
Allons Lire Le Monde

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Auteur: ObsessedInk_Writer





"You lack manners and I will teach you how to behave." She smirked and Liam had his eyebrow raised in confusion. "Since you will be working for me now, I guess you need to know my rules. Get a sheet of paper and start writing." "What?" Liam gasped. ★ ★ ★ Everything changes for Liam when Mr. Blaise hands over the company to his rude and spoilt daughter, Anastacia Blaise. Anastacia is the nightmare of every staff but Liam is determined to tame her, especially when he needs his job to take care of his old sick mother and younger sister. But how long will Liam be able to cope with his new boss' ridiculous rules and demands?

Chapter 1

The elevator door finally opened and Liam dashed out, wishing he had super powers so he could easily teleport to his boss' office. He had just arrived at the company, out of breath and completely drained of energy.

Judging from the look on Lindsey's face the moment she had seen him, he knew he looked a complete mess. It didn't even help that Mr. Blaise had come looking for him that morning.  Liam could only imagine how angry the old man would be at him.

"Crap!" He blurted out when he bumped into someone, his suitcase dropping to the floor. 

"Bloody hell! Will you watch where you're going?" He heard a voice yell and his eyes widened when he realized he had bumped into a lady and her bag content was all over the tiled floor.

Just perfect, he thought. Not only was he late but also blind. How then couldn't he have seen her?

With a heavy sigh, he bent quickly to pick all that had dropped on the floor, whilst muttering his apology to her even when she remained quiet. He was thankful the lobby was empty so there was no one to share in his embarrassment. 

"I'm really sorry," he apologized once again but his jaw dropped when she slapped his hand away from her bag and it fell back to the floor.  

Shocked by her actions, he finally decided to give her a good look and he gasped when he was greeted with a pair of angry hazel eyes. Her lips were blazing red and her jet black hair fell over her shoulder in a pretty fashion. 

She was very beautiful and Liam was dumbfounded for a while, drinking in her exquisiteness. She was dressed in a beautiful white blazer coupled with skinny black jeans and her heels were so high Liam wondered if they weren't uncomfortable.  

He finally came out of his daze when she yelled into his face.

"Get your filthy hands off my bag!" She barked at him. "Are you blind?"

"I'm —" Liam tried to explain after getting out of his trance but she held her hand up to silence him.

"I don't wanna hear any of your flimsy excuses.  Just look what you've done." She bent to pick her things up.

"But — "

"You know what?" She interrupted him once again, exhaling deeply as she glared at him. "You should be the one to pack all these." She gestured to her stuff on the floor with her fingers.

"It is your fault they are on the floor so you should pick them up. I wonder why I stopped you." She stood to her full length and folded her arms below her breast, her glare never leaving her face.

Liam frowned at that, anger welling up in him as he stared at her. 

"What is your problem?" He asked her after a while and she gasped.  "It is my fault as well as yours that your bag fell because you were also distracted. If you had been concentrating on where you were going and not smiling at your phone sheepishly, you would have seen me leave the elevator and avoided me."

"You fuckwad!" She began to say but he shut her up by yelling,

"You know what? Pack these yourself.  I was willing to help before but not anymore." He adjusted his suit and made to walk past her. 

As if he was not having a bad day already. 

He had no time for all that, not when he was totally exhausted from the run he had broken into after missing the bus that morning. It seemed that day was not his day and he could not help but wonder why he had to be late on a day like this.

Today was an important day when his boss would hand over the company to his only daughter who would be his new boss. It was for this reason Liam was mad at himself for waking up very late.

This was his chance to leave a good impression of himself on her so she would like him instantly just like her father did but here he was, ruining it by being late on their first meeting. 

He shook his head but had barely walked past the woman before him when he felt her hand grip his wrist. She whirled him back with so much force, he was sure she intended to dislocate his joint and he gasped in surprise.

"You Goddamn idiot!" She spat at him, her eyes flaming.  "Do you know who you are talking to?" 

"Whoever or whatever you are, I don't care!" He snapped at her,  pulling his hand from her tight grip and turning to walk away. "Rude bitch!"  He muttered under his breath.

He was late already so there was no time to exchange words with such a person. He wondered who she was and what business she had there. 

Liam was quick to see her hand fly up in the air, to slap him across the face and his hand shot up immediately to stop her.  He held her by the wrist firmly, refusing to let her go even when she struggled to release herself.

"Let me go, jerk!" She yelled at him but he held onto her.

"What were you about to do?" He glowered at her and she returned his glare.

"Putting you in your damn place, what else?" She fired and his eyes narrowed. 

"You are rude and it will take you nowhere." He finally dropped her hand and walked away despite her yells for him to return.

He walked straight to his boss's office, fuming, but after hearing his boss's approval to come in after his knock,  he inhaled, letting go of his anger and putting on a sorry appearance. If he wanted to be pardoned, he should at least look remorseful.

He took a moment to calm himself, as well as, adjust his suit and wipe dirt from his polished shoe before walking into the spacious office room.

Despite it being six months of working with the food company, Liam still felt like it was all a dream. When he had received a phone call saying he had gotten the job as the personal secretary to the CEO himself, he had almost fainted. 

The Blaise company was a food company with a fifty-year history of manufacturing the finest premium baking ingredient in the industry and with the way the company was running, Liam was sure it would achieve greater height. 

Despite the proficient and high-tech workers the company was keen on hiring, the CEO, Mr. John Blaise was a very easy-going man that maintained a great relationship with every worker he came across. It was a pity he was retiring for his daughter to take over. 

Liam didn't know much about the lady only that she was nicknamed the witch. According to all he had heard, she had a very bad temper and would never hesitate to lash out at anyone.

The mere thought of working directly under such a person made Liam's hair stand but he was sure he could do it. He needed this job and was not ready to lose it. 

Mr. Blaise, who was sitting on the sofa with a blonde young man whose face Liam knew but could not place where they had met, turned to look at him immediately he walked in and he bowed his head, not wanting to look at the old man whose gaze was quite scrutinizing; it was like he could see through the lies around him and Liam didn't like that one bit.

Not when he was about to tell the story he had made up on his way to the office.  

"I'm sorry Mr. —" he was starting to say but the old man cut him off. Why was everyone cutting him off today?