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Auteur: Jaymhekzy



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Elena Lockser didn't know who she was until she encounters Aiden Crook. Aiden Crook never believes in a second chance at love until Elena walked through his office. As soon as we stepped into the living room, I breathed out deeply and gazed at him. “I meant, I want to go back to Renee, to my friend." I said. “You are not going anywhere." He stated calmly as if afraid he would lose his temper anytime soon. “You can't tell me to stay here. I don't know you. I don't know what you are. I don't know if I would be your next prey. Please just let me go in peace, please." I didn't realize I was crying until I tasted the saltiness of the tears. “Shut up, I don't want to lose my temper here." He pinched the bridge of his nose, before exhaling slowly. His broad shoulder moved with each breath he took. “Why are you detaining me here? Do you want to kill me? Who are you?" “So many questions in a sentence." He tutted. “Just tell me who you are and why are you keeping me here? I want to fucking know!" Aiden stared at me with uncertainty before stepping towards me. I scurried back, slamming into the door. He pushed me to it violently and I winced in pain at the force. His eyes flickered from the blue it was to a golden yellow and a fang appeared in place of his canine. I shrieked as he continued pressing his elbow in my neck. “This is me, sweetness and you are fated to be with me don't forget that. You are to be my Luna!"

Chapter 1



As if my day wasn't shitty enough because of how late I had woken, an idiot decided to splash me muddy water with his sleek red Audi.

So freaking irking!

I didn't envisage my first ever interview to be this exasperating and exhausting since I have never had a real job before. This could be my first job or not which solely depends on what would be the outcome of the interview at the end of the day.

Luckily, the bastard that sped by me had only splashed water on my legs which could be resolved.

I brought out the flask filled with water I always carried about and made use of some of the liquid in it to rinse my leg before stepping to the front of the company's gate.

My jaw slackened, and a smile brightened my face as I gazed at the magnificent glass-walled, seven-storey structure which stood in front of me.

Aiden Inc was situated in the heart of West Vale and it was hard to miss. It stood near another grand building which was used as a bank. 

This side of the town, which was commonly known as District One by the locals, was filled with grand corporations which were owned by individuals or so, I was told.

"At last, I am in Aiden Inc." I breathed out, grinning.

The most reputable company in West Vale and the place I had fantasized about working in since after I had graduated from college with a first class in business management. It was a big feat as I wasn't that smart, to begin with.

I was ushered in by the concierge without many questions.

"Top floor." He murmured, pointing in the direction of the elevator.

Shutting my eyes, I stepped into the lift, and I counted at least, up to ten seconds as my stomach did a flip-flop at the twirling motion. I inhaled deeply, shoving down nausea that threatened to spill out.

Eventually, the elevator ceased and I stepped out with ten other people I didn't notice entered. They all had a brown envelope with them like the one with me and strode in the same direction I did.

I brought out a mint from the black bag with me and popped it into my mouth, before stepping to the receptionist area.

The soft clicking of heels sounded throughout the rectangular hall with glass mirror partitioning it as I walked towards the two girls who stood at the far end in large cubicles, not far from each other with the inscription receptionist boldly written on it.

Both had fiery red hairs, blue eyes and burgundy lipsticks on their full lips.

Both wore the same black coloured tight dress that showed their ample chest.

Though it appeared professional, however, it was revealing.

Still, I thought Aiden Inc was known for its strict dress code because I had heard from several individuals, Renee included, about how strict the interviewer was.

 A wrong outfit would disqualify a person from getting an interview. Hence, the reason I was in this drab suit Renee had picked out.

Perhaps, it was a ruse to make the company appear decent since the two girls in front of me had dressed like they were going for a party rather than for work.

"How may I help you?" Red Haired one whose name on her badge reads Claire inquired.

A wide smile was painted on her lips as she stared at me. The other girl, Carol was conversing with someone else and she appeared to be nicer than Claire.

They looked like twins for, both share similar features- round face, pointed chins, full lips and a wide smile. The only difference between them was Claire's hair was slightly lighter than Carol whose own was a deep shade of red. Also, Carol's nose seemed a bit broader than Claire's or perhaps she had flared it.

Two sharp canines that resembled a fang pierced out of Claire's mouth as she continued strangely grinning at me. Her crystal blue eyes flickered to red for a brief moment or maybe I had imagined it whilst she assessed me as if she knew me from somewhere. She then went ahead to crinkle her nose and I noticed a vein popped out in her neck.

"Claire." Carol let out a low inhuman sound that sounded more like a growl then smiled innocently as I gawked at her.

Weird girls.

I did an eye roll, then listened to the direction of where the interview was being held. Even with my attentiveness, I knew I would get lost since I was bad at knowing places.

"Follow me." A gorgeous blonde ordered as she stepped towards the cubicle.

The only blonde I had seen so far. Unlike the two red-haired, She donned a pale blue gown with cap sleeves, a sweetheart neckline which modestly highlighted her cleavages, and it reached below her knees. Her blonde hair was in a high ponytail and her eyes, a crystal blue smiled kindly.

I returned the smile, then scrambled after her as she moved. Surprisingly, she had a long stride despite her petite frame and she moves quite fast too.

Our journey to the interview room was silent and the blonde was somewhat nice as she had told me to refer to her as Ellen.

My eyes surveyed several of the applicants that sat on the long bench outside the office door waiting for their turn to be called in. Most were red-haired and dark-haired, I was the only blonde present aside from Ellen which I didn't mind. Also, I noticed the lack of male applicants which wasn't weird as it had been boldly written that only females were needed.

When it got to my turn, I stepped into the dimly lit office. The telltale sign of nervousness I do exhibit- clammy palms and nausea- wasn't present, rather I shivered at the coldness the room exuded.

I blinked twice before my vision got accommodated to the room dimness. A chandelier hung above the room but it did little to brighten it. Still, I could make out the presence of a two-seater at the side, a floating bookcase stood beside it and two potted flowers were at the four corners of the room.

A man sat behind a writing desk, he was facing the only window in the room and did not seem as if he noticed I was inside.

He didn't turn, neither did he say anything to acknowledge my presence.

Was this what he did to the other applicants?

No surprises, as the dark-haired girl with expressive brown eyes before me had shot me a, 'I wish you all the best look.'

I counted to thirty seconds, then decided to break the silence when he didn't.

"Good afternoon, sir," I said out of formality whereas all I wanted to do was slap the phone he was staring at away from his hand.

After waiting for another thirty more seconds, another thought came to my mind and I cleared out my throat noisy since he didn't respond to my greeting.

"Don't do that anymore." He grunted, yet didn't turn.

You didn't reply to my greetings. What else did you expect from me was the retort at the tip of my tongue but I swallowed it.

"Start talking." He ordered, still facing the window and his phone.

I stepped a bit closer and he inhaled sharply.

"Don't come nearer." He growled, tensing up. He ran a finger through his already tousled hair making it messier.

Dear me, I never knew my boss to be, was this grumpy.

I halted, rolling my eyes and smoothened the nonexisting crease on my skirt. "I can't just start blabbing. You should ask me a question. I mean that's the reason I'm here, right?"

"Your hair colour." He rasped.

"What?" My brows furrowed as I stared at his messy brown hair which was illuminated by the light from the window.

"What's the colour of your hair?" He repeated.

"Blonde and that isn't even an interview ques..."

"We already maxed out on blondes and I don't want another airhead." He said, cutting me off.

"Excuse you?" I let out an exasperated sigh at how he generalized all blonde-haired girls.