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Married Mr Not Nice

Married Mr Not Nice

Auteur: YonaBirdy



Married Mr Not Nice PDF Free Download


After acting like a complete teenager for many years after graduation. Dancing, lying, stealing and dating bunch of boys. Daniel Harber is living her worst nightmare ever. She woke up in a place she doesn't know, her body is completely sore and her hands are tied up to the head of the bed. Last thing she remembers is tricking That drunk handsome man at the bar to steal his money. But it seems that, he is the one who tricked her.

Chapter 1

Daniel's POV

" I see dear Dany, you're trying to run away from me again! It seems that you already forgot, I'm your husband! "

He approached me slowly while I was trying to open the main door.

" No I didn't, Please stop, I'm not your wife! "

As soon as I said that he attacked me to drag me to his bedroom, I kept screaming and shouting but no one is listening!


Two days ago.


" Look there Dany! Look how well dressed that man, I bet his wallet is full."

Sherry told me which let me finish my liquor to look at him.

The strange thing was that he looked at me at the same moment before looking at the bartender again.

He is handsome.

" Wow "

I just said that before continuing.

" But no, you can have him, I already tried my luck with a bunch of three well dressed too, they only have 5 bucks in their wallets "

Sherry started laughing standing while fixing her short dress.

" Okay baby, watch and learn "

She walks there in her sexy way, I can see Sherry is sitting beside him trying to offer him a drink, but he just points at her to leave, she tried harder to persuade him but he changed his seat completely.

" Pfft "

I tried to hold my laughter while I'm seeing her coming back to me.

" Oh my gosh, what amazing skills you have Sherry "

I kept laughing while she hit my head with her hand.

" He is very rude, he just told me he's not interested and ran away with his hidden wallet "

She complained as we both are looking at him.

He is still making eye contact with me from afar.

Well, that's creepy.

" Daniel, give it a chance alright? you know you need that bastard's money for your mother surgery, he looks at you a lot, maybe you're his type "

I sighed as I look at Sherry.

" I already have a boyfriend, I don't know, maybe I will go home, I have a headache "

I said before standing.

" Hey there's no way you're going to let that wallet go away' you hear me? Just pass beside him, if he is interested he would call you out "

She yelled at me, I rolled my eyes.

" You're not going to quit right? "

" No "

" Okay, I'll pass beside him, I hope he goes blind "

I said as she is clapping.

" Yaaaay! That's my girl! Remember to drug him, we don't want him to touch alright? "

" Okay Geez, don't worry about me, no one can touch me "

She worries too much.

My dress is blue with glitter, it's simple but beautiful.

As I'm going past him hiding my face, I saw him is already looking at me smiling.

" Hey, do you have a minute Miss? "

He said as I'm acting dumb looking around me.

" Are you talking to Me ? "

I asked blinking three times, he smirked, as he scooted a bit for me to sit which made me smile awkwardly.

" yes you beautiful, please have a seat "

He said pointing his hand at the seat while taking a sip from his glass.

" Okay Mister, if you don't mind"

I said as happily as I can fake, sitting beside him while there's a huge space between us.

I looked at Sherry for encouragement, she pointed to me that I should get closer to him.

I didn't get a chance acutely he is the one who gets closer as he pouring some liquor into my glass.

" What an amazing lady like yourself doing in a place Like this? Hmm? "

He asked, I stared at his eyes for a moment, no one asked me this before.

" Well, to pay rent? To live? "

I said as I'm raising my shoulders he smiled while resting his elbow on the table looking at my face.

" You should be already married to a nice person, eating well and do the real job, quit being a friend to such a bad influence "

He pointed at my friend which pissed me off, I'll drug that bastard, rob him then leave.

" You're worried about me? You're so kind Mister "

I said hugging him, I put the drug on his glass while feeling that he is sniffing my neck hugging me.

" You smell nice "

He said and I broke the hug holding my glass.

" Cheers! "

I said without smiling as he raised his glass too, we drank at the same time, hitting my glass on the table again.

" So you asked what am I doing here, what about you Mister a-? "

It's rare for me to ask about names.

But he is handsome I must say.

" Stefano "

" What are you doing here Mister Stefano? "

He has a nice name too, he smiled as he thinking, well, when he's going to pass out? It's time already for the drugs to kick in.

" I'm here to meet a certain woman, she's, my treasure "

He said while my eyes is barely opening.

" R, really? Then, where is she? "

I don't see well, I need to leave.

" She's right in Infront of me, I can't believe how pretty she is "

" The bathroom, I need- - "

I tried to stand, to run, he drugged me? I can't think clearly.

He grabbed my hand again to sit.

" Sherry, help me "

I said as I feel my head is hitting the glass table.


" Ugh, my head "

I said as I open my eyes slowly, it's too shiny, I can't see well.

I tried to move my hands but I couldn't as well.

" Oh my god, not again "

That bastard took me to his room or hotel or something, the room looks completely big.

I tried to move my body, and I felt a sharp pain in my back.

" Haha, don't worry Daniel, it's just because you slept in the wrong position, nothing else "

I tried to calm myself down before I saw the trash can full of condoms.

I felt the chills all over my body, tried to get off these handcuffs.

I looked at what I'm wearing, it's not my blue dress, it was short sleeping wear, which my body is well exposed.

" Ugh! I'll kill this son of A B-- "

I can't believe I just cheated Max! I didn't even kiss him yet!

I heard footsteps at the White door which I looked at it, tried to crumple over myself to hide my body.

I saw that bastard Stefano from yesterday is entering with his shower robe while holding a tray in his hands.

" Good morning my beautiful Wife "

He said with a big smile as he approached me putting the food on the bed while bent down to kiss my forehead but I get away from his face the best I can.

Wait, his what ?

" I'm your wife? Haha, I think you had your fun yesterday, why don't you free my hands! It hurts "

I said and he smiled at me pretended that I said nothing, he just filled the spoon with some soup approaching my mouth.

" Say Aaah "

He asked me while I'm trying to calm down.

Usually, when someone takes me to a hotel, I play nice at first and when they keep their eyes away from me for a second I ran away and never look back.

" aah "

I said as I drink the soup, he is so happy smiling, what an idiot.

" How obedient, oh god, I love you so much Dany "

He continued to feed me as I take a good look at him, I didn't know he is such a psycho, he didn't seem that way yesterday.

" Excuse me Mister -- "

" Call me Stefano now, I'm your husband "

Maybe he is still drunk?

" Stefano! Can you take off those handcuffs, it hurts my hands so much "

I said as he puts the tray away before coming to sniff my hair.

What is with the sniffing? He keeps me uncomfortable.

" We took a nice shower together yesterday, I think you don't need it for a while "

The damn DRUG, he just untie me, I'll make him suffer.

" Okay, I'll untie you, since you're so obedient "

As he's untying me, I'm ready to punch his dirty face.

He United my both hands which made me jump from the bed towards the big Lamp, but he was right behind me, he pushed me towards the wall next to the lamp while looking into my eyes, blocking my both arms.


To be continued