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His Beautiful Addiction

His Beautiful Addiction

Auteur: Miriam2

En cours

Steamy Stories

His Beautiful Addiction PDF Free Download


What happens when the most dangerous and feared mafia, not just in the city but in the whole country had to search the whole country just to find one girl. The first time they met, they had a one night stand and asher wanted to do anything, anything at all to make his one-night stand last forever The second time they met, Julia who was the woman he had a one night stand with was being sold as a s*x slave in one of his clubs. Buying her was never his intentions, forcing her to live with him wasn't what he expected himself to do. But she had sparked something inside of him. * "Please, let me go!"Julia begged as tears rolled down her eyes, her knees were hurting from kneeling on the cold floor for more than three hours. Asher only smirked and placed his hand on her cheeks, caressing it softly. "Unfortunately my darling, this devil has the nasty habit of not letting go"

Chapter 1

Julia's pov~


A painful groan escaped my lips immediately I felt a hard head ache hit me hard, what was going on?.

My head spun as I looked around my surroundings, where am I?, This was clearly not my room!.

The strange room I found myself in was a beautiful sight to behold but at that moment, I couldn't appreciate the auspacious designs as I tried to figure out where the fuck I was!

All I could remember was that I had come to the Danna club which was the most famous club in U.S with my best friend Rhianna and I ended up drunk then....

I have no memory of coming to this room!

The alcohol which was burning deep inside my body was almost close to unquenchable. Groaning again, I turned a little and my eyes widened, my heart skipped a bit, my breathing was suspended, I laid there frozen as I stared at the guy laying next to me.

No, not just an ordinary guy, she didn't need anyone to tell her who this was!, How did Asher...

I almost screamed in horror as I stared at him....

Asher wasn't just an ordinary man, he was the most feared and dangerous mafia in the whole of U.S.A. How did this happen?!. This man was feared and worshipped by all the people, including the government itself, they couldn't bring him down even if they tried.

My eyes drifted to the dried blood which stained the pure white sheets, tainting its pure appearance. I was completely naked under the sheets and ofcourse, he was too.

Slowly and quietly, I slid down from the bed and then I stood up but ended up slipping and landing on my butt.

"Ouch"A soft Yelp escaped my lips as I rubbed my b*tt to ease the pain, my v*gina was red and swollen sending pain around my waist to my leg, he never went easy on me huh?.

Standing up again with my shaky legs, I grabbed my clothes only for each piece of the clothes to fall down like water and that was when it occur to me....he tore my clothes into shreds!.

Hah!, This guy hates me so much, he didn't go easy on me and on top that, he also tore my clothes into shreds and now i was stranded, I don't want to  see the judgful disgust on his face immediately he looks at her, he might probably think i was a cheap slut who would give my body to a total stranger on our first meeting.

Though I don't remember how i met him last night.

I dragged my foots slowly as a result of the undescribable pain in my V, when I was close enough to him, I grabbed his shirt which was just next  to him before putting it on.

Though it stopped at my mid thighs, at least it was better than walking out n*ked.

My cheeks reddened as his cologne which was lingering around his shirt hit my nose.

Turning around, I ran out of the door as quick as I could, fortunately for me, it was late morning so not much people were around to see me in this disgraceful state but also.... unfortunately for me, I bumped into a guy who I remembered to be Asher's best buddy.

He was quite popular too and I think his name is Gary.

" so sorry"I muttered apologetically but instead he ignored my apology and grabbed my wrist.

"You were with my boss right?, So, what's your name?"Gary asked with a mischievous smirk on his face and I kept quiet, telling him my name would make matters what and also ignoring a mafia was a searious crime and I didn't want to die yet.

"My name is Jenna"I lied smoothly and he nodded.

"Excuse me, I am in a hurry"I said and ran passed him before he could say anything, hell!, I can't wait because before I left the room, Asher was clearly waking up and he had find me there, I'd be screwed.

I should know one thing for sure..... it is a mafia boss I just f**ked with and that too Asher, the most dangerous one of all.


I ran as fast as I could, damned it!, My stepmom was going to murder me, what have I gotten myself into.

Grasses and long twigs were passed as I increased my place, I was actually following the bushy part which was the fastest way home.

It was actually a beautiful street before but people left and relocated to somewhere else because of an unknown reason so grasses and tall trees began to grow here till it became bushy, unkept and ofcourse, abandoned.

Suddenly I heard a flick behind me but I ignored it despite a little bird telling me that something was definitely not right but then another flick was heard again like  someone was running too.

Turning around to check who and what was running after me, bang!, A huge stick was used to hit my head hard causing me to slip and fall face flat on the ground.

My vision blurred, I tried my best to fight the spirit of unconsciousness away from me but when the ache which was in my head began unbearable, I closed my eyes succumbing to darkness.



Julia's pov

I held my breathe as we were pushed outside, yes, we. It wasn't only I who were adopted and forced to be s3x slaves here.

I could see lots of teenage girls being tied with rope and stripped of their clothes and not only that, stripped off our dignities as well. None of our bodies were covered, not even a smidge or piece of cloth were given to us to wear.

We were tied to each other and were ordered to stay in a straight line.

It've been 4 days I have been here and the most stupid thing is that, I was the only virgin here, but what disgusted me the most is the fact that I wasn't a virgin in all dimensions anymore.

I wasn't the pure girl I used to be before.

The first day I was kept here, I was tied and forced to take in up to 3 male manhoods into my mouth.

If I cried or any of us cried, they'd whip us  to an unconscious state.

The turn of event huh!?

Why did my life had to take a tragic turn like this!?

And the most painful truth was the fact that 'Asher' owned this club, well, I wasn't that suprised because ofcourse, he was a devil, a demon like other people always say!

Right now, we are about to be sold to God knows who.

Anyone who got the highest bid would get the slave he bid for and I pray to God that I would be sold to someone kind...but is there anyone who is kind in this disgusting kind of place?