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Love You All My Life

Love You All My Life

Auteur: Tianna



Love You All My Life PDF Free Download


Jenna Franklin was abandoned on her wedding day by her seven years boyfriend leading to her taking a decision that will change her life . Do you think they will meet again? Why did Declan Murphy made that move? " How much do you want? He asked amazed staring at her " Ten thousand dollars no less. She was born wealthy and it's not about to change" she retorted trying to ignore the pain in her sole which didn't pass him by but he chose to ignore it " I don't have cash with me at the moment. Let me check" he said calmly picking his wallet . He checked it and brought out a stack of cash and handed it to her " I guess I do have some cash after all" he retorted taking some steps back " Isn't that why you left me? For greener pastures. You couldn't stand me and my notorious family throwing a few cash around ? She asked as his face darkened " What! Am I not right? You left me to wallow in self guilt for five years Declan. You ridiculed the love and devotion we shared, for money? A few notes of dollars? She exclaimed throwing the notes of dollars at his face all thanks to her heels , he was just a head taller than her " Jenna! Don't push it. People break up everyday. I'm not the first person to leave a woman behind " he snapped . " Not on their wedding day Declan, definitely not without a mutual understanding. You made those decisions over a piece of paper? Did I mean so little to you ? Answer me? She demanded grabbing his collar

Chapter 1

There were sound of chiming bells. Orchestra presentation, giggling from the guest and children running around.

The wedding venue was filled with love and happiness that Jenny couldn't help but inhaled the sweet smell of escalated ecstasy soaring from the depth of her heart. She had imagined this day with him from their teenage years . Her dream was finally coming to pass .

She was marrying the love of her life. It's the greatest feeling knowing the one you love loves you too. Even if she has heard from her yet to divorce parents that love was just a facade that it wears off as time goes by but she was sure her love for Declan won't fade even if he stops loving her. She wouldn't.

'' who is she kidding. He loves her too. He sings it to her every morning"

With one last sigh, she smiled heading to the hall entrance dying to see him dressed in all his glory staring at none other than her. She couldn't wait to see his alluring figure in his black tuxedo: though the Murphys weren't that wealthy, they gave them the best wedding planner and venue. Her rich family aside. She hopes he's not intimated cos her notorious family of five kind of changed their plans. Her smile immediately died off as her brother Jeremy walked to her with a sad face of I told you you were obsessed with him ' look . She stiffened beads of sweats formed from her forehead thinking he forgot about their wedding or maybe traffic held him .

" You okay Jenna? Asked Jeremy the groom's best man worriedly on seeing her sweating face lost in thought

" Don't tell me he did it again? She inquired as it wasn't the first time he has done such a thing. It was on her graduation day : he threw a party for her and forgot about it while she was stranded waiting for him but it was their wedding day: the most important day of her life not some graduation or end of year party.

" He probably woke up late" Sarah voiced in trying to calm her down. Then her mom came sprinting to her in provocation .

" The guests are here Jenna, where's Declan? Don't tell me he forgot his own wedding? She snapped drawing attention their way but lowered her voice afterwards Jenna couldn't believe what was happening. It seems everything was spinning.

' Maybe he's sleeping 'she thought going with Sarah's explanation for it. She took a glass of wine gulping it down in one swoop.

" Calm down sis, it's Declan we're talking about. That fool that ran to you despite the heavy rain on your graduation day then caught pneumonia for a week for it. The fool that follows you everywhere telling every guy that hit on you, you were his. He'll show up. Let's wait some more. He has the habit of coming late to event" she ended tapping Jenna as her mother and brother roll their eyes in boredom.

She was stating the obvious. Who doesn't know Declan loves Jenna but why is he late to his own wedding was the right question.

" Okay. Where's Dad? Are the Murphys here? Asked Jenna who calmed down a bit . Sarah's sermon did it magic again. She just wished she hasn't ruined her makeup cos she tends to look her best for him.

" Your dad is trying to put things together with the rising tension involving Declan's lateness. The priest is been impatient too. He has a lot doing at the moment" said Mrs Franklin optimistically

" Does that mean you won't divorce him again? Asked Sarah hopefully

" Honey, it's almost finalised. Marriage is just a way to procreate. The love and fun fades as time goes by just the way our body grows old, wrinkle and unattractive" she lectured as the three siblings glared at her in a' typical mom kind of way

" Stop saying that. Just because you and Dad fell out of love doesn't mean marriage has failed everyone" hissed Jeremy winking at some random girl then focused on their discussion Their mother felt wronged. It's not like she was enjoying being apart from them but there's nothing she can do. She didn't feel the spark anymore.

"Say their names? She challenged them though Jenna's eyes was on the entrance

" Whose name? inquired Jeremy

" The people marriage hasn't failed" she emphasized on people intentionally

" The spencers. " Said Sarah as her mother frowned in realization.

" That's because she isn't married to an egoistic wealthy spoilt brat like your father" she refuted angrily unknowingly to them that her father was standing there

" Egoistic? Spoilt brat? He exclaimed as they sighed in frustration.

" This egoistic spoilt brat married an average woman like you who had no dream but seemly a spend thrift. My parents were right about you all these years. You're a lazy golddigger. " He refuted as she faced him head on but Jeremy and Sarah stood between them trying to quench the fire they started Jenna was happy she was leaving her drama oriented family.

It seems they were the parents always separating fights here and there. She only hopes she and Declan doesn't end up like that: sieging with disgust and hatred . She knows one thing she can never hate him . Sometimes she thinks she's obsessed with him like her brother says. She sighed again wondering what's taking him this long, she couldn't wait to consummate their wedding then decided to call him but his phone was switched off then called his sister Amanda but she didn't pick either. She cast her phone aside pacing to the car drawing her family's attention who stopped arguing running to stop her from going to him

" Jenna, he'll be here . Have a seat" her father depicts then a Porsche car drove in lightening up their mood as Jenna stood abruptly heaving a sigh of relief

" They're here at last": exclaimed Sarah jumping up for joy . They halt as soon as Amanda alighted from the car alone with a gloomy face. Her facial expressions said it all though Jenna didn't believe it her parents could detect the outcome. Amanda curtsied as a form of respect cos the Franklins weren't a force to reckon with .

" I'm sorry for coming late Jenna, I feel awful for this" she exclaimed finding it difficult to look her in the eyes as her parents couldn't bring themselves to do it hoping for a miracle. They have been contemplating on who will deliver the message .they went as far as casting a vote.

" Is Declan coming? I know he has a habit of always coming late to occasions. I don't mind as long as he makes it up to me" she stated neither Happy nor sad. She just wanted to get it over with.

" I'm sorry Jenna, I have this for you" Amanda stretched her hands forward handing her a note . The Franklins gaze followed the note in her hand

" What's this for? An apology letter from Declan? That definitely sounds like him " she stated opening the letter but what she saw stunned her that she felt dizzy then passed out from the shock her brother caught her before she hit the ground. Mr Franklin picked the letter up and snapped

" How could he call off the wedding ? Why wait till this day to humiliate my poor daughter? Where's the bastard? He yelled at Amanda who was clueless

" Mr Franklin calm down, I assure you my family are equally shocked. My little brother is no where to be found. We found this piece of paper on his desk . Accept our apologies" she said sympathetically

" I'm going to break his legs for doing this to my sister" Jeremy vowed carrying her to the car urging the chauffeur to drive off in anger Sarah couldn't believe her ears. The Declan she knew wouldn't disgrace Jenna . The humiliation aside. Her sister loves him too much to survive the heartbreak. Surely he knows how much she loves him . 'Are men that deceitful? ' she thought maybe her mother was right marriage wasn't the best choice after all. She made a mental note to remember that particular day.