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It All Started With Her Ugly Tune

It All Started With Her Ugly Tune

Auteur: endlessgalaxyyy



It All Started With Her Ugly Tune PDF Free Download


Shenia likes guitar. She really do. But she doesn't know how to play them. Thanks to that guitar, she will met a guy that will turn her life upside down like a roller coaster ride, a guy who can play the instrument she like. Over and above, he got a Salty attitude. Though everything changed after she started with her ugly tune.

Chapter 1

Shit! How am I gonna supposed to get out of this class? I'm tired of running since this morning and I don't know how to escape this hell.

I am impatiently tapping my feet on the ground while bitting my nails as I stared at our prof of the PE class. He's currently explaning in front while my classmates listen to his discussion. I need to think of the way on how to get out of here until I could think of one.

When prof was about to start with the real purpose of PE, I immediately raised my right hand, taking his attention.

"Yes, Ms. Costelo?" That made me clear my throat before placing my left hand on my stomach and act like I have stomach ache.

"Sir, may I excuse myself for today since my tummy isn't in her good mood?" My face lit up when he nodded his head before asking me to preceed to the clinic to have my medicine. I only nodded my head before stalking my way out of the gym.


I should treat myself a food later because of how good I acted back there.

As I walked down the quiet hallway, I saw the music room that made me smile. I reached the door, And to my surprise, it's unlocked and looks like someone forgot to lock it. But nah, it's not my concern anymore. At least it's not lock and I won't able to add this to my problems.

I slowly opened the door slowly and was welcomed by the quiet and dark room. The inside do smell nice. My feet took a step forward to let myself in before slowly closing the door behind me.

I'm so happy while roaming my eyes inside the four corners of the room before deciding to reach out from the guitar, not far away from my distance and looked for a place to sit.

I found a spot near the window and decided to sat there. There, I placed the guitar on my lap before placing my finger on the string before starting to strum it slowly.

When I'm about to sing the first lyrics, someone interrupted me. The person suddenly appeared out of nowhere and is mad glaring at me. Gosh his stares looks so scary but all I could feel is confusion.

When did he entered inside? Why I didn't noticed him entering in the first place?

I stared at his pale face and puffy eyes while he glared at me as he let out few heavy breathes.

"U-uh, w-who are you?" I asked, breaking the silence that enveloped us.

"I was peacefully taking a nap here when you woke me up with your ugly tune!" He roared that he sounded like a child throwing its tantrums.

I arched my right eyebrows. "Excuse me, what?"

He scoffed before he tores right his hand through his messy black hair while he place his other free hand to his waist.

"The way you play with a guitar sucks. You're off tune. Wrong tune and it pisses me off." That's it. I'm done with him. Yes, my patience is short and I don't like the contour of this person's tongue.

I immediately stood up from my seat after I placed the guitar on the floor. Out of anger, I pointed at his handso-ugly face before releasing my resentment to him.

"How dare you say that to me!" I sneers but he just stood there, staring at me, boiling in anger. "Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, Mr. Salty hoe but it's not my fault if you don't like the way I play and if I play worse that to the point I woke you up." I then continued. "But if you don't like it, you are freely to cover your goddamn ears and went out of this room in peace." He just laughed. This person just laughed. How dare him laughed at me?! There is nothing wrong from what I told him.

He placed both of his hands inside of his pocket before grinning at me. That grin on his face pisses me off.

"Well too bad, there's no peace by the way you play it." What he said made me boil in anger more.

He sighed before shaking his head as he waved his left hand infront of his face while saying, "O, dear, O dear, the way you play it might ruin my eardrums."

He giggled before turning his backs on me as he reach for the exit door. I grip my fist while staring his fully build back figure. But before he could fade away from my sight, he take a quick peek from his shoulder and said something that make me want him strangle to death.

"Don't play guitar anymore, it really sucks." Before closing the door and left me want to shave his eyebrows until there's nothing left.

"I HATE YOU!" I screamed through the top of my lungs before stamping my feet, out of frustration on the floor.

Ugh! I hate him so much! 

After some few heavy sighs, I decided to leave. I suddenly lost my appetite to play again amd decided to go back to the classroom alone. And when I arrived, the classroom is still empty. Means, the PE class isn't finish so I waited there until they arrive.

Few of them were laughing while some are talking and gossiping about other people's lives.

I immediately shifted my weight when Lara, my friend, sat infront of me.

"Hey, girl, guess what?" I hummed as my response before she continued with a smile on her lips.

"You won't believe what I discovered today." She suddenly exclaimed.

"Go on."

"So basically, there's this daddy I met all the way to the girls locker area." She continued. "He's so handsome and drop dead hot as fuck!" I just nodded my head to let her continue her story.

"Few girls started to approached him and asked about his name." She used her right hand like a fan before looking up the ceiling like it's very hot at the moment.

"His name is very common but the way he say it is just so hot!"

"And his name is?" Not that I'm interested with this guy.

Lara immediately rose her left brows and give me the look like she's judging me through my soul.

"O, goodness, Ms. Shenaya." She blurted out by the way my name is pronounced. "You? Getting interested to ask about someone is so uncommon of you." I just playfully smack her shoulder that made her giggled.

"But anyway, his name is Joshua." Really common. I just nodded my head before diverting my attention back to the front.


After classes, it's already lunch break and found myself eating silently while Lara spilling her teas about what she just heard a moment ago. Lara never ran out of teas to spill. She always has it every single day. She's always updated and would tell me about those teas when we meet. I absolutely don't need a social medias to look up on the internet to find what's happening because before I could do it, Lara already told me everything.

"O my..." Confused, I looked up to her and saw how she fix her self and beamed a blissful smile while looking behind me.

"What is it?" She immediately pointed at someone from my behind so I followed it with my stares and it landed on the guy I met in the music room. The guy I hate the most since after that moment. He's apperantly eating with from what I assume are his friends, not far away from our table.

And when that salty bastard met my stares, a smirk immediately crept upon his lips that made me roll my eyes from him and returned my attention back to my food. "Yeah, him."

You could smell the bitterness through my voice as I utter those words. The audacity of him to smirk at me?! For what?! To piss me off?! Because congratulations, he succeeded.

"O my... did Joshua Radcliffe just stared at me?!" That made me scoffed before focusing myself to finish the food.

And thankfully, I finished it so I immediately stood up and planning to left her without waiting for her to finish hers.

"Wait, me!" She said with her full mouth.

"No, I'm sorry but I need to go and finish something." And left her there, confused and didn't even bother letting her speak.

When I am about to reach the exit door, I siddenly got slipped on the floor with my butt and create a loud thud that took away the students attention and looked at me, weirded out from what happened. What the fuck!? That was so fucking embarrassing!

And when I'm about to got up, a hand suddenly appeared followed up with a familiar voice. "Hey, you okay?"

I looked up to confirm my thoughts and from what I was expecting, it's not other than Joshua Radcliffe. I swat his hands infront of me and stood up with my own. I heard few gasp from the students because of what I did but I just don't give a fuck.

"No. Thank you." And glared at his grinning face before turning my backs on him. But before I could take a step away from him, he just suddenly grab by my arm and pulled me back.

Just when I am about to protest, he showed me my phone on his hands.

"Give me that back." I commanded him with finality but he just chuckled. I tried on reaching my phone from him, but he's just to tall for me to reach it so I give up.

"Fine!" I grunted that made him paused for a moment. "If you won't give it back then, it's all yours!" I sneered before walking out of that place, feeling his stares, boring from my back.