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Khloe Pearson - Ms. Goody Two Shoes with a secret fantasy that she is too scared to let anyone know about. No one knows about it, but one person. And that one person is in her past. Or so she thinks. Ian Wilder - Mr. Sex on Legs and a dominating man searching for one girl. Khloe Pearson. He knows her deepest darkest secret and he cannot wait to explore the possibilities of this. But when he finally finds her, will she accept him? Most importantly, will she submit to him?

Chapter 1

"Khloe," his voice came out dark and dominant. I shivered. I knew why he was like that. Why he was so mad.

"Ian I--" I started but he cut me off with one look. His stormy blue eyes met mine and I saw the disappointment in them.

"I told you that I don't like you even talking to other guys," he spoke in a deadly cold tone. "But you not only talk, you hug them too. Do you want to be punished Khloe?"

"N-No," I stammered, but I felt my panties become tight all of a sudden. My core throbbed and I felt my nípples perk up.

"How many times have I told you that you are mine kitten?" Ian asked, walking towards me. There was nowhere to run. We were in the empty park behind the school and I knew that there was no use running. He would find me. He always did.

"I have to tell you something," I said, ignoring his question, making him more mad at me. But I had to tell him. Now. Or I would never be able to tell him.


"I got into East London University," I said quickly. "I am going to leave next week."

He raised one perfect eyebrow. "East London University?" he said slowly, testing the words. I nodded.

"I wanted to tell you before I left." I said. "And you got into NYU."

"I thought you wanted to go to NYU." Ian said and I squirmed uncomfortably.

"But I want to go to London more." I spoke. Besides, I need to escape you, I thought. He wasn't good for me, he wasn't good for my system.

"So what does this mean for us?" Ian said, but I caught the dark and threatening tone in his voice.

"We should end this," I said in an even and firm tone.

"Not so fast, my little pet," Ian smirked and sauntered towards me. I backed up and belatedly realized that I was against a tree. Fuck. My. Life. "I still have one week and you are still my submissive little girlfriend for that one week."

"Let's end this now Ian," I said hoping that he would listen to me. I wad trying to be strong. But him being so close to me was wrecking havoc on my body. On my senses.

"Did I ask you for your opinion kitten?" Ian said,  his voice hard.

I shook my head.

"Answer me kitten!" he snarled as his hand reached out and he twisted one nipple. Hard. A squeal left my lips and I shook as I spoke.

"No sir."

"You going to come back here kitten?" Ian asked, but the look on his face told me that he knew the answer to that question. Of course he did. I shook my head.

"No, I am not. I plan on staying in London." I spoke in a strong voice. Hopefully, it did come out strong. I knew what Ian was capable of. The hold he had on my body was scary. He could delude my mind any day. My body was his puppet and he exactly what strings to pull.

"And you'll fuck other guys." That wasn't a question, it was a statement. I remained silent. He knew the answer to that question as well as I did. Both of us knew. I would. Ian's eyes hardened.

"I expect you to be kneeling by your bedside tonight at ten. Not one minute later. Understood?" Ian ordered, his voice hard and cold. His dominant voice.

"But my parents..." I trailed off in fear. My parents knew Ian. Of course they did, we were going out for two years now. Ian wasn't a bad boyfriend. Hell no, he was the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. He made every date special even after two years. He never gave me any reason to complain about him.

But no matter how perfect our relationship was, the sexual part of our relationship always bothered me. Ian introduced me into this lifestyle one year ago. And I loved it. That was the problem. BDSM wasn't something to love. The fact that I craved it scared me. And that was why I wanted to end things with Ian.

Ian's voice brought me out of my musings. "I don't care about your parents kitten. All I know is that you are already going to get one heck of a punishment, you wouldn't want to make it worse."

"But..." I started to say, but shut my mouth when I saw his stern look. I quickly nodded. Ian smiled and bent down, capturing my lips with his. I moaned into his mouth, loving how he tasted. He tasted like he usually did. Minty with just a pinch of chocolate.

"Ian..." I moaned a garbled version of his name as his tongue thrust into my mouth, fùcking it as if he was fùcking my cùnt. I gasped as his hands kneaded my breasts through my bra and I felt them get heavy with need. Ian moved his lips away from mine and I dragged in precious air.

He moved his lips down my jaw, to my neck. He kissed the sensitive spot just where my neck met my head, making me shiver with delight. I moaned loudly when his teeth pierced my skin, and he suckled on it. I knew that he was going to leave a hickey. Branding me, showing the world that I was his. And what's more, I craved it. I was like a junkie when it came to him.

"Go now pet," Ian smirked as he pulled back, making me look at him in surprise. Realization dawned on me. I finally understood what his game was. He wanted me frustrated and on the edge. And it was working. I gave him a weak smile as I jogged back to my car, hoping to get some friction in between my legs where my clít throbbed.

I drove home contemplating about tonight. I had to get my parents out of the house. I was a screamer, there was no way I could keep that down, unless Ian gagged me. And he rarely did. Gagging wasn't his thing.

"Hey honey," Mom greeted me as I entered the house. She had a worried look on her face, "Did you tell Ian yet?"

My parents knew that I was on the edge because of this news. Ian and I were the perfect couple to them, and I was only breaking us up. More than that, Mom knew how much Ian meant to me. And she also knew that if it was up to Ian, he would never let me go.

"Yes Mom," I sighed, flopping down on the couch. "I don't know annoyed or angry he is. But he understands."

"He has every right to be angry," Mom replied, "You hadn't even told him that you applied."

"I don't know. He'll call me, I guess." I mumbled. He is going to come home later and punish me. But I couldn't say that. "We have only one week left. I think he wants to make the best of it. Both of us know that long distance won't work  out."

Mom didn't say anything, she only hugged me. I revelled in her closeness and warmness. She was always there for me, knowing what exactly to say and when. "Honey?" Mom spoke. "Your dad and I are going to grandma's house in some time. Do you want to come?"

Hallelujah! I almost jumped with joy. "No mom, I think I'll stay at home or go meet the girls or something. I don't feel like it."

"Don't be upset. Ian will come around, he's only annoyed," Mom said, mistaking my words. I only nodded, knowing that he would never come around. But we only had one week. And I knew him well enough to know that he would torture me enough in this one week.


I was ready and waiting. Dressed only in red lace panties, I was kneeling on the floor, head down, thighs apart and waiting. Distantly, I heard the door close and I smiled to myself. He was here. Ian had a key to my house, just like I had one to his.

"Where are your parents?" Ian asked me as he entered my room. I didn't look up, but replied.

"They have gone to my grandma's house." I answered, almost grinning with joy inside my head.

"I see," Ian drawled out, making me shiver with anticipation. "What do you want to do Khlo?"

I gulped. This wasn't going to be good. Whenever Ian asked me that question, it meant he was up to something big. "I... I don't know."

I felt his fingers lift my face up to his and I was stunned at the coldness I saw on his face. "You don't know what?" he snarled, "I don't hear the word Sir! In fact, I haven't heard it since I walked in. You really want a punishment, don't you?"

I shook my head, whimpering. "No Sir."

Ian didn't say anything and my eyes greedily took in what he was wearing. He liked completely edible in jeans and a black shirt. His hair was ruffled like he had just showered. Involuntarily, my tongue swiped out and licked my lips. Ian smirked at that gesture.

"Get up!" he ordered, his voice cool and composed.

I shakily got on my feet, holding the bed post for support. Ian took my hand in his and walked out of the bedroom. I shivered as the cool air touched my naked body.

"How about some nice spanking?" Ian asked, except it didn't sound like a question. It sounded more like a statement.

Spanking? "Whatever you want Sir." I answered.

"Actually no. I changed my mind." Ian smirked. My breath caught in my throat. Whatever Ian was planning was going to be pure evil. I was very sure of it. Ian led me into the kitchen and made me sit on the counter. I watched silently as he rummaged the fridge, looking for something.

He took something out, and turned around with a smirk. I looked at the can in his hand. Chocolate flavored whipped cream. I felt my pùssy tingle with delight and my thighs closed of their own accord, hoping to relieve the pressure. But I quickly part my thighs again as Ian frowned at me.

"Go lay down on the couch." Ian said and I quickly scrambled into the living room, laying down on the couch.

"You have been a very bad girl Kitten," Ian purred as he walked in. "Applying to a different college, accepting their offer, not telling me. This is for my pleasure, understood? You will not come. You will come only on the day you will be leaving."

A gasp left my lips.  WHAT?

"Ian! What?" I almost yelled. I was going to leave in one week. One week on sexual frustration would kill me.

Without warning, his hand came down on my pùssy. A deep moan left my lips. "Did I give you a choice slût? "

"No sir." I whimpered, the whimper turning into a moan as his warm mouth met my pùssy. I moaned as he thrust his tongue in and out of me, twirling it inside me.

"Ian--" I moaned, as he thrust one finger into my asshôle, moving it with sync with his tongue. "Ahh-- Shit!"

"You. Will. Not. Come." Ian gritted out as he felt my walls tighten around his tongue.

"Oh my--" I yelled, "Ian please!"

"No!" Before I could say anything thought, I felt something cold fill up my pùssy. I screamed and looked down to see Ian smirking and holding the nozzle of the whipped cream can just at my opening. He pressed the nozzle again and another spurt of whipped cream shot into my pùssy.

I moaned with delight, my walls clamping on the whipped cream. Ian's tongue replaced the nozzle and I moaned again. He lapped up all the cream and his hand found my swollen clît. He twisted the knob, making me gasp with pleasure.

"Fùcking hell!" I yelled as I tried to control my orgasm.

"Don't you dare," Ian glared at me.

He quickly undressed and thrust his hard, swollen cöck inside me. I moaned and wrapped my legs around his hips, pushing him further into me. Fuck. He felt so good.

"You will always be mine." Ian gritted out, his pace becoming more animalistic by the second. I moaned and writhed underneath him, loving how he felt inside me. I was going to miss this.

"Shit, " Ian groaned and I felt him become bigger inside me. I moaned as he came inside me.

"Ian please!" I begged, tears forming in my eyes.

He looked at my face, his eyes dark and unrelenting.

"Please Ian!" I begged again. "I'm sorry!"

Ian's face softened. "Cùm." I screamed in delight as I let go.  I sagged against his chest and Ian put his hands around me, holding me in place. I felt so cherished and loved. Any sane person wouldn't leave Ian. But then again, I don't think I can be classified as sane right now.

"Not so fast kitten," Ian muttered, lifting me up and turning me around, making me kneel on all fours. "I have taken all your virgínities, you didn't think I'll let someone else claim your áss, would you?"

The exhaustion I was feeling vanished, replaced by white hot desire. I wanted him to claim my áss, being the muppet that I am.

Ian lubed his finger with my juices, his finger stroking the walls of my pùssy gently. I moaned in delight as he added one more finger, pushing back into him. Ian moved his finger to my puckered star, thrusting two fingers inside me. I moaned as he moved his fingers in and out of me, an orgásm threatening to rip my body apart.

His fingers left my áss just as I was about to cùm, making me want to protest. Just as I was about to say something, I felt Ian's cöck lining up my áss. I waited with pure anticipation as he pushed just his head into me.

"Fùck," Ian cursed, probably because of how tight I was. He slowly thrust his entire length into me and for a moment I couldn't breath. This felt so good. Painful, but full of pleasure.

"Ian!" I screamed as he started thrusting in and out of me, taking me to euphoric heights. I never wanted to get down, but I knew I was going to fall. Fall and crash.

"You're mine!" Ian yelled as his hand came down hard on my áss, sending me over the edge. I screamed as the most powerful örgasm of my life rocked me. "Say it Khlo!"

"I'm yours!" I yelled as I felt him pour himself into me. "Fùck I'm yours!"
