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HIS WIFE PDF Free Download


"Christian" I shivered when his fingers traced down my neck, stopping at my shoulder blade. His alluring cologne filled my nostrils,  making it hard for my brain to function correctly. " Admit it, amore.  you want me, just as much as I want you." He whispered, his voice deep and husky and I gulped at the intensity of our close proximity. ~~~~~ Never in a million years would Sophia Thompson have thought the man she had given her heart to would cheat on her a week before their wedding. Broken and shattered by his betrayal, she found herself walking into a club, wanting to drink the pain  away.  Yet the morning after brought about surprises she hadn't expected when she realized she had not only slept with a stranger but also married him.

Chapter 1

I closed the car door, racing to the apartment I shared with my fiancé, Darrell, with a wide grin on my face.

I told him I was working late today, but it was a lie. I intended to surprise him this evening as it was his birthday.

Darrell and I have been dating for five years now, and we are so much in love.

At first, when I first met him, Because of my previous relationship and heartbreak, I was cynical about giving my heart away.

But these past five years have been the best years of my life. Yes, we have had our ups and downs. We argued like any other couple would, but in the end, we always came out strong.

I could never imagine a life without him, so when he proposed three months ago, I was so psyched.

We began planning our wedding with family and friends. After two months of hectic wedding plans, we were finally getting married within a week.

I squealed, racing to the front of the porch to find the door slightly open.

This was weird.

Darrell wasn’t that careless to leave the door unlocked.

Shrugging it off, a smile graced my lips as I walked in, closing the door behind me.

The living room was so awfully quiet that I was beginning to wonder if he was even at home or not. I put the cake I had bought on my way home down on the table. walking up the stairs, and I was certain I could hear groans and moans coming from the bathroom.

My brows furrowed in bewilderment at the fact that Darrell was watching porn.

Slowly, I walked over to the door of the bedroom we both shared together. Twisting the knob, I pulled the door open.

There I was standing rooted in my spot, staring at the man I had given my heart, body, and soul to in bed with my step-sister Mia.

They both screamed, Mia louder than Darrell. My so-called fiancé still hovered over my sister, staring at me like a deer cut in a headlight.

 He leaps off Mia, who has dragged the duvet to herself, covering her naked body, while the latter struggles to put on his boxer, a guilty look on his face.

" what are you doing back home? I thought you had some extra work to do back at the office. "

Glaring his way, my eyes held nothing but hurt as I struggled with the scene in front of me.

" Just hear me out, Sophie. It’s not what it looks like. " Darrell carried on speaking.

"Oh yeah, I’m sure it isn’t. It’s not like I walked in on you and my sister in bed, Darrell. " My voice came out bold and unwavering.

I didn’t know how I was so collected, but I felt proud of myself even though, inside, I was crying my heart out.

"I can explain, I promise. Let me explain. "

I scoffed, looking over at my sister. The way she sat on the bed with a bored look on her face, both hands crossed to her chest.

She must have noticed my eyes on her because she raised her head to look at me with a smirk on her face.

She was not even remorseful or remotely upset at the fact that I had cut them together. The look she was giving me felt like a victorious smirk. It was like she had emerged the winner of a game I had no idea we were playing.

" You know what, I can’t stand looking at your faces right now. You both disgust me. I spat angrily at Darrell.

Seeing the smile on Mia ignited the fury in me, and I wanted nothing more than to bash her head against the wall.

I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths to calm my nerves. As much as I would take pleasure in seeing the same hurt and pain in their faces just like how I felt, I knew better than to let my anger win at this time, or I might end up doing something I regretted.

My eyes snapped open when I felt a hand on mine and I saw my so-called ex-fiancé, holding on to me regretfully and guiltily.

"I’m sorry babe, it was a mistake." "

" Mistake, mistake, really." I yelled. " You are really going to use that word on me? Why, did Mia hold a gun to your head and threaten you with having sex with her? Was that what happened? Hmm, Darrell. " I taunt, laughing bitterly.

" Clearly, with the way both of you were going, this isn’t the first time. Isn’t it? "

" ah... took you long enough to ask. Things just got a lot more interesting. " Mia says with her legs crossed and a smirk on her lips.

Darrell looks at her angrily. "Don’t you fucking dare, Mia?"

She ignores him, glancing at me. "Oh, come on, but it’s fun." She pouts, teasingly. "You, my dumb, dumb sister," You're so gullible that you weren’t able to see what has been going on right under your nose. "

" Mia, " Darrell yelled, his face stonic.

" How long?" I asked again, my voice barely a whisper.

Four fucking years.

Four years.

That was a year after we started dating.

" and that’s not the best part of it. " She continues. "We are having a baby together."

I stumble back, using the door as support to stop myself from falling. I started clenching my fingers into a fist so tight that I started bleeding.

" Darrell and I will be parents. He was going to dump your sorry ass. Good thing you know now. " Mia Smirks. " Don’t worry, I promise to send our invitation card to our wedding. Who knows, you could even be my maid of honor."

I won’t give them the satisfaction of seeing me break.

Taking off my engagement ring, I stoned it right in his face, not waiting for a moment as I raced out of the house. The cake on the table, long forgotten.

The night wasn’t supposed to turn out like this, but I was glad it did. Then I won’t have caught their lying, cheating ass.

I got into my car and drove a long distance away from the house before stopping at an obscure location.

My breath began to shake with tears pooling in my eyes. My body began to shake, and I had no way of stopping or controlling it.

It felt like my heart was repeatedly hit with a sledgehammer, over and over again. To think that my wedding was only seven days away.

And here I was again, nursing another heartbreak.

Was this the life for me?

Was I destined to live alone by myself?