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You Are My Cure

You Are My Cure

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The Qin Group's Lu was weak and sickly. All the doctors in Jiang City were certain that he wouldn't live past thirty years. At the age of 27, a girl appeared in his life. Her name was Chao Yan, and she was good at Chinese medicine. She was the little Miss of the Lu family of western medicine, but she was not recognized by the Lu family. She was the illegitimate child in the eyes of her grandfather, and also the stain in the eyes of her brothers and sisters. It was because she was the only alien who studied traditional Chinese medicine in the Lu family. After Lu Chanyan became the Qin's personal doctor, the Qin's Lu had been living a life of three provinces a day. Do you agree with Dr. Lu? Do you want to eat his medicine? Do you want to drink his medicine tea? One day, Dr. Lu felt the pulse: The pulse was stable, ups and downs, and it had been cured. Qin Shang Lu: "I still have a heart knot. I wonder if Dr. Lu can cure it?" Dr. Lu: "What disease?" Qin Shang Lu: "I like you. I don't want to eat or drink tea." Dr. Lu wrote a prescription casually, "The morning looks as medicine, and the taste is cold and bitter. Shang Lu is medicine, but the quality is hard and the Qi is weak. The morning looks match Shang Lu. If you take it for a lifetime, you can satisfy your yearning."

Chapter 1

Jiang City.

In an international seven-star hotel.

At Red Empire's banquet hall.

The largest and most luxurious banquet hall in the hotel was arranged to be very romantic and beautiful. It was because today was the day of the engagement between the young lady of the Lu family, one of the four small families in Jiang City, and the young master of the He family. The marriage alliance between the two small families, the strong and the strong joined forces, and there were many high-ranking friends.

As far as the eye could see, every guest in the hall, regardless of age or gender, was well-dressed and well-dressed, so as to show their respect and joy for the Lu and He families.

However, there was an exception to everything. At this moment, the girl sitting in front of the piano was the biggest exception in the whole banquet hall.

The girl was about eighteen or nineteen years old. She had no makeup on her face, and her long black and silky hair was casually scattered behind her back.

This girl was very beautiful, but she was not wearing a dress for such an occasion. Instead, she was wearing a plain linen dress with a cold color and an antique style, which was out of place for this engagement party.

She was dressed like this and was sitting in front of a piano, which made her look more strange. If the piano was replaced by a Chinese zither, it would complement each other.

"Who is this girl? Why does she dress like this and come here?" The guests couldn't help but discuss.

"I heard that she's Old Master Lu's youngest son's daughter," someone who knew the truth said.

"The son of the Lu family who broke away from his family and became the son-in-law of the Lu family?" As soon as Old Master Lu's youngest son was mentioned, everyone immediately thought of the scandal of the Lu family in the past.

At that time, the youngest son of the Lu family fell out with the Lu family for a woman. He threatened that he would rather be a son-in-law to marry his beloved woman. In the end, he was driven out by the Lu family, which was widely known.

She didn't expect that after so many years, her daughter had grown up. She was pretty, but unfortunately, she was unlucky. Her father had been kicked out of the Lu family early, and she couldn't be regarded as the real Miss of the Lu family.

No wonder she was dressed so shabbily.

Lu Chanyan, who was being laughed at by others, just sat quietly in front of the piano, waiting for her performance time. She wanted to present a piano song for her lobby elder sister and today's heroine.

In the midst of such discussions, Lu Zixuan appeared. She was wearing an engagement dress custom-made by an international famous dress designer. Her face was covered with exquisite and dignified makeup, and the diamond necklace on her neck was shining brightly.

This was the eldest daughter of the Lu family. The Lu family was a well-known western medicine family. Most of the children in the family were famous doctors in the Western medicine circle. A girl from such a family was naturally graceful and beautiful.

In contrast, Lu Chaoyan, the shabby young lady of the Lu family, was really different from Lu Zixuan.

Under the attention of the guests, Lu Zixuan went to the engagement table. Her fiance He Ziming was standing beside her. They were a perfect match.

Before the engagement ceremony began, Lu Zixuan gave the host a look. The host understood and took the microphone to announce the start of the ceremony. She first invited everyone to enjoy a wonderful piano song.

Everyone subconsciously looked at the girl in plain linen again.

The Lu family was a big family. Couldn't they afford a professional piano player?

There was no need for the young lady of the Lu family to play. Although the young lady of the Lu family was not recognized by the Lu family, she was still related to the Lu family.

On the stage, Lu Zixuan looked at Lu Chaoyan, unable to hide her pride in her smile. Lu Chaoyan did not know how to play the piano, but for her uncle in prison, she had to play a song like "Dream Wedding" today. As a beginner, how could she learn it in three days? Later, it would be the time for her to lose face in front of the aristocratic families in Jiang City.

"A country girl wants to go back to the Lu family? Dream on!"

Lu Zixuan gave Lu Chaoyan a look, warning her to play it well, or she would have to bear the consequences.

Lu Chaoyan lowered her head and raised her hands to put them on the black and white keys. Her hands were white and slender, like white jade. The stage light shone on her, showing her soft profile. She was indeed a rare beauty.

Even when He Ziming's eyes fell on her, there was also a look of surprise in his eyes.

Lu Zixuan was even more resentful and disgusted with Lu Chaoyan, but she had to put on a smile on her face.


Lu Chaoyan pressed the first piano key and made a pleasant piano sound. Her movements were skillful and she didn't look like she started to play the piano three days ago.

The sound of the zither spread out from the zither box and entered everyone's ears. The melody was slow and sad, which made people feel sad.

"This... this seems to be the second song of the third song of the song, 'The Song for the funeral'!" Someone exclaimed at the scene, and then it became chaotic. The guests looked at each other in surprise.

"The funeral is going on!"

"How could he play the funeral song at the engagement party? What is the Lu family going to do?"