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Enchanted By A Wizard

Enchanted By A Wizard

Auteur: Ariella archives

En cours


Enchanted By A Wizard PDF Free Download


A hand swiftly crept at the hem of my shirt, tantalizingly touching the skin under the thin fabric. And oh molly, I shivered at the feeling of his cold hands palming my burning skin. "Master Kyle!" Gwydion's loud and cheerful voice made me push Kyle away from me. Awaking all the senses that numbed a while ago. My eyes widened when the door closed on its own when Kyle glared at it. He didn't budge, instead, he pressed his weight on me and I could feel his hardness on me. But I heard Gwydion calling his master's name again. "Kyle he must be looking for you" I stopped him from kissing me further. "Just give me five more minutes baby" he suppressed my attempt to stand up and instead he pulled me by the legs at the edge of the bed. "What are you doing?!" I exclaimed nervously when he knelt in front of me. "Main course comes after Appetizer" he smirked at me. W-what does he mean? Is he trying to do- oh my god! "Spread those legs Hana" he demanded

Chapter 1

How come this bottle of shampoo costs this much?! How did capitalism took over London in no time yet here I am contemplating whether I should buy a five pound shampoo. I checked my wallet to see if I can afford this piece of slimy soap. Crap. I only have five pounds and eighty seven pence. Why am I this poor dear lord? If I buy this, I won’t be able to eat anything. Not even the one nicker bread they sell in front of my apartment. Ugh! If only my evil aunt sends me money, I won’t be this miserable. I’m still contemplating what to choose, my hair who has not been washed for three consecutive summer days or my tummy who haven’t eaten anything since this morning? I’d choo-

“awwww!!” “shit!” we both grunted in unison. Someone bumped into me when I turned around and I accidentally held on to the racks which made the bottles of shampoo fell in my head.

“why aren’t you looking at your surroundings?!” the man that bumped into me complained. What the hell? He did not even said sorry and now he’s blaming me?

“are you blind?! You’re the one who bumped into me!” I shout back. He’s so grumpy and rude and I can’t help but glare at him. I can even bite him with my hungry state right now.

“hey ugly-

“what?! Did you just called me ugly?!” Wah! Now he just called me ugly. Who on earth call the people they met for the first time ugly? Is he even humane to be this arrogant?

“now you’re deaf” he sneered. I can’t take this anymore. I’m going to punch this ill-mannered jerk in front of me-

“Hep!- just as I was about to fly my arms so that my fist would meet his face he caught it with his big strong hands making me step back.

“are you going to punch me?” he frowned. Yes asshole. I would.

“isn’t it obvious?” I tried to yank my hand away from him but he gripped it tighter.

“you think a lowly creature like you can just touch me?” he removed his hooded lens and stared at me like I’m a lowly creature just like what he said. And just like a hard rock I felt like I was hit right here, in my pride. I looked at him closely, he looks rich and handsome. Aside from the fact that he’s mean and rude, he’s breathtakingly stunning. Someone out of my league. I looked at myself again which I wished I didn’t because I felt so small with my almost ragged clothes, slippers and a mess of a greasy bun. Why would I even dare to touch someone like him? I’m a dust compared to how deadly expensive he looks.

“w-why are you crying?” he asked me. I didn’t realize I was tearing up with my stupid thoughts.

“I’m not” I denied the obvious and yanked my hand away from his flustered face. I walked away from him, wiping my tears but a hand tightly held my wrist, turning me to face him. It was that asshole again and to my surprise…

He kissed me.