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My Wife Is My Bodyguard

My Wife Is My Bodyguard

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My Wife Is My Bodyguard PDF Free Download


After a fight with him, she was quickly reined into his fold, becoming his bodyguard that never left his side... At first, she assumed that he was a feeble man, one that needed her protection. However, to her surprise, she was the one constantly causing troubles, forcing him to clean up the mess… Originally, she thought that he would dismiss her, a good-for-nothing living off others. Unexpectedly, she found herself trapped by him...

Chapter 1

"Qi Tiantian, Qi Tiantian, wake up at once!"

Yin Li shrieked, snapping Qi Tiantian out of her slumber. With disheveled hair and dragging slippers, Qi Tiantian strolled out of her room, yawning lazily and replied, "Miss Yin Li, are you practicing your lion's roar this early morning again?"

"Oh my, you lazy girl, what’s early about it? It’s already one in the afternoon! I have been trying to wake you up a hundred times, are you a pig or what? Your younger brother went to work at eight, and you are just now getting up!"

Qi Tiantian squinted her eyes, pretending not to hear, turned her head and looked at her father, Qi Benteng: "Dad, I’m hungry. Is there food?"

"Yeah, there is. It's in the pot. Your dad will get it for you." As Qi Benteng dropped the vegetables he was washing with the intention to serve his daughter, Yin Li snatched the ladle and struck Qi Tiantian, "What are you serving? Doesn't she have hands? She doesn't do anything all day. Go serve yourself! Once you finished eating, hurry up and deliver the food!"

Following her words, Yin Li glared at Qi Benteng, who could only give Qi Tiantian an apologetic glance and sit back down to continue his task. Rubbing her eyes and realizing that depending on others was hopeless, Qi Tiantian had no choice but to stand up and serve herself.

Opening the pot, Qi Tiantian saw it was brown rice, the one she despised, and couldn't help but complain: "Dad, why is it brown rice again today? We’ve been having it for several days, can we change it up?"

The meal was always made by Qi Benteng, but before he could respond, Yin Li's booming voice arrived.

"What’s there to pick? Be grateful that you have food to eat. Moreover, your father's stomach isn't good, so we need to have more coarse cereals. Ugh, what's the use of raising a daughter like you? You don’t work, you’re a freeloader, and you don’t even care about your parents’ health. You are ungrateful. Why on earth did we even have you in the first place!"

Well, as expected from an ordinary low-class citizen’s perspective, if you are not earning money, you have no say.

Qi Tiantian quickly scooped a bowl of rice, grabbed some pickles from the refrigerator, and dashed into her room. She wanted to finish eating as quickly as possible to sneak out. This house was like a ticking time bomb.

"Hurry up and wash the vegetables. Stop gawking! Isn’t this all your fault? Spoiling her! What a big girl she is now, and still doing nothing. Tell me, what's the point of having a daughter!"

Inside her room, Qi Tiantian could still hear the nagging coming from outside, definitely kvetching about her poor dad and herself.

"You're just as useless, not only making me suffer for a lifetime, but even having a daughter without a brain! How are we going to continue to live like this every day?! Well, I better go and check. I talked to her Aunt Wu a few days ago, asked her to look around for a match for our foolish daughter. I don't know if she has found anyone, I'll go check. You hurry up and make her eat and then let her go to work!"

After her nagging, Yin Li grabbed her small bag and quickly exited the door.

Hearing the closing door, Qi Tiantian knew that Ms. Yin Li was probably going to find another matchmaking candidate for her. She sighed helplessly, picked up the empty bowl she had long finished eating, and walked out of the room.

Just after opening the door, she saw Qi Benteng's hand raised, "Dad, I've finished eating. Give me the address, and I'll clean up and head out for the meal delivery."

"Tiannian, don't take your mother's words to heart."

"Dad, what are you talking about? My mom has always been sharp-tongued but a soft hearted person. I'm fine." Qi Tian tian chuckled, for her own mother, of course she understood very well.

She put the bowl into the sink, Qi Tiantian changed her clothes, took the customer's ordered food and the address, and left the house.

It was good weather outside, but riding her electric bicycle, Qi Tiantian felt depressed. She really had bad luck. Why was she a twin? The good genes were all inherited by her twin brother while she herself ended up as an airhead.

Well, being an airhead was nothing. She even had bad luck since she was a little girl, always at the bottom academically. At a third-tier college, she had chosen a hot major at the time. But after graduation, the job market was already oversaturated.

As a child, because she was not good at studying, Yin Li thought that she should at least help her daughter have some skills. So she enrolled Qi Tiantian in various martial arts classes, such as taekwondo, boxing, and Sanda.

Surprisingly, though Qi Tiantian didn't excel academically, she was very physically coordinated. She learned the moves very well. Unfortunately, her skills were often used to fight, which on more than one occasion got her family in trouble.

After university, she went for many job interviews but was eliminated in the first round each time. At first, her dad comforted her, saying it was a test from reality. But as the years passed without changing her unemployed status, she began to question if she was destined to live a life of idling. However, remembering the daily drama staged by her mother, Yin Li, in the morning, Qi Tiantian shuddered.

With a sigh, Qi Tiantian angrily twisted the throttle of the motorbike, and the vehicle immediately accelerated like an unleashed arrow.

In front of her is an apartment building with the front door slightly open, indicating that someone had just entered recently.

However, she, Qi Tiantian, is a well-mannered kid. Despite the door being ajar, she walked up to the door and politely rang the doorbell.

"Dingdong... Dingdong... Dingdingdingdong..." After ringing the doorbell twice without a response, Qi Tiantian pushed it several more times energetically.

Still, nobody came to the door. No one was there to let her in, and the door wasn't completely closed, so no one could blame her for barging into a private residence, right?

With that, Qi Tiantian opened the door.

"Your ordered me..." Before she could finish her sentence, her eyes widened in surprise.

What on earth did she just see?

Inside the living room, right in front of the door on a couch, there were two men, or to be precise, one stacked on top of the other.

Both men were sprawled across the couch, one on top of the other, with the top man struggling to take something from the hands of the man below.

Now, because of her abrupt entrance, both men simultaneously turned their astonished faces towards her.

"I... I..." Qi Tiantian was at a loss for words for a second, then quickly closed the door, "I didn't see anything!"

Inside, both men had frozen, completely dumbstruck. Suddenly, Han Yichen, the man beneath, in one swift movement pushed the man on top, Han Yiyu off him and sat up, a stormy expression on his face.

Han Yiyu, completely unfazed by Han Yichen's anger, continued to eye the document in Han Yichen's hand, "Second bro, since you're not interested in your employees, can I have your secretary's files?"

No sooner than the words left Han Yiyu's mouth, Han Yichen threw the document towards him and headed towards the door.

Outside, Qi Tiantian was still trying to digest what she had just witnessed.

On hearing the door open, she was startled and looked up. Before the other person could speak, she began, "Your ordered meal..."

At that, Han Yichen's face darkened again. He took the food box from her, saying, "Who let you in?"

"The door was ajar... No one came out when I rang the doorbell, I had no choice but to come in..."


When did she ring the doorbell? How come I didn't hear it?

After she paid the bill, Han Yichen was about to tell her "You may leave," only to hear Qi Tiantian quietly reply, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone!"

With that, she quickly grabbed the meal payment and dashed out, leaving Han Yichen at the door in a bind, neither chasing after her nor not.