina and Callisto and enjoy their unique story. ~*~*~*~*~*~

Chapter 1

  Callisto Raul Mancini Point of View

  "Do you really think I'm a God, Theios Odell?" I questioned him for the thirteenth time in past two minutes. I got an incredulous look from him along with a smug smirk.

  He is enjoying this quite well. I can see that.

  "Are you?" He queried me back biting back his smile. I frowned at his question and closed my eyes to see if I really, really have some hidden strength inside me.

  Okay, if the nature around me is what made me and can also destroy me, I summon the most powerful entity on this planet to show me, guide me if I am really a God reincarnated into a human body.

  I, somehow believing a girl's words, ask the nature for its guidance to show me my destined path and remind me the damned past life that she's claiming I had.


  Come to me...!

  With those words chanting over and over, I closed my eyes tightly and waiting something to happen; anything to happen.

  I expected at least a light beam touch my dark conscious but nothing happened.

  Like the Cuckoo always said, there is no wind, no beam of light of hope, no thunders, no rain.

  "I really started doubting myself, you know. She sounds so convincing every time she talks to me and explains me how I'm a God." I said aggravatingly, running a hand through my disheveled hair. "Heck, I must be mad to consider her words. She's a cuckoo and she is not right." I shook my head vigorously to shake off the ugly thoughts hurting my brain.

  No, I do not really trust her right? She should be in asylum right now with her crazy actions but spending time with her and hearing her speeches, I'm going mad.

  Theios Odell finally guffawed out loudly and plopped down on the couch continuing to laugh like I had provided a great standup comedy for him. His laughter irked me more and his eyebrows wiggling towards me teasingly was what made me punch my hand into the wall.

  This man, the man who is not my blood but still a Theios to me, the man who had guided me and helped me with many things, the man who is my only family other than my best friends Demyan and Egor; this man is laughing at me for the nth time in these past few days.

  "I hope I amused you for the day." I gritted sarcastically for which the fifty year old man gave me lopsided grin and bowed before me before saying something that I hate the most right now.

  "Yes, My Lord" He mocked and chuckled at my grim face.

  There it is again. I hate to be called 'My Lord'!

  I was about to retort him back when a knock rapped on my office door revealing my PA, Kevin. He walked inside with an empty glass and placed it on my table.

  "Mr. Mancini, I had already sprinkled your holy water in the entire building. We can now start the work for today." He said trying to keep a straight face.

  But when Kevin's eyes met the very amused looking Theios's, his lips wiggled into a smile involuntarily. With one glare from me, his faced lost all the color and scurried out of my office with a bow.

  Looking at the empty looking water glass, I fisted my hand and punched the wall again with the increasing irritation.


  Why me?

  Why am I in this situation?

  Why only me?

  Wait... but it's not just me. I'm not the only one who has become the victim of a White. There is someone else who is also suffering the similar madness.

  "I regret killing one of our enemies that night, Theios. If I could've spared that man, I would've been spared from her too. Why did I stumble upon her that night?" I exclaimed rubbing my head roughly.

  That night...

  That fateful awful night...

  "Don, we found the place where Harold was hiding. We already surrounded his hideout and blocked him from escaping. He is now under our control, Don." Caleb informed me.

  I rushed out to the place where the f***er Harold is hiding from me. It was a dull night with a clear sky and cold breeze chilling down the spine. It is not even winter yet but the cool air is bone chilling.

  I felt something when I stepped down from my car into the dark alley where my men are waiting for me...

  Something weird...

  Something unspeakable...

  Something feral...

  The feeling was so strange and confusing. No, it was not because of the cold climate. No, it can't be. I felt a chill that one would feel when their lifeis ready to take a serious upside down in a minute.

  It was a chill; one would feel when he saw Tsunami coming towards him with his own eyes.

  I was confused and frankly speaking, baffled by the sudden chills I experienced. I had never lowered myself to be scared of something or someone.

  I glanced around the gloomy neighborhood which is empty with no one passing by. I gave an overall to the group of men waiting for my commands but still I found nothing out of ordinary.

  Why am I feeling Goosebumps suddenly?

  The hair at the back of my head raised and the cool air that was touching my skin turned creeping chilly.

  What was that?

  "Don, he is inside the building tied up to a chair." I heard one of my men speak and I came out of my trance with a jerk.

  Clearing my throat, I brushed off the feeling and walked inside the building to find the person who will be lucky enough to be killed by my hands.

  Harold, an under boss to an Italian mob, went overboard with self confidence and rattled one of my clubs, threatened my under boss and almost killed one of my men.

  This man should've underestimated me for dancing with my patience. Devil knows how cozy he feels about my body to have a good stay inside it.

  I entered the one room apartment where Harold, the spineless rat, is tied and smirked at him. I sent all my men out to guard us except for Caleb. Caleb stood beside me with his hands folded back in a guarded stance.

  "You must be a fool for rattling me, Harold. You have heard bloody stories about me and still you have nerve to spite me. Now look where it got you. I will be killing you now." I said with a fake pity soon smiling at him, "But hey, I'm not torturing you at least. Congratulations." I chuckled at him and clapped my hands.

  Caleb got the hint and untied Harold from the chair. "You see Harold, it would be coward of me to put a bullet inside your head when you are tied down." I said aiming my gun blank point between his eyes.

  Before I spoke my next words, the rat actually pulled a shaving blade from somewhere and surprised me by cutting my palm. Caleb immediately handled him by punching square on his face, knocking him down for good two minutes.

  I saw blood oozing out of my hand and chuckled at the red liquid. My amusement at the situation sky rocked when Harold gained consciousness and was currently kneeling before me with a weak beaten up body.

  "You foolish boy, if you had a sharp blade, you should've aimed it at my throat. Why did you waste your chance by cutting the hand that was holding gun?" Caleb and I chuckled.

  I looked at my blood again and felt nothing. No pain, no prickling, nothing. Aiming my gun at the rat again, this time I asked him a question every person is asked before being killed.

  "Any last words, Harold?" I mocked him but he just glared at me and opened his open to say something.

  "I know I will be dead now. But before dying, I wish wholeheartedly for someone to enter your life and mess it up forever. I pray for someone to keep you alive forever but kill you every moment. I wish for someone to make you realize the real meaning of torture and you cannot do anything. And I wish that someone to make you weak and vulnerable forever." Before he can make anymore curses, I pulled the trigger and he fell down on the floor cold and dead.

  What? Someone who can make me weak and vulnerable? Impossible!

  Someone who can torture me? Never!

  I scoffed at the pitiful dead man and left the room, instructing Caleb and other men to clean the mess before someone find anything strange.

  I walked out of the apartment to find the sky covered in gray clouds and lightening striking. Just as I was about to step inside the awaiting car, I felt it again.

  The terrible feeling of creepy chills.

  I slowly looked around with hawk eyes scanning the locality to find it empty and dead as usual. With a sigh I looked to my right and that is where the source of my feeling stood.

  The reason for my messed up insanity.

  The person who will make me helpless in future.

  Under the veil of heavy rain falling, she stood there looking at me pointedly. She did not move, she did not speak; she just stood there and is looking at me as if she found something she was waiting for.

  With the lightning struck and roaring thunders, my ear resonated with the most horrible combination of words that will turn my life upside down.

  "My Lord"

  My Lord... My Lord!

  My Lord!

  My Lord!

  My Lord!
