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Rise Of The Wolves The Beast Within

Rise Of The Wolves The Beast Within



Rise Of The Wolves The Beast Within PDF Free Download


Marcus Crescent's 16th birthday has just passed. Since then he has noticed a lot of weird changes. For one, his temper flies through the roof. Not to mention he has been having the strangest of dreams. After asking his father, Marcus uncovers a dark, long hidden family secret. How will his best friend, his younger sister and his crush react when he reveals his darkest secret, more importantly, what will it mean for his future?

Chapter 1

Marcus was absolutely shattered. He couldn't wait to get to his bed, his nice soft new bed that his parents had brought him for his birthday since he out grew his small single one. His sixteenth birthday was just about to come to an end and he felt a mix of feelings. The day however, had gone smoothly and nothing had gone wrong. It was exactly what be had hoped it would be

He knew he should feel super happy, after all he was full of cake and sugar, not to mention he got to see his best friend Joshua, and his childhood crush, Julianna, who was also his best friend's twin sister, and she was wearing a black laced dress.

Though if it weren't for the fact that they were boy and girl, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart. They both had fair blonde hair and piercing green eyes. Although they were identical on the outside, they were worlds apart on the inside. Joshua, his best friend, was shy and quiet, yet cheeky and hilarious when you got close to him, and man could he use a skate board, while Julianna could be savage if you made her mad, yet she was also caring, which Marcus had figured was from years of taking care of her twin and her younger brother while her mum was passed out on the sofa, drunk out of her skull, and her older sister Kayla, always out clubbing with a different boy every night ever since their dad had gone to prison.

However, despite the excitement, for reasons he couldn't explain he felt irritated and agitated, as though he could just snap at any moment. He hoped that no one would bother him right now, as he didn't want to make the mistake of biting their head off and upsetting them. He wasn't that kind of person at all.

Marcus's home life was very different from that of his best friend, or at least that's what he thought. First of, his parents, William and Mandy, were still together, and they never argued once throughout their entire marriage.

Then there was his thirteen year old sister, Layla, who was annoyingly girly and obviously fancied the pants off of his best friend. Though despite how annoying his sister could be, the two of them were close. They never argued much and always had each others backs, no matter what the situation.

Usually on the evening of his birthday, she would come to his room and they would chase the night away watching silly videos, and listening to music, she would often tell him the latest celebrity gossip which he didn't care much for,? and he would mock her in a light hearted teasing kind of way. He loved that little tradition of theirs, he really did, but tonight he could only hope that she didn't come knocking, for he was way too tired and could barely keep his eyes open. Unfortunately for him though, just as he reached his bedroom door, he heard footsteps behind him, and then a high pitched excited voice.

"Maarrrcccuuuusss" She squealed, sounding overly excited.

With a sigh, he turned to face her. She was almost to the point of jumping up and down. He really hoped that she would understand but then again she was only a thirteen year old girl and if there was one thing he knew, it was that girls of that age were persistent, and if there was one thing that he knew about Layla, it was that she could be persistent.

"Layla look....I don't mean to be rude or ignorant but I'm way too tired for our tradition, can I make it up to you tomorrow?" He asked, his voice sounding rougher than he expected, probably from not talking for a while.

Hearing her brother sound so drained, Layla's excitement died down and a new feeling arrived, and suddenly she felt a sense of darkness. It was quite intense too.Quickly brushing the feeling aside, she replied,

"I'm not going to even ask about that, I'm way too tired as well. It's just with everyone all over you at your party, I never got to give you my gift." She explained, slightly disheartened. She hoped that her brother would at least let her give him the gift.

"I'm sorry if I sounded harsh, I'm just not..." He began, then broke off mid sentence, unsure of how to finish it. He did not want any questions from her. Not tonight. After thinking for a moment, he continued,

"Not really in the mood. But if you really wanna do it now then I will for you." He finished off, hoping that it would make her happy, especially after how his last sentence had come out.

With that being said, she reached into her pocket and pulled something out. Without a word she gestured for him to take it, which he did without a fuss.

Looking down at what was now in his hands, a slight smile appeared on his face. In his hands was a diamond studded silver cross, almost identical to the one he'd lost in the fire at their previous home. He was so grateful for this gift, that he just didn't know what to say.

Pulling himself together so that he didn't show his emotions too much as that was the last thing he wanted to do in front of the person that looked up to him more than anyone ever did, he finally mustered up the energy to say something.

"Thank you Layla. I love it. It's beautiful." He replied and flashed her a small grateful smile before heading into his room.

Now that the day was finally over, he let out a heavy sigh, placed the chain carefully on his bedside table, kicked off his shoes and flopped onto his bed.

Within seconds he was out like a light, though just because his body had stopped, it didn't mean his mind had. Instantly it had taken him to another place. A place that was deep in his mind.? Deep and horrific. A place that never even knew existed. He didn't usually have dreams, but this night in particular would turn out to be a real nightmare...