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Labyrinth's Advance

Labyrinth's Advance

Auteur: Mercyboywriting

En cours


Labyrinth's Advance PDF Free Download


A young hero destined to fall to ruin must conquer the labyrinth in front of him to find the secrets of his past the secrets to the future and a way back home. Will he succumb to the drenches of the dead, the expanse of the future, or will he simply falter in his heart at the journey laid before his feet. Only fate knows the boys past and will lend him a strange creature to help our hero through this labyrinth.

Chapter 1

     "Pelopos what is the meaning of life?" 

PELOPOS was still enticed with the stars out in front of him and the worlds hovering around there sun.

      "I'm not sure what you are implying cosmos life isn't something us gods need to lower are self's to thinking about. we will be here when the universe starts up again and we will be here when it fades out once more."

 standing there looking at the several different planets all of which had intelligent life on them, though for them too survive in the gods games they would have to prove there worth not only to us but there own worlds as well, but in such a gloomy universe, I'm becoming to find that we the gods are the crule ones. 

"Pelopos this is not right I cant get over the thought that we are  the ones who are in the wrong here its not ok."

Pelopos looked to me,  "that is not of your concern you find the candidates cosmos and when you do make sure they put on a show, if you cant do that then you will be cast aside just like these planets soon."

looking away from Pelopos "I will do as you asked I'm sorry."

Pelopos raised his hand as I flinched from it.  "next time don't ask me questions you know I will hate" seeing his hand come down smacking me throwing me down to the ground. 

"your a disgusting god that was saved from the far reaches of a dead galaxy don't make me take you back there" keeping my head low.

"I'm sorry ill never make that mistake! please don't send me back its so cold and alone..." sobbing softly to my self as Pelopos knelt down grapping my chin fiercely. 

"then do as your told I won't ever ask you to do this again and if you ever fail me I will send you there to exist alone in a dark expanse that is far more lonelier then being alone."

tears must of still left my face because he softly wiped them away as a bell rang looking out to the stars a large translucent monitor showed a young man standing at the last level of the labyrinth's. staring up to the stars his body draped in golden armor a lion engraved in his chest plate as he raised his sword to the sky's his voice boomed to the universe. 

"I'm coming gods I'm coming for all of you on my sons name Leo. I'm coming for you all!"

Pelopos was intrigued standing up. "ahh the roman legionaries I forgot to think of him though in fairness didn't think the humans would put up much of a fight in this kind of battle looks like I was wrong."

 Pelopos walked to the railing looking intriguingly at the young man. "I will kill him my self and I pray his son comes to this labyrinth. just so I can kill him were his father once stood I will preserve the fathers rotting corpse, just to show the son that he has no chance in living I will destroy the milky way galaxy I will destroy all of it, I will see it sucked into the infinite void and when there is nothing left of this galaxy I will finally be at peace."

watching Pelopos jump from the railing falling through space reaching  the last level with the roman legionnaire then blanket the whole arena in darkness, once it passed the legionnaire stood there unscathed.  

"i will go home to my son."

"no you will not" Pelopos said wickedly.  "you will die here alone and with nobody. 

with a flick of Pelopos's wrist a dark black sword appeared radiating with purple energy "no this is were you die."

the roman legionnaire stood his ground breathed in deep "may Mars watch over me."

 the legionnaire pulled forth a brightly gold shield from his back with a curved sword in his other hand both looked immeasurable he must of forged them himself in the labyrinth.

"die god!" the legionnaire charged as Pelopos stood there calmly the legionnaire shifted right instantaneously, but Pelopos followed quickly with his eyes the legionnaire stuck fast but Pelopos swiped the blade from the legionnaires hands then grasped his throat. 

"you will die there is no getting away from it you are filthy, the labyrinth isn't a test but a death march to keep me entertained until I can cast this universe in the void.

the legionnaire was losing consciousness, "  senatus populusque ramanus!" hearing  the creak of the legionaries neck as Pelopos casted his body to the side. 

"not much longer worlds and when the time is up you shall all die time for you to cast forth your new champions in seventeen years that is when the next event will take place."

Pelopos appeared right in front of me "make it worth my while cosmos your last champion failed its time for you to think of the failure you have caused for another seventeen years." 

Pelopos grasped my neck hard and fast lifting me up "please no not the expanse."

"oh its time for you to suffer for your incompatence."

pelopos lifted his other hand then a dark void opened up slowly black hands came shooting out grasping me. trying to fight it but there was no way once the expanse had its grasp on you there was no escape. 

"see you soon" 

"no, please no" Pelopos wickedly smiled then released me 


the hands yanked me fast into the expanse looking to Pelopos as the gateway closed I laid floating in a dark void, sobbing softly my tears floating with me "please I'm sorry just let me go home.

a deep boom shook all around me as panic crept in my heart. 

"you are home my dear cosmos my home were you will always be shown what you truly are and the life you will never have the happiness that will always be out of reach you will be destroyed over and over and over." a manacle laughed erupted booming the expanse. 

looking up to see dark shadow casting darkness on darkness itself, "you will be freed cosmos now shall we begin." closing my eyes "hero please win next time please."