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My True Friend

My True Friend

Auteur: Queenebunoluwa15



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Blurb Life is full of ups and downs. Perhaps the saying, ' No situation is permanent ' is true. And the saying, ' Life is not a bed of Roses ' is also true. And also, The saying, ' Trust should be the foundation of every Relationship. ' is also true. Here's the story of Two 16 year old Teenage girls. We can call them a Painter and Writer, They were best friends, the were so close that they were nicknamed ' The inseparable Duo ' But due to a Scheme set up by a fellow Classmate, Their relationship Shattered. Quest : Will this be the end of it or will there be a Revival? Read this Short novel to find out. Love you Readers. My True friend By Queenebunoluwa15.

Chapter 1


Ella's POV.

I got to school one day and was Suprised to receive hateful stares from my mates.

It was so obvious that some started gossiping and pointing out their fingers at me.

' What's going on? ' I thought.

As it was still 7 am on a Wednesday which happens to be a sports day in my school.

The morning assembly hadn't commenced yet which I was very thankful for.

I then decided to ignore the hateful stares I was getting from my schoolmates and walked to the School canteen which was situated Beside the school Football field.

I went there and bought some donuts and a bottle of milk tea for myself, this would serve as my breakfast as I was in too much rush to Eat before leaving home though my mom Prepared breakfast, I just told her to put it in the microwave so I'll be able to eat it when I got back from school.

I sat down quietly in the not-so-crowded Canteen and ate my breakfast silently.

When I was satisfied, I stood up and was about to head back to Class as it was almost time for the morning assembly.

I couldn't believe that I spent Twenty minutes eating, Well you wouldn't blame me as I bought a lot of donuts as I love them, it was my best snack after all.

I had just taken about three steps when I was tugged from behind and before I could comprehend what was going on.

A Palm connected with my Left cheeks and immediately I felt a stinging pain on my cheeks.

Shocked I looked up and was completely frozen to see that the Culprit was my Best friend Eva.

" Why did you ...hit me, Eva? " I ended up stuttering in confusion.

" Really?, You still have to guts to ask me that after what you have done, Slut? " She questioned harshly, her Blue eyes were red and swollen with tears and Anger.

I was completely stunned by this.

' What's going on? ' I asked myself.

" I don't understand what you are talking about, What Happened? " I asked her, confusion Brimming in my eyes.

" Tch, tch, I should have known that you aren't only a Slut but a pretender and a bitch! " She said and soon Several Printed pictures came into view.

The pictures were thrown all over me cruelly.

By now a little crowd had already gathered around us but I was too preoccupied to pay attention to this.

I kneeled a little to pick up the pictures and I was completely frozen in shock by what I saw in the pictures.

' No wonder, Eva is so Mad at me now. ' I thought sadly.

The picture was of myself being intimate with a guy who was very handsome and dashing.

Though I was confused looking at these pictures of me Dancing and almost sharing a kiss with the guy but that was the least bit of my concern.

My main concern was the fact that the guy I saw myself being intimate with is no other than my Best friend, Eva Crush.

Eva was supposed to reply to his Proposal today as she sought my Advice yesterday and after I gave her a go-ahead she decided to confess to him today but this happened.

How come?

What went wrong????

I tried to search my Memory for how it came to this but it was blank.

All I remembered was being in Star Club With Eva, this was the club that we both usually frequent due to its Serene Atmosphere.

I remembered that there Eva and I were both discussing and talking about random things while Taking sips of our orange juice and chicken Pizza.

During our conversation, Eva suddenly told me about how her Crush Williams Godwin Suddenly Proposed to her When she went to the Studio to Paint.

She told me about how shocked she was and then asked for my advice.

I then told her that she should follow her heart as it's her life after all.

She took my advice and decided to propose to him today.

While we were still talking, her phone rang and after picking it up she realized that her mom needed her at home urgently.

She then apologized for not being able to continue to stay any longer as a promise.

I assured her that it's okay.

I then escorted her to the outside of the club where she took a Taxi back home.

I didn't go with her as I decided to enjoy the singing and dancing performance in the club as I didn't have anything to do at home anyways.

I went back to my seat and ordered a glass of Grape wine and continued watching the performance, I remembered exchanging some Words with the bartender as he seems pretty nice.

This was the last thing I remembered.

I didn't know how I got home or anything.

The only thing I knew was that I woke up this morning with a little Headache and I took a painkiller after eating a small pack of biscuits and drinking a warm glass of milk.

So what happened?

" What are you thinking about now, Ella? , I didn't expect you of all people to Betray me, what have I done to deserve this? , If I have offended you before then you would have told me and I would have apologized Sincerely and even Kowtowed if an apology is not enough. " She took a deep breath before she continued, by now tears were already streaming down her already flushed face, as she spoke I could feel the pain in her voice.

I felt like my heart was being pricked by a thousand needles.

" Why did you do this to me, Ella? , Do I deserve this? , For the first time I wanted to start a relationship with a guy but what did you do? You betrayed me! , Ella! , How could you? , Don't you have a heart at all? You claimed that you saw me as your other half but is this how you'll treat your other half, Answer Me, Ella! Don't act dumb! " She raised her voice a little.

" I... I am sorry, Ella, I don't know anything about this, I.... "

" You don't? , How could you still deny when all the evidence is right in front of us? , Do you want to deny the fact that you were being intimate with my Crush in the club! Is this why you didn't want to leave the clubhouse earlier and stayed behind? , Is this what you have been planning all along? , Tell me Ella!, Speak up! "

" Please Trust me, Eva, I don't know anything about this, Please, believe me, Eva. " I pleaded, my face already tear-stained but couldn't care less about my looks now.

" Believe you? , Do you have proof? " She asked.

" I don't... But Steve do you think I could do something as cruel as this to you? , What do you think I'll gain from it? , We've been through a lot but I didn't betray you so why would I now? , You have to believe me, Eva, I don't know anything about this, I am innocent! " I said as I tried to move closer to her but she took a step backward.

" I can't believe you, Ella, I am very disappointed in you, I didn't know that you'll choose to betray me because of a guy, I didn't know that you are This cheap, I always thought that you were Innocent but you turned out to be a Wolf in sheep's clothing. " She Mocked and I felt Annoyed and I completely lost it.

I never felt so insulted in my whole life and the first time that it'll happen, I wasn't just insulted by anyone but my Best friend, how could I take this?

My Palms acted on impulse and before I knew what was going on my Palms had connected with Eva's cheeks and it turned red immediately.

She flinched in pain as she looked at me with pain and hurt in her eyes.

" I never knew that a day would come that you'll raise your hand at me after betraying me, Ella. " She said.

" I... I am innocent. " I insisted.

" Innocent? Do you think I'll believe you after this, and who gave you the right to slap me? , Do you even have the right to you crazy Bitch. " She cursed and she raised her hand at me again but I was quick to hold it.

She struggled to get her hand out of my hold but failed and when I finally released her hands.

She pushed me down on the ground and I fell not before dragging her down with me and soon we got physically pulling at each other's hair and slapping each other's faces.

" Two of you! To the Principal's office now! " An authoritative voice Brought us out of our reverie and by the time realization dawned on us it was too late.

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