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The Devil And I

The Devil And I

Auteur: imalwaysdreamin



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Her name's Angelle Avery, she gets mocked and bullied everyday just cause she isn't as beautiful as her two sisters. One day, she came across a website which invited the devil to her room. From then on, her life changed. She was no longer the ugly sister, but making a deal with the devil comes with a catch. No, this devil didn't want her soul, he needed her to help him fall in love.  

Chapter 1

It was a hot and humid night, but despite this, I managed to sleep soundly.

That was, until I had a strange feeling that I wasn't alone in my room. Being a light sleeper, I sensed that someone was in my room. And it was neither my parents nor my sisters. It was a stranger.

I rubbed my sleepy eyes that were deprived of sleep. I had cried myself to sleep a few hours ago, like every other day. It was hurting me, the way they mocked me.

Why? Why did I stick out like such a sore thumb? Why were my two sisters drop-dead gorgeous and I on the other hand...

"Hey there," a foreign voice sounded from the other end of my room.

I jolted up at this. The stranger took meaningful strides towards me and my heart beat faster at every step he took.

It was dark. I couldn't see the person's face; the only thing I could make out was a masculine figure.

I reached around me to find something that could protect me, but the only thing my hand came into contact was my soft toy.

Damn it.

"Who...who are you?" My voice stuttered in fear.

With a snap of his fingers, the lights came on.

My eyes shut instinctively at the sudden brightness and when I opened them again, a guy's face was a mere inch away from me.

I blinked rapidly and I am pretty sure my jaw had reached the ground by now.

The guy in front of me was gorgeous. The first thing I noticed about him was his warm brown eyes which drew me in. He had sharp, chiseled features that would make even Abercrombie models jealous. His tousled brown hair looked soft and unlike most guy's, seemed free of hair products.

Angelle Avery! what are you thinking?! My inner self screamed at me. Here you are drooling about a guy who could be here to murder or kidnap you for all you know!

"I know I'm good looking, but you can stop drooling," the guy in front of me smirked.

This pulled me out of my own world.

"Oh my god! Who are you! What the hell are you doing in my bedroom?! Are you here to murder me or something?!" I shouted at him while I hit his face with my soft toy.

"Ouch, for a girl like you, you hit like a man," the guy said, rubbing his cheeks.

Guilt rushed through me.

"I'm sorry. Does it hurt badly?" I asked in concern.

Before he could reply, a thought struck me and I shouted at him again.

"No. Why should I care if you are hurting? You're here to murder me aren't you?! Stay away, I'm calling the police," I threaten as I picked up my phone on my bed stand.

With a snap of his fingers, my phone flew right out of my hands into his.

My eye widened at this.

"Are you some sort of magician or something? Or am I dreaming?" I asked in shock.

"No?" he said it as though it was a question and raised his brow.

"I'm pretty sure my abilities are cooler than a magician's," he said and smirked once again.

A snap from his fingers sounded again, and before I could register what happened, I was flying through the air. "Aah..." I screamed and closed my eyes tightly.

A few seconds later, I collided into something hard.

When I opened my eyes, his handsome face was right in front of me.

Yes, I collided into his body.

His firm arms were holding onto my waist and I pushed him away upon realization.

"What did you just Who the hell...a...are you?" My voice trembled. I began to back away from him. But my feet were stuck to the ground.

I was paralyzed by fear. Literally.

"Calm down. My name is Jeremy. And I am what you humans call, a devil," Jeremy slowly explained.

I wanted to scream for help but nothing would come out of my mouth.

"You accessed thedevilsite three days ago didn't you?" he asked me.

<Three days ago>

"Hey, have you heard of ?" I heard a girl with straight blonde hair say to her friend.

"Yeah, it's kinda popular nowadays isn't it?" Her friend, a girl with red hair, replied.

I didn't mean to eavesdrop but they were chatting just beside my locker.

"I heard that it can fulfill most of your heart's desires," blondie said again.

"I don't believe in such gimmick, must be a website set up by some prankster," reddie said with a roll of her eyes and both of them walked away. Doesn't hurt to check it out, I thought to myself and whipped out my phone from my back pocket.

After typing the link, I waited a few seconds for the page to load.

The words "Enter Your Wish" were displayed on the page when it finished loading.

Out of curiousity, I typed my wish down. No harm trying.

I want to be beautiful.

What will you sacrifice if your wish gets fulfilled?

Idk, what do you want?

I typed the words and tapped Enter.

Nothing happened after that. Its not like I expected anything to happen though. It's just a harmless prank by some prankster.

<End of flashback>

"It's...not a prank?" I asked, stunned.

"No cupcakes, it isn't," Jeremy said amusedly.

"You're the devil. want my soul don't you?" I asked him, fear coursing through my veins.

Jeremy laughed at that.

"Cupcakes, in most circumstances, you're probably right, b..." Jeremy started to say but I cut him off.

"I thought it was just a prank. I don't want to lose my soul. Please, just delete my entry or whatever thing its called on that website," I pleaded.

"I'm afraid I can't do that cupcakes," Jeremy said with a frown on his face.

"Wh...why?" I asked.

"You were chosen to have your wishes fulfilled. There's no backing out once you submitted your wish," the devil explained.

"How long do I have till my soul goes to you? Without my soul, I might as well be dead right? Can I–"

"Cupcakes, slow down, I'll answer your questions one by one," Jeremy said slowly.

"Ok, firstly, you haven't heard what I was trying to say just now. I'm here to fulfill your wish, but I won't claim your soul–"

"Are you serious?" I heaved a sigh of relief. "And you only told me that now?" I exclaimed.

"You didn't give me a chance to explain," Jeremy defended himself.

I frowned at this. He was right but he'll fulfill my wish without claiming my soul? This is too good to be true.

"Okay, so what's the catch?" I asked him.

"Uh...the catch is that you must make me...fall," Jeremy said nervously while scratching his neck, a tinge of red appearing on his cheeks.

"Aw, the devil blushes," I teased him with a smile.

Jeremy narrowed his eyes at me and said, "let's return to topic."

I nodded with a smirk.

"As my punishment, I need to fall in love with a human, and the human has to reciprocate my feelings as well," Jeremy explained.

"It must be done so in 100 days, or else we'll both die."

"What?!" I shouted but Jeremy clasped his hand over my mouth.

"Stop shouting, we wouldn't want to wake your family members," he said softly.

"I..." tears started to collect in my eyes.

Seeing my tears, Jeremy removed his hand from my mouth.

I have so little time, how can I make someone fall in love with the devil in just 100 days?

"Don't worry, I'll try my best as well. After all, my life is also at stake," Jeremy tried to comfort me.

Curiousity killed the cat. Will I be killed as well?