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Auteur: Bridget ofotokun





Isabella was a very happy girl despite the fact they aren't rich nor poor. They were living their best lives as she was more happy that She'll be attending (Saint Mary high school) the most popular school in the country of "american" and it was for the rich kids. But all hope was lost!! Her dream came crashing down after the mysterious death of her father. Life became hard for them as they barely eat a day. But what happened when she was given a scholarship by an unknown person to study in her dream school! Will she be able to cope with the billionaire's kids? "Brooklyn, Axel girlfriend isn't gonna rest until she has Isabella who was destined to take her place out of the school. She needed her to leave the school badly and if possible, she could kill her for messing with her boyfriend and so her. The cold hearted playboy "Axel, found himself getting attracted to the impoverished girl of whom he found fun bullying. What happened when they get together, but Later find a secret which can separate them A long last secret which can torn the two lovebirds apart.

Chapter 1

It was 5:00AM in the morning: It was in the heart of snow in the city of America as one would wish to spend his whole day in bed due to the coldness of the weather. 

On this day, little miss Isabella could be seen snoring loudly,her voice almost at everywhere in the room" 

 as her door suddenly opened revealing her father who was already dressed in a black suit and ties ready to go to work.

 He had been knocking on her door since but gotten no response from her and since he knew his daughter was a "heavy slumber" he had to do the needful by twisting the doorknob and letting himself into her room before closing the door behind him.

A little smile crept through his lips as he found his daughter all curled up in bed with her knees almost touching her face... 

"Sweetie" he called in a scooting voice.

 "Good morning dad! She greeted as she sat on the edge of the bed glancing at her father. "Good morning sweetie" how was your night? "Good, yours. She asked, yarning as her father sighed.

 " Stressful, "but why? she asked glaring at her dad who was putting on this sad countenance. Like something was wrong. " Is everything okay dad, '' she asked, noticing how lost he was in his thoughts. "Yes.., yes.. sweetie?" everything's totally fine. He assure as she stood up and walked to him. 

 "Dad! I think you're working too hard on yourself!! You should probably take a break from your work. "Maybe a week to relax. " Daddy; you'll literally get sick if you continue like this.

 She paused and glared at him. "wait dad, please don't tell me this is all because of my school. "It's because of

saint Mary high school

I planned on attending. 

She shuddered, already scared that he might get sick if he continues like that. It's okay, if he can't afford the expenses of the school! He shouldn't even think of sacrificing his life for her.

 She thought as she awaited his response. "No sweetie" absolutely not! "Please don't worry. Her father muttered, hoping he had convinced her enough because he doesn't actually wanna tell them the truth of what's happening.

He felt like he might get his family worried if he does, so there isn't any need in doing that. He just has to keep the whole Truth to himself.

"Okay father! "please take good care of yourself. " Yeah sweetie" you too! "Just wanna see you first before going to work. Her father utters as she beams, glancing at him suspiciously.

 "What's that dad? What's with the new Changes? "seeing me first before going to work?" But you'll see me after you've come back from work right. She asked, beaming a smile which revealed her dimples in her chain.

"Yeah sweetie"but I just wanted to see you, because I might come back home late tonight. "Okay, let me escort you to your car. She uttered and they sailed out of her room heading downstairs. 

" Good morning mom! Isabella greeted as her mom gave her dad a peck before exiting the parlour. " Isabella" Her father called as she glared at him. "I want you to listen to what I'm about to say to you!! Okay. Her father spoke as they walked towards the car. she gulped hard nervously waiting to hear what he's about to say to her.

  "Promise me this?

 No matter what happens, you'll always protect your mother and make sure you guys live a good life even though I'm not around. " But dad why.... "Promise me that first, her father interrupted her off as she sighed. " Fine!! Promise.

  " Protect yourself and promise me you'll stay away from the "Kendricks family" her father utter. "Yes of course dad, I can protect myself and mom. But why are you telling me this and who's the " Kendrick family" you don't have to know now sweetie, Everything will be clear to you soon. "But just stay away from them as soon as possible if you have an encounter with them. Her father warned as she sighed.

"Okay dad!! " I'll keep the promises. have a wonderful day at work. She muttered as her father gave her two small boxes. "What's this dad? "oh it's a surprise. Give this red box to your mother and this black one is for you. 

" Really, what's inside. She is anxious to know. because her guts tell her it's actually a gift. "It's a surprise. " Tell your mother that I love her so much. With them, he gave her a peck and hope inside his car as he drove off waving at her until she couldn't see him anymore and went back to the house.

 "But why was his father behaving strangely? "Could it be that something was wrong. What could be the problem? She thought


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