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Her Unconditional Love

Her Unconditional Love

Auteur: zhandranel

En cours


Her Unconditional Love PDF Free Download


Zayake Luden comes from a wealthy family, they own a lot of property in and out of the country, he is also the grandson of the owner of the school where he studies. And at the beginning of the new school year, he met a very beautiful woman who will teach him how to love. “I don’t know the definition of love, but when I met you, I finally understood what love really is. Thank You for making me feel that love is unconditional.” But what if their love would also be the cause of all pain? Canthey still love each other if they are both hurting as well? “I love you, but if loving you means losing myself, I dont think I can anymore. Goodbye My Love.” I said as I turned my back at him. I couldn't stop my tears from flowing when I started to leave him. Its so hard for me but this is the time I need to build myself up. Goodbye My Love, I will always love you. Till we meet again.

Chapter 1

“Xy, What do you want?” My friend Khaiton asked.

Khaiton is my childhood best friend we’ve been together for almost our whole lives. He treats me like his own sister, he never let me feel alone and he always comforts me when I’m feeling down.

“Milktea” I answered.

We are ordering a drink in a milktea stall near the airport. We decided to go on a break because of work.

“Ofcourse you’ll order a milktea because its a milktea shop. Idiot” he said “I’m referring to a flavor Xy!!”

I looked at him intensely, we’re used to call each other ‘idiot’ but we still cannot accept it “Wintermelon, 75% sugar”

Khaiton sighed “Where’s Light, he said he’ll be here. He’s late again.” He said he gave me my milktea when the crew handed it to him “Its my treat, you need to treat me later”

“Okay fine.” I started drinking my tea “Khai, when will you get a girlfriend and stop being a playboy?” I asked

“You’re no getting any younger”

“How about you? When will you find a boyfriend?” He laughed “Its not in your plans again right? But the truth is... you cant moved on” he smirked “Well, you see Xy. I may be a playboy but I won’t let any man hurts you. As long as you haven’t found the man of your life, I will be your protector.”

He is serious when he said that. And yes, I admit Khai is a playboy but when it comes to me, he didn’t let anybody hurts me when it comes to everything. He is a perfect boyfriend so his girl would be so lucky to have him. I just hope he stops being a playboy.

“Your future girl would be so lucky to have you Khai, or you’ll be a pain in the ass” I laughed

He was about to answer when someone grabbed my milktea. I was so shocked but when I saw the guy, it was Light. Light is also my boybestfriend just like Khai, we’re all together since we were a kid. But the most unlikely is.. Light isn’t a playboy, he has a cold aura when it comes to people but he was so jolly when he’s with us. Like I said, he’s not a playboy but he didn’t like to entertain many girls, when he saw someone compatible to him, he’ll make move and take every relationship seriously. He’s also very protective to me.

“Let me take a sip”

“What makes you so late? Light?” I curiously asked, it was the first time that he’s late.

“I saw your ex.. luckily, he didn’t ask where you are. We just talked about random things” he answered

“Ex? Who? Zayake?” It was Khai “I thought he already moved on”

“Let’s just go, dont mind him.” I said “We’ll be late on our trip.” When we are not busy, we’re always going on a trip, our today’s destination is on Casa Grandé where we can go on a zipline, jetski, bungee jumping, and many more.

We went on the airport together, I was struggling holding my luggage because it’s too big so Light helped me carry mine. “Thanks Light”

The security checked our luggage and after that we decided to go on the plane, Light immediately sleep when we got on the plane so Khai and I were the only one who’s awake. “Your ex is here” he whispered

I looked around the corner to find him and saw that he’s just on the opposite sit between me “Can we change sits? Please” I whispered also “Please Khai”

“Okay Fine” we both sat up and exchanged our sits, I am now sitting between Khai and Light, minutes had passed we are talking and laughing about various things, sometimes I saw my ex glancing at me but I didn’t mind.

2 hours later, we finally arrived at our destination, I have no idea where did my ex goes because Khaiton rented a car for us so we can tour around the city.

Light put his arm on my shoulder while holding my luggage on his other hand. “Let’s take a picture!” Khai suggested, we all smiled in the camera as Khai clicked it.

“Let me see if I look ugly” I grabbed the camera and see it my self, The photo was good it turned out well

“Idiot, you’re already ugly no need to check it” He teased me, Khai really likes saying idiot to the people he’s close with. Light and I were used to be called idiot.

“Shut up Khai, you’re even more uglier than us!” I laughed “Continue driving, you’re no fun”

He continued driving until we reach our destination, He didn’t know the way so we still have to ask other person just to find Casa Grande, so we areived late. Casa Grandé is really a good place to relax. My family wants to invest here but we dont know who’s the owner of this Villa, They said that the owner was too private and dont want others to find out who he is until the right time comes.

“I want to know who’s the owner of this Villa” I said while looking at the view when we finally got inside, later on I found myself crying while looking at the view. It’s already night but you can still see the beauty of the whole place.”There’s a party there!!” I got too excited when I heard someone singing on the stage so I immediately went there.

I don't need a lot of things

I can get by with nothing

With all the blessings life can bring

I've always needed something

But I've got all I want

When it comes to loving you

You're my only reason

You're my only truth

There I saw my ex singing our theme song...

Our eyes met, then he started to sing the chorus while looking at me.

I need you like water

Like breath, like rain

I need you like mercy

From heaven's gate

There's a freedom in your arms

That carries me through

I need you

The people are just vibing while he was singing, sone of the girls are taking a video of him while I remain standing and cannot move an inch on my body.

He ended the song perfectly and looked at my side again before saying his last words...

“It’s nice to see you again, my love”