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Working For A Mafia

Working For A Mafia

Auteur: Preçious Diamond



Working For A Mafia PDF Free Download


She's a normal country gir living with her parents in a small town not untill some evil money bags decided to massacre poor countries like her . She witnesses it and her heart bled as she watched the death of her parents She becomes angry and plans on getting revenge anyhow possible. Will her plans work and how far will it continue when she falls in love. find out in this intriguing story

Chapter 1



  "Wake up little witch" I said sprinkling water on Mitchell's face

  "Arrgh Miranda stop being a devil" she said

  "Well I don't want us to go to work and face the wrath of Madam Bonna so get up and start dressing up" I said hitting her head

  She sighed

  "How do you get to wake up this early" she said stripping off her clothes

  "I just stay alert to the time dumdum, get into the bathroom I already prepared your ba" I said sitting down

  "Fine" she said scurrying away

  I brought out her coffee mug and made coffee for her

  Don't want anything keeping me here

  Oops care for an introduction

  Am Miranda Kress and the lady earlier is my best friend Mitchell McCurdy.

  That's all I can say about myself

  "Mitchell get the hell out of that bathroom" I yelled

  "Am out already" she said coming out tying a towel on her hair with am the unclad body

  "Take this and put it on"I threw her clothes to her a jean trouser and a plain tee

  Well, that's the uniform although we also have the ID card bearing the name of the cafe.

  Well we are waitresses or should I say chefs

  "Am done"Mitchell said gulping down her coffee at the same time

  "Let's go" I said coming out with my bag

  She locked the door and we left

  "You guys are three seconds late," Madam Bonna said as soon as we got in

  What kind of woman is this

  "We are sorry madam Bonna "Mitchell apologized

  Well she better does because she made me late.

  After Madam Bonna allowed us inside, we put on our ID cards and carried our trolley ready to be assigned to a table

  "Table 4 and 5 Miranda"Cecelia the head cook said

  "Table 9&10 Mitchell" she added

  I carried the trolley containing spaghetti and meatballs, pasta, pizza, and juice to thetables

  As soon as I served Table Four, the man sneakily put his card in my jean pocket

  Well I get that

  Not easy having these look.

  Beautiful is an understatement

  I served Table Five before heading to the kitchen. We had a lot of customers today before we finally closed for the day.

  Time for a Second Job.


  "Toss the pad, it's time to show you my gaming skill," I said to my friend

  "Here buddy all you know how to do is boast "Kel said

  "Hmm slot in Dangerous assassin "I said picking up the pad

  He slotted it in and for the first two rounds he beat me square and fair

  "Loser" he shouted

  "Jerk" I breathed out

  I switched in to cheat mode andlwinning him and his face became sour while I smiled

  "What did you do Micheal" he asked eyeing me

  "Nothing loser"I said still playing cheat

  "Am done with thislet's go work on those cases" he said getting up

  Well I failed to introduce myself well

  Am Micheal Holden and that's my friend Kel Farrow and we are C.I.A agents


  "Sleep tight Mitchell" I said covering her up with a blanket

  Am sorry Mitchell, but this is the price you have to pay if I want my mission to be successful

  I opened my bag and brought out my ninja outfit and put it on, slid my feet into my booth, and wore my mask for security

  I slid down the house from the wall and entered the car already waiting for me.

  I jumped in and turned on the GPS location

  "Carmen Avenue," I said and it started moving.

  I jumped out of the car as soon as I got there, the house was fenced with burglary proofing but am experienced than this. I climbed the fence till I got to the burglary proof. I slid my feet to the other side of the fence before pulling myself over.

  Phew already in the building

  Another problem now, huge bodyguards for little me


  I brought out my silencer and shot at one of the guards. The others ran in that direction like fools gaining mentrance into the building.

  I ran to his room Mr. Gavier's room, he is the assistant personal adviser to the governor

  Am assassinating him tonight

  I barged into his room and found him sleeping peacefully

  Oh so bad

  This is going to be your last day on earth

  Your guards couldn't even save you so believe the saying that if God does not watch over you, the watchman watcheth but in vain

  I pointed the silencer at his heart. I shot him three times there

  Mission accomplished

  I slid out through the window stealthily before escaping from the building. One of the guards shot me in the leg but it's bulletproof so it didn't have any effect.

  I entered the car and set the GPS LOCATION to maltimon that's where my Mafia boss resides

  "Mission accomplished, "I said as soon as I entered the building

  "Good job Miranda. Cheers" he said pouring me some juice in a cup

  Well I don't take alcohol

  I sipped from it before checking the time,woah time is far spent.

  "Boss I have to go now, my roommate may wake soon," I said dropping the cup

  "That's why I asked you to stay here at maltimon instead you go about living in houses, working as a waitress for a meager pay when you could be comfortable here," he said pouring more juice in his cup

  "Boss I just want to live a normal life aside from my killings," I said

  "Fine fine I know why I allow you do all these

  Thanks, boss


  I checked the fingerprint gotten from the last bullet which was extracted from Mr. Gavier's body and it matched

  F*CK that assassin

  She has killed someone again

  "Damn it, it's blank again," Micheal said as he hit his desk

  Well he had tried to see through the CCTV camera multiple times and it was always blank

  The assassin is really good

  "Michael, I need a break am going to the living room to take a coffee," I said standing up

  "Am after you dude, this case is something else. Whoever the assassin is, he or she is really good. We have been working on this for two months" Micheal said

  "Yeah he or she is really good" I said leaving the room with Michael coming behind me

  "Darn it. No more coffee" I said as soon as I entered the kitchen

  "Let's go to the cafe down the street" Micheal said going upstairs

  We walked down the street looking at people moving around doing their daily business

  "Micheal check out that girl crossing over," I said tapping him

  "Any problem with her," he asked not sparing her a glance

  "She is beautiful dumdum," I said spanking his head with my index finger

  "Ouch, go try your luck with her and I hope this relationship works. Am off to the coffee shop, seems you found your coffee on the way" he said winking

  "Get out of here idiot," I said sending him a playful glare

  He walked away and I used the opportunity to get to the lady

  "Hello how can I help you," she asked as soon as I approached her.


  Am only one call away

  I will be there to save the day

  Superman got nothing on me


  Am only one call away

  "Miranda be fast with that, we got a customer requesting coffee, make sure you use your recipe," she said cutting short my song

  "Ok mam Bonna," I said removing the earplugs from my ear

  Who could be a customer that just ruined my fun?

  I brought out a mug and started adding the ingredients before stirring, I took the hot water and poured in it before placing it on the saucer. I placed it on the trolley to give the customer


  My eyes landed in table Eight and I found a guy sitting there

  So it's a guy that disrupted the fun I was having.

  I pushed the trolley there and when my eyes fell on him, my mouth fell apart


  I sat at the table and waited for the coffee I ordered for

  The waitress pushed the trolley towards my direction and I became short of breath

  She is extremely beautiful

  She got to my table and her mouth dropped open

  Well I don't blame her, am damn handsome

  Not boasting though

  "Please cover your mouth to avoid drooling falling from it, "I said bringing her back to reality

  "Uhmm sorry sir, this is your coffee," she said dropping the saucer containing the cup of coffee

  "What is your name"I suddenly asked as she turned round to leave due to curiosity

  "Kira" she answered rather nervously.

  "Ok," I said as she scurried away

  "Hey bro why are you looking at that lady"Kel asked behind me startling me

  "Uhmm nothing, I hope you shot your goal well with the lady, "I asked him waving his question aside

  He shot me a WE WILL TALK. ABOUT IT LATER glare

  "Yes I did and guess what she works here with her best friend Miranda," he said beaming excitedly

  "Huh, I hope it lasts long not like the other one with Clara, tries and gives her your time even though it's little. Don't get too overshadowed with work and forget about your love life. What's her name?"I asked

  "Mitchelle, bro you talk like a marriage counselor, I bet you like the waitress earlier he said smiling

  "Hmm I don't know, am not into all the lovey-dovey things. Anyway, her name is Kira and she is really beautiful if I must confess"I said smiling sheepishly.

  "Look who's in love," Kel said pulling a seat to sit

  "Jerk" I breathed out

  "Uhmm whatever, don't you want to see Michelle and her friend today, maybe you might like her friend, "he said winking at me

  "Yeah I do want to see them but do you think their boss would allow both of them even if we make an order," I said arching my brows

  "Let's try if it doesn't work we see them after closing," he said.

  To be continued

  Miranda will be caught soon oo

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