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Marriage Series 3: FREED

Marriage Series 3: FREED

Auteur: bitchymee06



Marriage Series 3: FREED PDF Free Download


I am bruised. I am weak. I am nothing. Can somebody help me? I am in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't even find myself anymore. Can someone free me from the hell that I am staying? Save me.. I am tired of living. -Azaia De Castro

Chapter 1

Four years.

I counted in my thoughts while staring at a tall house standing in front of me.

My lips curled into a bitter smile. It’s been four years yet this is still the place where I keep falling. I let out a deep sigh then walked towards the entrance of the house. I was about to ring the doorbell when I noticed it wasn’t locked. I decided to just come in.

As soon as my eyes landed towards the interior, I felt the same vibe. I sadly smile.

Nothing changed.

My eyes automatically roamed around in search of him yet I did not find anything.

My legs brought me towards the stairs, touching the same wooden yet smooth edges of the handle. “Bjorn?” I called out, slowly tiptoeing towards the steps.

“Ahh! Faster babe!” Upon reaching the top, my heart immediately pounded hard. I was hearing familiar voices echoing throughout the hallway of the floor. “Yes! Fuck!”

Slowly, my knees started trembling. Tears wanting to escape my eyes yet I continued to walk forward to his room—no, our room.

My hands weakly held the sturdy wall as I leaned to see the man I married, naked with a strange woman pleasuring herself above him.

'Don't ever fucking cry, Azaia.'

This is not new anymore.

This is what you’ve been witnessing every time you come home after work.

I slowly averted my attention and walked towards one of the guest rooms of the house. I tiredly threw my luggage in the side and lay down on the bed.

Little by little, I felt tired and my eyes gradually closed with a dejected smile on my face.

I’m not sure if it’s because I was tired from the long travel or because I am back to the same fault I have thrown before.

I chose to just avert my attention and concentrate on sleeping.

I do not want to think about it over and over, knowing that I’ll only be hurting myself.

I woke up from the loud slamming of the door. And there, I saw my husband standing with a smirk on his face.

“It’s a good thing, you thought of coming back,” he said, sarcastically.

I secretly heaved a sigh and slowly got up from the bed—scared that I might do anything that will make his blood boil in anger.

“How’s America? Did you have fun playing with boys there?” he asked, obviously mocking me. His lips were curling the same way it did before; a devilish smile.

“I went there to work, Bjorn. I did not go there to find someone to flirt with, I was there to work. I even seldom come out.” I calmly said. I made sure I was staring right through his eyes yet it was obvious how his face slowly darkened.

My hands slowly trembled when he walked towards me.

'Breathe Azaia… breathe…'

His intimidating posture made me shiver in fear. I was scared of the endless possibilities. My eyes didn’t leave him until he stopped in front of me. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

“Do you think I’ll believe a bitch like you?” he asked. I almost let out a shriek when he immediately pulled my hair forcefully. He stared right through my eyes with a sharp glare onto his orbs. He slapped me hard on the face, making a loud thud.

Immediately, my eyes clouded in tears. The slap felt sharp and numbed at the same time. I couldn’t understand the feeling other than fear and sadness.

“Try and leave me again, Azaia. I’m telling you, I will kill Rafael,” he threatened. “Be grateful, I didn’t do anything to him yet. I could have killed him for all I want yet I didn’t. I’m warning you, don’t challenge me.” He clenched his jaw and furrowed his brows before leaving the room.

When he was out of my sight, I was finally able to cry. I let out the tears from my eyes stream down as I look at the place where he left.

I just feel lonely.


And scared.

In a snap, my mind automatically wandered back to the time when were still living a happy life.


“FOR THE NEWLY WEDDED COUPLE, MAY THEY FIND HAPPINESS TOGETHER! CHEERS!” my best friend Safey hyped, raising her mojito.

We all laughed at her remark and followed her gesture. We raised our glasses together with her, a smile roaming onto our lips.


Tonight is my bridal shower. We’ve been partying ourselves to our hearts content knowing that tomorrow I’ll be wedded with my longtime boyfriend named Bjorn De Castro.

I can say that our relationship is perfect. We barely fight because we are matured enough to handle things.

“I didn’t expect the two of you to get married this fast,” Safey commented, smiling thinly in front of me. It was then second motioned by our two friends, Kriselle and Jeselle. They are twins who had been our friends for quite a long time now.

I just smiled at them and leaned on the couch. “We planned it a long time ago. We just postponed it because he wanted the two of us to graduate first and have the perfect job to settle in before heading for marriage,” I explained.

“Psh, I hope all,” Kriselle said.

We all just laughed at ourselves and started talking about random things about our relationship.

“You’re lucky, Azaia. Bjorn is a good catch,” Jeselle started. “He hasn’t even looked nor cheated on you once,” she mumbled before letting out a chuckle. It was obvious that she’s already drunk from the countless drinks she had.

Well, it’s not only her who is drunk—we’re all drunk, actually.

I only smiled as an agreement to her words.

“What are you saying? Azaia is also a good catch. She’s rich, beautiful, kind and loyal. She never even saw herself with any other men other than him despite having a lot of male friends,” Kriselle answered.

I only shook my head from the blabbering of the twins. They were amusing to see the two of them enjoying their selves. My attention landed towards Safey who suddenly stopped joining our conversation.