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Auteur: AAGenesis



I LOVE YOU BUT... PDF Free Download


Pamilerin and Freeman were returning from Beauty's wedding . Beauty had reached out to them after Winter was sentenced to prison... She had asked for their forgiveness... " I am sorry for all your family went through. My selfishness started this. If I had been mindful of you, I won't have dated your husband... Emotions are real and we can't help but feel it, but we must be wise and mindful of others. I paid for my selfishness too, I can't make use of my eyes but I am thankful for life" Beauty had said to Pamilerin and Freeman “I am sorry for also leading you on, if I had stood my ground to be faithful to my family, all that won't have happened. Remember, it takes two to tangle...I know the statement that started the whole fire was when I told you “I love you but my wife had to be dead before I could marry you". If I never gave you the possibility of that opening, you would never have fallen for Winter's Wiles. Freeman's business had been restored, Pamilerin gave it her all in prayer for restoration and that evidently happened. After a year of them coming back together, Chief resurfaced and signed the investment partnership with Freeman...

Chapter 1

The Break Up


It was two weeks since the breakup and it was two weeks away from Beauty.

Freeman looked out the window as he watched Pamilerin playing with their daughters. His second daughter who was very outspoken smiled and he saw her beautiful dimple just like him. Freeman couldn't help but smile. The smile was a smile of gratitude. He was grateful for what he had. He felt free indeed. He didn't have to hide his phone every now and then. He didn't have to stay in the car receiving Beauty's call. He had blocked Beauty's number from calling him. He couldn't deny the fact, he enjoyed every bit of the time he spent with Beauty, but the time to move on was now. It was worth it while it lasted. His family was what mattered most. Thinking about Beauty, he was happy she had cashed out a week after he gave her the cheque. He guessed it took her the first week to come to terms with the reality of the break up. She must have come out of the shock and good reasoning made her go cash out.


Beauty's eyesight had gone from bad to worse. The doctors had used all kinds antibiotics and even got an optician involved, but Beauty was beginning to see things in a very blurry state.

" Winter, is this the way I will lose my sight?" Beauty cried on Winter's shoulder at the hospital..

" I thought the Doctors would be able to prevent you from getting blind, but despite spending over a million on your treatment, things are only getting worse... I feel like a total failure. I couldn't help my best friend in the world." Winter said

" Help me Winter, Help me, I can’t lose my sight... I never knew she was this wicked."

" You should be grateful she didn't kill you!" Winter said

" Why is this life so unfair? Everyone keeps deserting me. I can tell you will be leaving me soon. I see how your husband has been calling without end. You won't want your husband going into the arms of another woman because of me!"

" I can't desert you Beauty... and besides my husband can not go into the arms of another woman, I have him tied where I want him to be"

" Tied as in Tied?"

" Yes... Tied as in Tied! You should have let us tie Freeman.."

"Please, can you not mention his name again. I don't want to have anything to do with him and his wife again!"

" I don't get...Are you afraid of them? Are you going to let them off the hook so easily... The witch wife is responsible for your eye problem."

" What do you want me to do? If I try contacting them again, the woman may kill me totally. Just help me find a solution to my eye problem."

" Babe, we can't let them go like that... That woman, she will pay with her life and that husband she doesn't want you to have, Babe you are getting him and this eye problem, he will take you abroad and fix it for you. Even if means him buying you a new set of eyes.." Winter said

" Winter, they don't buy eyes!" Beauty said laughing. Winter succeeded in making her smile..

" They do... I watch it in movies..." Winter said laughing

" This is real life !" Beauty replied " Thank you , Winter...Thank you for being the only family I have!"

" And you have been an amazing "friesister" to me" Winter said

" Friesister? What's that? That's a new one" Beauty asked. Winter was always coming up with something new.

" Just coined it! Since there is a word " Frenemy" I thought of what describes Us best.

" I am grateful you are not a frenemy to me, thank you for being a fresister to me.. " Beauty said hugging Winter tight...

" Yes I am your fresister and I will do anything to pay that woman back in her own coin and even give her more."

To be continued