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Dare To Love Again

Dare To Love Again

Auteur: Ruthie lee

En cours


Dare To Love Again PDF Free Download


. . Penelope vandale thought her world had crumbled when her fiance called off their wedding on the day of the wedding, saying he loved her no more. Heart broken Penelope vowed to never love again. Not until her first encounter with a wealthy dangerous drug dealer Leonard Wayne, who had place a gun on her head and threatened her to act like his wife, to make up his alibi for being chased by the police at that moment. After their first encounter, Penelope and Leonard saw each other everywhere, and slowly feelings grew, but what happens when Penelope learns about a shocking secret about herself and Leonard while trying to give him a chance, while trying to love again...

Chapter 1

Enjoying the cool freezing breeze from the Air condition in the hotel room I was, I stared at wall grinning from ear to ear, listening to the ticking sound of the clock.

'Tomorrow's my wedding' I sang in my head and squeaked when the word wedding echoed.

I was nervous, yet excited, more than excited.

I will be getting married to Richard Wayne, and will be bearing his last name.

I breathed out a sigh.

I will be getting married to the love of my life.

How we met wasn't actually romantic but the past four years has been the most romantic moments of my life... Richard is just so perfect and I am just so lucky.

He's 6'4ft inches tall, blonde hair chestnut eyes, body built and has an amazing personality...

Thinking about him is making me drool already He's just so perfect, and I can't wait for tomorrow.

Being not allowed to see him sucked, even though we are both at the same hotel and like two doors away from each other, with everyone saying it's kind of bad luck to see your bride, the night before your wedding. I don't believe in stuffs like that, but still I have to follow the mental rules of everyone.

Richard is just two days away and literally anything can happen, like me sneaking up to meet him..

Just as I was thinking about sneaking up on my soon to be husband, the door to my hotel room clicked opened and someone walked in...

"Richard?" my eyes widen at his presence and he quietly closed the door.

"What the hell are you doing here? It's bad luck for us to see each other tonight" I said even though I don't kind of believe In all those stuff.

"You believe that?" he scoffed and I falsely nodded.

"well I do not, but I just can't help it, I want to see you" He stated while I rolled my eyes.

"I'm missing you already Penelope" He said and I smiled, while he moved closer to me and started to kiss me, I was about to reciprocate but I stopped my self and slowly push him away.

"Stop Richard we can't," I sighed and he sighed too

"C'mon Penelope" He groaned.

"What If someone catches us, you know how your mom reacts when a rule is broken" I said and he huffed...

"Everyone who came here with us are fast asleep, the only one awake is Kirana and she might be busy or feeling sleepy, to even think about us" Richard stated and I paused and I stared at him for a minute before saying.

"Kirana's awake and you're still here" I said dryly and he laughed.

"C'mon Pen, okay just one kiss and I'll be gone" he begged and I rolled my eyes before agreeing...


Richard kissed me, which I reciprocated and after that he kissed my cheeks and said "Goodnight".

"Goodnight" I replied with a smile.

He walked out of the door smirking at me while I just gave him a weird grin...

He finally closed the door and I walked back to the bed,

isn't he sweet? He misses me so much already , and so do I.

The door clicked open again and I huffed and turned swiftly.

"Richard what are yo-- oh it's you" I said as Kirana closed the door and walked in looking at me suspiciously...

"Was Richard in here just now?" she asked.

"No " I lied.

"Yes" I sighed when she gave me one of her hard glare.

"Seriously, you know it's bad luck, for you guys to see each other the night before your wedding" she said and I folded my arms and breathed out heavily.

"There is no such thing as bad luck and Richard and I love each other so much and he just came here because he misses me." I explained and she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever" she scoffed .

"I just came here to talk cause I can't seem to fall asleep, you're the one getting married and I'm the one getting the butterflies" she said and we both laughed.

Kirana's my best friend, and feels more like a sister to me. We basically grew up together.

That night we talked about more than our mouth could utter, about our first crushes...

Mine was Richard it was five years ago, he was an assistant manger in the same company where I worked as a waitress.

He accidentally splashed pea soup on me.. Or should I say he did it on purpose cause he asked for napkin so he could be able to put his phone on it on the table, I disagreed and he got kind of angry and "accidentally" splashed pea soup on me, I gave him a slap and well we both created a big scene in the cafeteria and I got fired.

I kind of hated him after that day, I got another job at a super mart as the cashier and it turned out his best friend dad owns the place and after his assistant job he comes there to hang out with his friend Mason,

Everyday , he comes there receiving numerous glares from me... But he would just smiled in return.

That how it kept going until he finally apologize and said he kind of did it on purpose, splashing that soup on me. I accepted his apology and we kind of became friends, and then I started having this huge monster crush on him. But kept it a secret, except from Mason and Kirana cause Mason and i were like friends before Richard came in picture, but he later found out cause I told Mason and Mason told him.. Well that's just how it all started and now I'm getting married to him.

That's what kept playing in my head until I felt sleepy and turned off the lights before getting into the bed with Kirana and then I slept off waiting for the big day tomorrow..


The day was finally and I got up earlier than I expected, I had sprout out of bed like a blooming flower, and the butterflies in my stomach tied a knot that won't be loosed any time soon.

I was too excited to breathe.


Finally I was dressed in my beautiful wedding dress, my red hair was tied up in a beautiful bun and my Veil was placed around the bun.

I was given a light makeover which made me look a bit different when I peeked at the mirror, after getting all dressed and done, kirana announced the car which would be picking me up to church had arrived, and I grabbed my heels and hurried out the hotel room in excitement.


Finally we got to the church and I was told to wait in a room behind the church until I hear the bridal chorus playing.. My dad would come pick me up so we could walk down the isle together.

Kirana and I waited in the room together, and I couldn't count how many times she complimented me of how I look.

We both waited for minutes till we heard the bridal chorus and I smiled and held my flower tightly waiting for my dad to walk in...

But unfortunately Mason, Richard best friend and best man, walked in looking smoking hot in a tuxedo. His golden brown hair was pushed back with jell and his grey-blue eyes gave his broad face a perfect highlight that went with his manly chin and pointed nose.

"Mason what are you doing here, aren't you like supposed to be in front of the church standing behind Richard." Kirana asked and Mason wore a frown and sighed.

"What's wrong" I asked.

"It's Richard, we can't find him anywhere" Mason said and my heart skipped.

"What? What do you mean you can't find him anywhere, I saw him this morning"

Kirana said moving towards Mason.

"He came to the church with us but after everyone walked into the church he was nowhere to be found" Mason explained and I just stood frozen not knowing what to do.

"Have you called him?" I suddenly asked.

"I called him nine times but he didn't pick up" Mason said showing me his phone.

Richard where are you?!? I was starting to panic..

"Everyone's busy looking for him and the guests are also getting worried" Mason said

"That son of a bitch" Kirana seethe and walked out..

I started to breathe in and out heavily, 'Richard is going to show up' . I tell myself but myself still failed to believe..

"Hey , hey.. Pen... Penelope.. It's okay.." Mason said coming closer to me..

But I was still in my panic state, I started to look around swiftly not knowing what to do.. I could swear I almost passed, if Mason hadn't come to me and place his hands on my cheeks.

"Penelope.. Stay with me. He's going to be here, I know Richard, he's going to be here" he said and I nodded...

I might look tough and all with my stern looks and all but I'm actually pretty fragile..

Yes he's going to be here, I tell my self, and nod again and Mason let's go of my cheeks and smiled.. "it's okay" he said and I nodded frantically.

We both stayed like that for a few minutes not saying anything, waiting for any body to barge in the door and tell us Richard's here..

Seconds later Mason's phone beeped and he brought it out from his pocket and peeked at it.

"it's Richard" he said and I breathed a sigh of relief. Mason passed the phone to me with a strange look he wore on his face and I took the phone from him and peeked at the message slowly.

**Pen. It's me Richard, I know you must be worried sick knowing I'm not at the church, but I am, and I'm okay, but can you please See Me at the church's fountain, alone?**

I read the message and dropped my flower. Richard. I hope you're not up to something stupid.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Mason asked when I start to walk away.

"No it's okay, it's just Richard right?" I said dryly, not looking back at him and I held on to my dress and walked out...

I made my way to the church's fountain without anyone seeing me and there I saw Richard, dressed in casual clothing, and I frowned, he's not in his suit.

"Wow you look beautiful" he said but I didn't react to his compliment I just gave him a stern look.

"Why aren't you in a tuxedo, and where were you" I asked my voice low and shaky.

"Look Pen. There's something I need to tell you" He breathed out and I bit my bottom lip and gave him a "go-on" look, and he sighed and started.

"I don't think we're doing the right thing, I mean are we even ready for marriage.."

I moved back a bit and huffed.

"What the hell are you saying" I said my hand shaking...

"look I love you, you love me but I don't think we're ready for marriage yet, I wanted a marriage with you but I've put a lot of thinking into it and I don't think we're ready for marriage" he said and a tear pricked my eyes.

"so you're calling off the wedding?" I asked and he sighed and moved closer to me.

"I'm sorry Penny," he said.

"We've been dating for four years Richard, how far do you want us to go before getting married, you love me, and I do too, isn't marriage the next thing" I said, tears had already start to pour down my eyes..

"I know, and I'm scared, we can't get married now, I don't think we are ready, I mean look us" he said gesturing his hand back and forth between us and I gave him a slap across the face.

"You are not doing this Richard, you will not do this to me" I yelled, but he just stared at me holding mixed expression.

"You are going to go inside, put on your suit and we're going to get married," I said threateningly.

"Marriage is a big deal Pen, and I can't deal with that right now, let's just wait and be pati--

A flying shoe came from no where and stumbled on Richard's face and I turned to see Kirana walking towards us angrily..

"YOU BASTARD!!" Kirana yelled at Richard who seemed a little bit frightened by her


"How could you say those junk to Pen, she's been a lot because of today, everyone's been waiting for this day and here you are saying non-sense, you son of a b*tch" Kirana yelled and Richard sighed.

"look Kira, you don't yell at me, I love Penelope but I'm just saying now's not the right time to get married" Richard said again and I lost it, full tears burst out of my eyes and I grabbed my dress, took my heels and walked away crying.

He just broke us.

Today is the worst day of my life.
