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The Boy Next Door Is The Father Of My Daughter

The Boy Next Door Is The Father Of My Daughter

Auteur: Anne ngozi

En cours


The Boy Next Door Is The Father Of My Daughter PDF Free Download


"Olivia, I want to live in this moment forever. I don't want to see no daylight" Those were his last words to her * After the death of Olivia Grimes neighbor and lover, Olivia found that that she was was pregnant with his baby and had no heart of carrying it. She tried to abort the baby but the baby proved stubborn. When her parents found out about the pregnancy, they threw her out of the house without a care in the world. She became homeless and lost everything Eight years after, she met a powerful businessman who changed her believe about what happened to her lover eight years ago

Chapter 1

Jaime Scott, a powerful businessman was driving to his office on Tuesday morning. He had a meeting to attend to. At just 24 years old, Jaime Scott had accomplished what businessmen in their sixties weren't able to accomplish.

He looked at himself in the side mirror and smiled. He was a very handsome man with deep blue eyes and sandy blonde hair.

His telephone rang and he checked the caller before picking up the phone. It was his fiancee Laura Davilla.

"Babe" he said when he picked up the phone

"Good morning" Laura greeted "Where are you?"

"On my way to the office. Is there a problem?"

"No, not at all. I just want to remind you about tonight's dinner"

"It's on my mind"

"Okay. I will see you later in the evening"

"Alright. Love you"

"I love you too" Laura said back

As he was about to drop his phone, he lost control of the car and he hit another car that was coming from the opposite direction


Olivia Grimes was on her way to her daughter's school. Her daughter's headmistress had called her yesterday and told her to show up in her daughter's school today.

After receiving the call, she had carefully asked her seven years old daughter, Kylie Grimes about what was going on in her school but the girl gave her no good answer.

Olivia Grimes being an alcoholic wasn't happy about the headmistress call because she knew that she had to be sober enough if she wanted to go for the meeting.

The next morning which was on Tuesday, Olivia Grimes left home in her old Volkswagen and headed to her daughter's school.

Five minutes away from Kylie's school, Olivia Grimes saw a Range Rover speeding towards her from the opposite direction, she tried to avoid it but she noticed it at the last second. While gripping her steering wheel forcefully, she lowered her head, closed her eyes and waited for the collision


Olivia gritted her teeth together in pain and anger towards the mad man that almost killed her. About one minute later when she was strong enough to get out of the car, she opened the car door and stepped out

As Jaime was walking toward the other car, he felt sorry for the old Volkswagen whose bonnet was ruined because of his mistake.

Jaime stopped on his track when the car door opened. A young woman who Jaime suspected was of the same age as his stepped out of the car and started walking toward him angrily

"Wait what!?" Jaime thought when he saw who was walking toward him. His face changed from pity to shock to surprise within microseconds but before he could say what was on his mind, the young woman spoke

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!? YOU ALMOST GOT ME KILLED MOTHERFUCKER!" Olivia said angrily "If you want to die, die alone. Stop getting people involved in your miserable life!. You're..."

"Livia" Jaime called

Olivia stopped talking upon hearing her name and looked at the man's face. Jaime smiled at her and expected her to recognize him but nothing like that showed on her face

"YOU ARE A MAD MAN! I'm talking to you about you almost getting me killed and.."

Jaime was disappointed but he still wanted her to know who he was. He cut her off and said "Livia it's me..."

Olivia cut him off before he could say the last part. She wanted no part of the drama


Kylie was her daughter's name and it was the first thing that came into her mind

She turned back and started heading back to her wrecked car. Jaime ran toward her and gripped her wrist.

"You're bleeding" he said worriedly

Olivia touched her forehead and saw blood. She didn't even know that she was bleeding until he told her

"I know. Thank you but I have to go now"

"You need to see a doctor" Jaime said worriedly

"I will get one myself. Thank you"

"Wait. We need to call 911. We need to inform them about what happened"

"I'm a very busy woman and I don't have time for calling 911 because of your stupid mistake. You can do that yourself" Olivia said and jerked her hand out of his grip.

She matched to where her car was, opened the car door and started the car. Thankfully, the car worked and she drove off without giving Jaime a second look.

Jaime Scott was sure that it was Olivia Grimes and he wanted to follow her but he couldn't because he was needed in his office

Eight years ago

Dermot Owen was a boy whose life had been miserable since the second that he was born. He had never been shown love by either his mother or his father.

Dermot lived in the moment because the next second might be hell for him. His school was no different from home. He had no single person that he could call his friend.

He always tried to make his presence unknown whenever he was in school but his bullies still noticed him no matter how hard he tried

After paying for his lunch, he slowly carried his tray and slowly walked to the dinning hall.

As soon as he was seated, four boys joined him. They were his bullies. He pretended not to see them and focused all his attention on his food.

"Dermot" Jeremy Andrew called

Dermot hated that name but there was nothing he could do about the name. His father intentionally gave him that ugly name and he must lived with it forever

"Dermot" Jeremy Andrew called again.

Jeremy was the most handsome and the tallest boy in their school. He was cruel and selfish. And apart from Jeremy's handsome face and good physique, there was nothing handsome about his actions toward others especially Dermot.

Dermot slowly looked up from his food. He was afraid of being hit by Jeremy and his friends. Jeremy smiled at him. He knew how scared of him that Dermot was and he loved it

"Continue eating" he said

Dermot wondered what was going on but he kept eating

"Do you know who my latest chick is?" Jeremy asked while smirking

Dermot just stared at Jeremy. He didn't know whether to answer the question or not

"I'm asking you a question"

Dermot shook his head before replying slowly

"I don't know"

"It's that girl over there" Jeremy said and pointed at a table that was few meters away from them. Dermot looked at the table and saw six girls around it. He wondered who Jeremy's latest chick was

"Do you know who she is among them?" Jeremy asked

Dermot started scanning the girls faces and when his eyes landed on Oliver Grimes. His heart beat faster but he controlled himself. Jeremy must not know about what he feels for Oliver Grimes

"I don't know who she is" Dermot replied while praying that it wasn't Olivia

"It's Hanna. Hanna Howell"

Dermot became relaxed after hearing this

"She is hot right?" Jeremy asked

Dermot nodded

Jeremy smiled at him and sighed before saying "Do you like any of the girls? They are the hottest right now"

Dermot shook his head

"You don't?" Mark Evans, Jeremy closest pal said surprisingly "those girls are fucking hot. Last Friday doing the party one of them was good to me" he said dreamingly "It was great"

Dermot looked at the girls table. He wondered who among the girls was the girl

"Do you want to know who?" Mark said

"No" Dermot said

Jeremy patted Mark and said "Save him the details"

"Okay" Mark nodded

"There is another party tonight. Do you want to come?"

Dermot knew that there was no way he could go. His father wouldn't allow him. So he said "No"

"The girls are coming"

Dermot looked at the girls table and saw Olivia smiling. His heart stopped beating for a second and he thought "I wish you're mine. You won't be my chick. You will be my love"

"You can have anyone of them except for Hanna and Olivia. My eyes are on her" Jeremy said

Dermot looked at Jeremy. He was angry at Jeremy but his anger was not visible.

"Are you coming? I'm starting to like you" Jeremy said

Dermot doubted Jeremy's last statement but he said nothing

"Are you coming?" Jeremy asked again

"Yes I am" Dermot replied. If going to the party was going to give him a chance to be with Olivia Grimes then he doesn't care about going against his dad's rules

"Who are you going to choose for the night?" Jeremy asked and took him back to the reality

"I don't know. Maybe when I get there"

"Okay" Jeremy said and nodded "Guys let's go"

The four of them got up and left Dermot alone.