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Now and Forever

Now and Forever



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"No Alexander! Listen-" In a flash I was against the the wall with his hands placed on either side of my head. I was trapped. "No you listen Amelia. Nothing happened between us. We just talked, okay?" He put his finger under my chin and made me look at him when I'd looked away. When I didn't say anything he started trailing wet kisses down my neck- it sounds disgusting I know but boy did it feel amazing!~~~Amelia- Beautiful, friendly, kind and gentle are the words you could use to describe her. Alexander- handsome, ruthless, cold hearted and rude are the words you could use to describe him. But was he always this way? Could Amelia heal him of what ever he's suffering from? They were both total opposites of each other, but there's a saying that goes 'opposites attract', what if these to opposites really do attract? What will happen then? Join Amelia and Alexander on an adventure of a lifetime.

Chapter 1

I had just gotten a job, not just a job, but a job at Knight Industries, one of the— oh who am I kidding? the largest multi billionaire company in the whole of the USA. It had branches scattered all over the country, for example Seattle, Hawaii, Atlanta, you know what? I think you got it.

But the one where I found a job at was the main and biggest one, the one in New York City. I bet you're probably wondering, what job did I get? Well, my friend, I got the job as a personal assistant to the one and only Alexander Knight. Yes, you heard me right, Alexander Knight, even his name made me shiver in fright.

But, my friend, I have to take you way back, to how I got the job of a PA of the most heartless, cold, ruthless, HOT

and by hot, I mean hot!

, billionaire business tycoon known as Alexander Knight.


2 months ago...

As I packed up the last of my bags, ready to leave my parents' home, I take a look around my room one last time. It was where I had grown up the whole of my life, band posters of 1D and Backstreet Boys were hung up along the walls of my room, I'm really going to miss this place.

"Amelia!" My sister shouted from downstairs, "the cab's here!" She added on, "coming!" I shouted back while gathering up my stuff, and leaving my old room and memories behind me.

As I walked down the stairs, I saw my whole family standing at the bottom, mom was crying

not like it was anything new

, dad was well, dad. Putting up a hard exterior to try and be strong for him and mom, but I always saw right through his facade. Sophia, my younger sister was glowing, I knew she had always wanted my room and was happy that I was leaving. We were always fighting and me being the older one by 4 years always lost the fights

little siblings am I right?


When I got to the bottom of the stairs, mom gave me a bone— crushing hug while gushing out how 'I'm such a big girl' or how 'I've grown up so fast' I hugged her back but pulled away from lack of oxygen. "I'm going to miss you sweetie" she cried more while holding me at arm's length, "I'm going to miss you too mom" I replied trying hard not to cry. I really was going to miss them all, especially Sophia.


The flight from Seattle to New York was an excruciatingly long flight, to say I was fatigued would be an understatement.

As I waited for Isabella, my best friend since childhood, I got a coffee from Starbucks and waited for her to pull up at the curb. Twenty minutes later she arrived and gave me a bone— crushing hug and saying how much she missed me, now to be honest I really did miss her, A LOT. She had moved away from Seattle two years ago to come live in New York with her boyfriend of 4 years. They love each other like hell and I'm surprised they aren't even getting married.

During the car ride back to Isabella's apartment we laughed, sang,

You did not sing, idiot! You were screaming!

My subconscious said. 'Oh, would you shut up!' I screamed back at her in my head, of course. And here I was thinking she had gone away.

Before I had come to New York I had already applied for a job at Knight Inc. and they called me for an interview for Wednesday, and that's why I came three days before to prepare for it.

On the way to the apartment, there were pictures of the infamous billionaire, Alexander Knight. There were so many pictures of him on billboards, benches and even posters of him everywhere.

As we reached Isabella's apartment, she helped me take my stuff into the house and helped me settle down. After a while of talking and laughing, Mark, Isabella's boyfriend, arrived with Chinese takeout in his hands. He pecked Isabella on the lips and then gave me a hug to which I accepted.

After hours of eating, talking, laughing and watching tv, I changed into my pajamas as I retired to bed, the fatigue finally catching up to me.


Today was the day.

My interview at Knight Industries.

I was nervous. I was scared. I was—

My chain of thoughts was interrupted by the cab driver telling me we had reached our destination, I thanked him as I paid him and hopped out of the cab.

Before me, stood the tall skyscraper that was maybe sixty floors high. It had black windows, it was tall, it was humongous and guess what? It intimidated me. I couldn't see the top from where I was standing because of its height, I had to crane my neck, but it was no use.

I entered through the main door after greeting the security at the entrance. I gawked at the beauty of this place, white marble floors, leather couches at the side of the room with a mahogany coffee table in the middle with business magazines in the middle, for elevators across the lobby with one saying 'PRIVATE' on a golden plate. The people here were walking with an aura that shouted professionalism, wearing the finest of clothes.

I frowned remembering what I was wearing, a black skirt that ended just above my knees, a white button up shirt with nude heels.

I spotted a desk that had 'receptionist' on it and walked towards it. Seated there, was a lady with red blazing hair and green beautiful eyes, so much for my brown plain ones.

She was wearing a red pant suit that contrasted well against her white pale skin. All in all, she looked beautiful.

"Done staring?" She said in a voice that sounded like she was disgusted. Ok, I don't like her.

"Um, I just wanted to inquire where to go for the interview that has been scheduled for today for the PA position of the CEO?" I asked politely with a forced smile on my face. She looked me up and down then muttered something about me 'not even being qualified for the job' under her breath as she typed something on her computer and gave me instructions on what to do and where to go.

I just ignored what she said and continued on my way.

Yeah, I admit, she was a pain in the ass sometimes, but she was my sister after all.

As I got into the cab, I had said my goodbyes to all my family and was waving while the cab was driving away towards the airport.