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Misery On Loving You

Misery On Loving You

Auteur: All-about-you

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Gab Brown is an eigtheen years old, handsome, smart and hardworking scholar at Mallis University. He lives on his single-mom, mid-forty aunt Lauriene Davis' house since her mother died when she deliver Gab at birth and his father is still a mistery since his aunt dont know everything since her sister don't told about Gab's dad. Being treated as her own children, Lauriene give everything that she could to raise her nephew well since her daughter have died due to a serious illness that later take her life at age of nine. But Lauriene is just a regular woman at her forties earning just a little income for living which is not enough to support Gab's needs to study at Mallis University. So Gab decided to take the exam to qualify as a full-time scholar. Then suddenly everything change when Gab made his entry to college as he passed the exam. Helives on the dormitory leaving his aunt alone on her house. There at the school he meet his love at first sight girl, Allison Stone, and then they're dating. But Gab have realized that he is just being used by Allison. Allison dated him because it was just a dare. Gab thought that Allison was a kind, rich girl but his wrong but she's not kind rather she is spoiled rich daugther that plays every boy's heart that she wants to play with.

Chapter 1

Its mid summer, Gab Brown is being busy having his part time job as a delivery boy. And now is Saturday its his dayoff.

"Rise and shine! My baby boy! I know that you dont have a work today but still you need to get up early and help me clean the house" Lauriene blurted convincing Gab to wake up.

Gab who is just half asleep, snorted in disaproval.

"I am still sleepy and wanted to enjoy the bed for just some time!" Gab thought to himself

"Hey! Baby boy wake up already" Lauriene said while sitting beside the bed shaking Gab's shoulder "I'll treat after we clean the house also I've already prepare our breakfast."

Gab totally come to his sense and said "I am not a baby boy Aunt Lau, I am teenager already stop calling me that!!!"

"Hahahaha" Aunt Lau chukled "Just get up already we have a lot of work to do. And even if you complain your still my little baby boy."

Gab check his phone and then he was shocked its still 6:00 am. So he asked "Aunt Lau why you're doing this?, I want to have some extra sleep today"

Lauriene look so calm while standing at the door and looked at him saying "We're not rich Gab, I know its not hard for you to understand that, you're a bright child after all." After she talked she seemed to be mad at the moment

On the other hand Gab felt what Aunt Lau feel.

" I am coming Aunt Lau. I'm so sorry for what I've told to you I'm just sleepy" he answered wholeheartedly.

Aunt Lau smiles weakly then walk out of Gab's room.

After fixing his bed, Gab walks towards the kitchen and help aunt Lau to set the table. "I'm curious Aunt Lau why your not going to work today?" Gab asked

"Boss told me yesterday that I can come to work at 10:00 am, since there is no much work to do on early saturday." Aunt Lau answered. "Gab! How is work? Are you doing well?" Aunt lau asked.

"It's still the same auntie. My work always make me feel exhausted and tired as I'm delivering foods all over the city though I'm using motorcycle. " Gab expressed with a bit tired-like voice.

Gab, then thought something about his parents. He thought 'If both of my parents was still here, Maybe I'm not doing much work and my life would be easy.'

Ding... dong... Ding... Dong....

"Someone is here can you please see if who is it? Gab."

Lauriene requested as Gab was about to take a bite on his pancake.

Gab nod and stood directly then walks towards the door.

Then a feeling of happiness bursted from the inside as Gab has seen the Postman handed him a letter which there is indicated words was 'from Wallis University Scholarship Office.'

As Gab have signed the papers, he then go inside towards the kitchen where Aunt Lauriene was eating.

"What was that?" Aunt Lauriene asked

Then Gab out of his excitement he almost can't talk and said "It's from the Wallis University. I am qualified to be a full scholar on their school."

He hand the letter of notice to Aunt Lau, she then was full of joy as she read the letter twice to clarify if it is true.