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Love Written

Love Written

Auteur: Jasmine grande 1

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Love Written PDF Free Download


When billionaire Kai seems to be obsessed with someone who doesn't love him and wants nothing to do with his kind but desperate times calls for desperate measures and that's what lillian has to do. Will she survive Kai obssessions or him entirely, if not then what will happen to her when memories that should be long forgotten start to resurface

Chapter 1

Lillian's POV

I wished my life was a whole lot simpler like in movies where the broke girl meets her prince charming CEO, they fall in love get married and live happily ever after but sadly not all your dreams can come true, I have been believing that my life could finally change but the universe seems to remind me everyday that life is not a movie. That's what I have been thinking for the past seven years of my life and just like that I am being fired from my 16th job and here I am in my room wallowing in self pity.

It's like I carry bad luck everywhere I go, I move around a lot thinking it just the environment but that's not it, I'm just cursed. I have tried everything to stay where I am but usually after a month my Ex bosses would call me into their offices telling I'm being fired for no good reason or explanation given to me.

Hello my name is Lillian Cruz, i am a graduate of the accounting department with a PHD in check, i used to work at different companies till they fire me for no good reason and I'm 24 years old. My last job was being a waiter at a restaurant but sadly I got fired from that job too, I never do anything wrong but everyone fires me and gives me an envelope with money inside, it was wierd at first but I just went with it especially since I needed it.

My mother died when I was eight in a car accident so we had to move from London down to America because my dad couldn't bear the thought of staying in the place my mother died, so he shipped us to America and before you ask. I don't have an accent, I lost that accent years ago plus my dad isn't from London either my grandfather moved from italy to Korea when he was young and met my grandma there, that's where my dad was born, my dad is fluent in Korean and Italian and me not being even close to perfection. So we are actually Italian.

Am guessing I would have had an accent if I stayed longer in London or my mum didn't die in that car accident but that's not the point. My dad was a big support to me in my teenage years but seven years ago he was diagnosed with stage 2 cancer, the doctor said it was still in its early stage and can be treated but he had to go through some operation sections in which we don't have the money for but the doctor gave him some drugs to surpress it but I'm running out of time and I need money but seeing that I just got fired I'm guessing that is out of the equation, it's getting pathetic how I can't keep my jobs but I'm determined to save my father plus I am tired of moving from city to city while paying house rent, I can't keep doing that, the only reason I'm here and not leaving is because this is my grandparents house and since their dead, my dad inherited it from them which means we live here for free. Yah!, another bill being taken of my shoulder so as you can see I'm doing the best I can to keep a job here, so as not to leave.

Hearing something hit my door, finally getting up from my tattered but still clean bed, that's when I knew that being broke sucks, carefully coming down the stairs and hearing each loud and painful squeak as it protested under my weight which was quite absurd because I was very light for an average woman compared to other females I've seen, trying my hardest not to break the floor board as I descended from my room, finally reaching the door and opening it my eyes immediately went to the floor seeing my paper on the ground, I looked up to see the paper boy waving at me and I waved back with a smile to the said person whose name is Aiden. We can both relate to each other situations of being broke except his case is way worst, his father got arrested for abusing him and his mother while his mother took to drinking and is presntly going through rehabilitation by the government. The government pays for his education and other stuff cause his a smart kid and he may be 16 but he already has a scholarship at Yale university. But sadly the government can't pay for your every need so he works for his money.

I mean I'm trying to keep a job to save my father and his trying to study, make money while not being lonely because he knows am always here for him. One time we talked about switching lives, he said he would take mine because at least I didn't get abused and I don't remember my mother, I just keep to mind what my dad told me about her, what she did and how my dad used to love her plus I have a caring father who I love with all my heart and I know he loves me back unlike him who wishes to forget his parents and conclude that he really is alone in this world but has me to show him the way, that was a deep talk.

He may be 16 but the dude's seen life and can be a very wise boy, his part of the reason I never lose hope even when things aren't looking up.

Grabbing the paper, looking through the job section to see if any company had a vacancy but none as I flipped through just as I was about to yell in frustration I saw a vacancy for a company called Voltex it seemed to be a high tech manufacturing company as I search through the description, it said it was looking for a personal assistant and I was no where near that, so I decided to ask Aiden this evening.

Grabbing my phone and jacket I carefully opened and shut the door walking to the bus stop greeting most of my neighbors and stopping few times to have small talks with them it turns out that my grandparents and parents we're actually good friends and well known around here because some neighbors actually are support me in treating my father saying he was a kind man and never hesitated to help others anytime he got the chance to. They are correct about that, my family loves helping others it's just in our nature.

The bus stop was a fifteen minutes walk from my home. Seeing the bus stop not too far away and the bus had already arrived, if i ran now i could easily make it in time but i had to cross the street to get there.

Waiting for the red light to come on before i crossed waiting for some few seconds before it finally turned red but no one was stopping for pedestrians, this always happens but I always crossed nevertheless. Looking to my side see people running across the road like maniacs but seeing an old woman getting pushed because of the rushing people, i could see she was trying to cross the road but failed miserably cause no car was willing to stop for her even when the lights turned red.

I walked over to her slightly tapping her shoulder which seemed to startle her, she flinched, clutching her chest. Mumbling a quick apology. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you! "

"It's okay my dear, its my fault for getting scared *laughs* now my dear, how may I help you? "

"I just wanted to know if you where going to cross the road, so we can go together these drivers are crazy! " turning back to the road to sigh as people yelled at each other.

"Oh yes!, yes I am but you better go and leave me here because the bus is about to leave and you look in a hurry " I looked over to see only two more people about to enter, if I ran now I could still make it, but I couldn't leave this sweet old lady here and what if she crossed the road and got hit by a car, I couldn't bring myself to live with that guilt, I could always wait for another bus it's still early I glanced at my broken watch to see its just 12:00.

"Don't worry about it, I'm in no rush we could wait together for the second bus to arrive"

"Okay dear that sounds lovely but where are you going? "

"To Maxwell street and you? "

"What a coincidence I'm going there too"

"Then let's go"

"I'll tell you some stories about my grandchildren to pass the time, I have very interesting stories to tell"


Taking her bag which was surprisingly heavy I held her arm with my free hand pulling her so we could be a bit fast, hearing cars honking at me to walk faster, if they couldn't see its a red light which means they should stop but this one guy had to just open his mouth.

"Hey grandma! move your blocking the road, if you can't see we're in a hurry" this guy yelled angrily, while his friends we're in the back seat.

Ignoring that guy but surprisingly the old lady answered for me.

"At least we have eyes you blind and useless hag " she yelled back, their interaction was drawing attention.

"Who're you calling a hag, old lady! "At this point he was pissed.

"The person who has the time and guts to argue with someone old enough to be his mother " the old lady giving him the middle finger while his so called friends snickered at this and others whom were watching this scene were trying to contain their laughter. With this being said and done the dude's face turned a bright shade of red and she pulled we along I was still in shock. This Grandma's a SAVAGE! Her family are super lucky to have her.

Finally crossing the road we sat on a bench where she told me stories about her grandkids turns out she has two grandkids that have very interesting lives unlike mine, she seemed like a very lively woman unlike me again!, it had been almost an hour before the bus pulled up, helping the old lady stand up and get in the bus without getting pushed seemed like a challenge but I successful achieved it. We sat at the back talking and laughing about her stories which we're surprisingly funny even others decided to listen and got a good laugh out of it.

We made it to Maxwell street with her having to depart first but I gave her my jacket, first of all because it was cold and I wore a turtle neck so I would be fine and secondly to remember me bye, after much arguing she took the jacket but not without giving me a beautiful locket which I refused but before I could return it she was already gone, I made my way to the door seeing she wasn't too far from my line of sight but it closed before I could get out. Just then she waved at me.

"I can't take this!! " I tried to reason with her But.

"Now we're even" she replied before the bus took off.

moving my fingers delicately over the beautiful locket "I have a feeling I'll see her again" talking to no one. I sat down in my seat waiting for my stop.

I finally reached it and climbed down, going through the double doors and greeting the person behind the counter who recognized me because I came here often without having to ask for directions I walked straight down the hall and took a right, opening the door to go inside and seeing probably the most painful sight ever. A sicken smell of medical mixed with chemical supply hit me but I had to push it down.

Walking over to the man who raised me and seeing IV and other tubes connected to his body they may have been able to suppress it but not for long, touching his face which made his eyes flutter open staring back at me with the same blue eyes, I use to look at myself in the mirror everyday with those same eyes.

Having taken my fathers features with light brown hair and blue eyes but he said I took my lips, skin and body shape of my mom because I look exactly like her without the eyes and hair. I have a very fair skin compared to an average Italian with heart shaped lips, brown hair and blue eyes that most people think are contacts but their real. From pictures I've seen my mother had a body to die for and thankfully I took that part too but girls at my highschool used to think I got body part implants they couldn't just agree that someone was hotter than them, I got asked out alot but those guys and girls, yes girls I do not discriminate, just wanted me for my body and brain not because they actually liked me, I mean a guy literally told me how he fantasizing me in bed under him on our first date, so no dating for me.

"Hello my Noona!" His voice came out weak.

"Dad!!!, I'm not that old " we laughed at that.

"How is daddy's girl doing"

"Daddy's girl just got fired from another job again " I said finally having someone to talk to.

"Oh I'm so sorry honey" he apologized.

"But I got good news, I found an opening to a personal assistant job at a company called Voltex the pay is super high two months will be enough to pay for your treatment " showing him the newspaper and pointing at the payment money.

"That's great honey and a lot of money but I feel like I'm giving you an unnecessary burden" I know that look we are so not having this talk again.

"Don't say that you took care of me since my childhood days, it's my time to take care of you" glaring at him in the end, he finally dropped it.

"So, I feel better the doctor said I'm getting better so I can go back home soon " he tried to smile but I could see the pain in his eyes, he always try to lie to me about his condition but it never works. I just smiled back, he seemed to have bought my lie.

"So dad, did you get the food I sent you, did you like it"

"Yes sweetie, very delicious, by the way how's Aiden, he visited me yesterday "

"His busy from work but he should come tomorrow "

"Yeah and so should you, you look like you haven't slept in days"

"I'm fine "

"No, go home and have some rest"

"Dad I said I'm fine"

"Well I'm going to sleep"

""Seriously your being petty right now"

"Run along you don't want to keep a patient up now do you?, oh and doctor Kim should be back tomorrow since it's Sunday he said he needs to talk to you, that piece of shit won't tell me anything " doctor Kim and my dad go way back they went to highschool together back in Korea.

"Sure" that's not anything good if he wants to talk to me personally, standing up from my sit and walking towards the door "Bye dad I love you"

"Love you too sweetie " I blew him a kiss before I closed the door, breathing in and finally out. I needed money fast

I need to talk to Aiden.