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You Can't Buy My Love

You Can't Buy My Love

Auteur: Cody Harrison

En cours


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Olivia is broke and trying to find out how she's going to afford her college tuition. That all changes when she meets Nolan. Nolan, a 28-year-old incredibly successful and wealthy young entrepreneur, has never been one to "tie the knot" Ever since high school he's been an alluring free spirit who won't let anyone - or anything - tie him down. However, to his dismay, his Father threatens to hand down the family business to his younger - more responsible - brother, Jared, therefore sending Noel and all his money to the grave. Unless, he can finally settle down and start being accountable for his actions. Fed up with his Father's cutthroat demands, Nolan makes a deal with Olivia, that he will pay her tuition if she pretends to be his wife for three months in order to convince his Father that he's changed. Though inexperienced in life, Charlie plunges headlong into an affair -- A relationship in name only with certain rules: avoid entanglement. Keep things all business. Do not fall in love. The arrangement is only for three months so the rules shouldn't be that hard to follow, right? Except fate has a way of upsetting the best-laid plans...

Chapter 1

Late one night, at the seniors' graduation party, my friend Jeremy had decided that I was a prude. Even though I protested against him, the hard evidence he held against me said otherwise.

One of the reasons was that I was eighteen years old, and I'd never been felt up. Now, in the most theoretical sense. I don't think that makes me a prude. I think it makes me modest. Just because I don't run around letting all the hotties grab my breast does not make me a prude.

The second reason was that I was still a virgin, and wasn't planning on losing my virginity no matter how many guys I've dated. They were all immature pervs, with no life and no future.

I mean, seriously. I gave them the countdown of one year, how hard was that? Besides, I have this thing, called self-respect, and no one is gonna take that from me.

I sat down on the bar stool, as he lectured me about letting go and cutting loose. Whatever. He went from telling me how uptight I was, and how many people would just KILL to bang me, and for some reason I couldn't shake the feeling that one of those people were him. Saying that all I needed to do was get laid and everything would change.

Some friend.

"Seriously, though Olivia. You've never even-" I cut him off with a loud groan.

"I don't need this, Jer," I told him sternly, getting up off the bar stool, and grabbing a red solo cup filled with alcohol. Beyond the kitchen doors were blaring music, and a bunch of random people that I didn't mean a thing too. I mean, there was my boyfriend: Chad. But, he was probably grinding on someone else's girlfriend or taking shots with his jerk buddies.

"I'm so glad that the world revolves around sex." I shot sarcastically, taking a long swig of beer. "And I'm even more glad that I know how to masturbate." I finished off with a sly smirk, causing him to laugh and shake his head. His brown hair shaking slightly. He crossed over to where I was standing by the countertop.

"Okay," he says, taking my drink and hocking it all down. My hand found its way to my hip, and I narrowed my eyes at him. "but if you ever need help with that," he stepped up closer to me so that there was nothing but breathing space in between us. "you let me know." I half laughed, and half scoffed rolling my eyes.

"Jeremy please, we are just friends." I emphasized the "just" as I pushed him away from me. He laughed, shrugging his shoulders.

"If you say so." The doubt in his voice made me wanna throw a drink in his face. I am so unattracted to him it's not even funny. He was one of the guys that I mentioned earlier. The one with no life and no future. If I hadn't known him my whole life, I wouldn't even waste my time.

"Besides," I continued, straightening up my tight black dress. "I have more important things to worry about."

"Yeah? Like what?" He asked, raising a brow.

"Like college," I said simply, pulling out my makeup bag, and applying another layer of my vampire red lipstick. I'm not sure why though. It's not like I was planning on impressing anybody. Just a habit I guess.

"You're still on that?" He asked annoyed. My eyes widened, and I glared at him.

"And you're not?"

"Who cares about college?" He asked with a scrunched up face that made him look like a five-year-old when their mom tries to make them eat vegetables.

"I do," I said defensively. Jeremy was really starting to piss me off. Isn't it ironic how the person who can actually afford college doesn't want to go, but the person who can't does?

"Yeah, well I don't. I just wanna be free. Enjoy my youth." Your youth isn't gonna be too enjoyable if you have no money, I thought sarcastically. I wouldn't say it, but I really wanted to get off this topic. Besides, whenever you pick a fight with Jeremy, you never win.

I took a swig of my drink, then made my way back to the living room. Of course, it was just as I thought, Chad was talking to one of the cheerleaders from school -- but I wouldn't necessarily call what they were doing "talking". He had her pushed up against the wall, his arm hanging over her head, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

He never did that to me anymore.

I let out a heavy sigh and gave one more glance at their smiling faces, then grabbed my black tote and headed for the door.

See, Chad has always had a wandering eye, and I've learned its best to just let him be. Let's face it, once I go off to college he and I will only be a distant memory, and if you're asking why even bother with the title? Well, I ask myself that same question everyday.

"Olivia!" My best friend Amy walked up to me laughing. "Oh my god, you're leaving already?" She asked frowning.

"Yes," I sighed. "It's been a really long day, I'm exhausted."

"Awe!" She moaned. "But okay!" Her bright brown eyes sparkling from the high of finally being done with school. "See you tomorrow?" She asked, and I nodded my response before leaving.