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My Billionaire Boss

My Billionaire Boss

Auteur: Tina.Maria

En cours


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I got on my toes, and planted a stagnant kiss on his lips before I had the opportunity to convince myself otherwise. He on the other hand, had other plans, he wrapped his hand around my waist, and brought me flush against him, deepening the kiss. His lips was soft, and warm, and rough, his hands started to move down and I broke away leaving some space between us. I looked around and my debtor's minions had gone, so I made a run for the exit. Just as I stepped out into freedom, and the fresh, cool night breeze touched my now sweaty and exposed skin, I felt a firm grip in my shoulder. It was probably one of those resilient thuggish minions and I wasn’t going to give them the chance to attack first. I turned around and in a slit second kneed the person, just like I had kneed Thomas, and then instantly regretted it. It wasn’t Thomas, or his thugs, it was the man that I had just kissed a few seconds ago, and my eyes must be playing tricks on me, because he looked the exact same replica of Fredrick King, my new boss. Before I could give him the chance to get a good look at me, I flagged down a taxi, completely mortified when he groaned out the words. “I’ll see you at work,” Tania is in serious debt that would cost her her future, and her desperate search for a well-paying job leads her to Fredrick King's company. She would much rather avoid him totally, but having crossed him in the worst way possible, not once but twice, Fredrick has made it a point if duty to make sure her life as an employee is not only short lived, but horrible. At first he looked startled, then his eyes widened. “It was you!”– He whisper yelled, then he grinned. “Well in that case, you're welcomed to stay, and I'll make sure to make your life here, a living hell,” But the playboy Fredrick is not the only problem our protagonist has, as her debtor Thomas Clifford, who is obsessed with Tania has made it a point of duty to get Tania fired by all means necessary, including kidnap. “I know, congratulations on your new position, but I doubt you would be in that position for long, not if I have anything to say about it,”

Chapter 1

Never have I ever been so confident in my down-state, never have I ever been so sweaty and depressed in my sad-looking suit that was twice my size. This was not my first interview, nor my second, nor my third, but this time I was sure that I wasn’t going to get the job. And it wasn’t just the past eight hours that I have been sitting waiting for my turn.

 No, it had more to do with the overconfident, smug smirk on the girl’s face as she walked out of the office, her pink gown riding even higher as she flaunted her way past me, walking more dramatically than necessary, just to rub it in that I am more shapeless than I care to admit.

“Number 71…. Number 71!” My attention got called back to the posh-looking secretary… A posh-looking secretary for a posh company.

Whoever they’re calling must have gone home, it wouldn’t be so bad to replace her.

“Miss Gadrel Tania!”

“Here!, I’m here!” My hand was in the air before I even stood up, my gray suit jacket looking more frumpy than I would have appreciated as she looked me over, once, then twice before she spoke.

“Follow me.” She said with a not-so-degrading tone, her tablet displaying my face and details as she led me to the office.

“Just go through that door, and best of luck, they have been waiting for some time.” She said with a smile, then walked off.

Office etiquette 101, knock twice before opening the door. That bit was easy, the hard part was walking in with a confident look, especially with my skirt held to my waist with a belt, my suit jacket almost reaching mid-thigh, and my wonderful collection of doubt displaying vividly on my face.

I stood by the doorway, not moving, strongly contemplating turning around and walking out, but he spoke just then. “Miss 71, we most definitely don’t have all day,” he grunted.

I walked into the office, reluctantly. The ice-cold, wonderful smell of rich people engulfed me as I gave a slight bow. “Good day, my name is Gadrel Tania.”

“Yes, we can see that in your file, applicant 71, now tell us why you should have this job seeing as you can’t even manage to not keep us waiting.”

I finally summoned enough courage to look at the possible reason I would fail this interview. Fredrick King, the new managing director of king’s cooperation.

It was expected from him to be here, after all, we were applying to be his secretary. I had also expected him to be full of himself and rude, as he was filthy rich, but I thought he would be more tolerable. I was wrong.

“I do hope your ability to speak is not as dreadful as your fashion sense 71, if so your being here would have been a dreadful waste of my time,” he said with a distasteful sneer as if he had already decided my fate.

“I can speak quite well, sir,” I replied, trying hard not to let the stirring anger in my voice escape.

“That’s good, Miss Gadrel. Why don’t you have a seat.” The lady on the left spoke, her red suit matching the bright red lipstick she wore.

I said a small thank you, then went to sit on the single chair in the middle of the large room, facing the three individuals that were to determine my fate and that of everyone else that came for this job.

“So Miss Gadrel, tell us more about yourself?” The older man on the right asked.

“Well, sir, I am a graduate of….”

“I do not care to know where you graduated from – the fool interrupted – I just want to understand two things, and the first is, do you truly know the job you’re applying for?”

I gulped, intertwining my fingers to keep myself from throwing a punch at his smug rich face. “Yes sir, I am here to apply for the post of secretary to the managing director, which according to my research, would be you. So in essence, I am here to apply to be your secretary.”

He smiled, and for a second, I thought he might be a better person. “and why should I employ you?” he said with the distasteful degradation I often heard from wealthy people.

“Because I, sir, have the skill set to be a sufficient secretary, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in economics, and a master’s degree in business administration, additionally, I have solid experience with human interactions, considering the amount of work I have done both as a waitress, and a receptionist and the opportunity I have had working has also helped me build my skill set in documentation and accountability, which I believe sir would be useful in serving you.”

He smiled, and then leaned back in his seat, the sun catching his annoyingly beautiful gray eyes as he did so, his smile grew until he burst out laughing, that mocking laugh that made you feel like crawling under a rock. “Miss Gadrel, according to you, you have done some research on me, and you want to serve me? Dressed like that?” he began to laugh again.

“Excuse me?” enough was enough, it was clear that I wouldn’t get this job, but I wasn’t going to sit here and take this insult.

“You are excused. Miss Gadrel, I want a secretary, not a cleaning maid.”

I slowly rose from the chair, and walked to him with a subtle smile on my face, I was going to enjoy this, I stopped right in front of his table, raised my hand backward, and landed the most satisfying slap on his left cheek.

“How dare you!” his eyes widened as if he was going to retaliate, but I wouldn’t give him that satisfaction as I landed a backhanded slap on the other cheek. He sat back down, too stunned to speak.

 “Thank you,” I said to the woman who was trying to hide her laugh, and proceeded to walk out of the room, my heart thundering in my chest as I almost bumped into the secretary.

“How did it go?” the secretary asked, a bright smirk on her bright red lips. When I didn’t reply, she just patted me on the shoulder and leaned forward.

 “Should I let you in on a little secret? He isn’t the one that decides who gets the job.” She went back to her normal elegant posture. “Now follow me, let’s call the next candidate, you can wait behind in the reception.” She said as we made our way out.

After thirty minutes more of waiting, countless people walking past me, and only one candidate coming to sit with me, the secretary finally came to address us. “Follow me.” She said with a stern expression on her face, as she started walking back into the office, this time she didn’t stop at the door.

“Sir, these are the final candidates.” She said calling us in, but the room was empty now, except for one old man with white hair, and gray eyes the same color as the rude idiot I slapped, and dressed in the most expensive-looking suit.

“Thank you, Marietta. Welcome, you both, my name is Thomas King, and I can proudly say, I own this company. I recently handed this place over to my son Fredrick, you met him earlier – he added with a scoff – it is obvious that he needs some help, managing his… life, both within and outside this company. That is where the both of you come in. The two of you were the only applicants here today that could resist his charms,” He said the charms with air quotes.

“Unfortunately, there is only one slot for a secretary, so this is what will happen. The two of you will go through a three months probation period each, which is six months in total, during these six months you will receive the full salary of permanent staff, after which only one of you will receive the letter of employment as a permanent secretary, and the other will work as my secretary for just twelve months as Marietta here is long overdue for a break, and after which will leave with a letter of recommendation signed by me.”

To work with that prick for three months would be the most dreadful thing, but I desperately needed the money. “if the two of you are okay with it, then I’d flip a coin to decide who goes first.”

“I’m okay with it sir.” My new competition said.

“I gladly accept this opportunity, sir.” I gave my own response, if this was going to be a competition, then I was going to win.

“good.” He flipped the coin, and I held my breath as the small round metal flipped in the air, landing tails up on the table. I was going first.