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Auteur: Aphrodite21

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Euphoria PDF Free Download


"JASPER!" There is no reason to be afraid right? Everyone has their own life, and this is my life. He is my life. I know I can not hide this for a long time. I saw him stopped walking but still did not faced me. I breathe in to get some courage and take it out as I prepare my self. "Can I, can I be your girl?" I whispered the last word. Afraid that everyone would hear. His back still did not move even a bit. Silence embrace the atmosphere and awkwardness eloped me as seconds pass by. I dropped my head as soon as he continues his track. He didn't gave me an answer. Obviously, he's.... "Prove it first." I almost got a heart attack when he whispered in my ears. My eyes as wide as a plate and my body strait as a post. He.. HE SAYS YES?!

Chapter 1

"Don't mind him Shane, he's just an old hag." I bite at my sandwich while listening to my friend's bickering about our profs attitude in class just ten minutes ago. I lift my bottle and drank all its contents until the last drop.

College life is fun, not until you met a profs who's born with a bitter gourd in mouth.

"He's really an as*****!. Doesn't he have a heart? A mind and a soul?" I sighed. She's over reacting again. She's always like this, being a dramatic queen after having such 'tragic experience' on her words. I turn my head left and right to find a bin but couldn't find any.

"You're oa girl, get over it. There's only three weeks left for this sem. So cheer up." I nod my head at Sandra's remarks.

"Did you see a bin nearby?" I asked while standing up. This trash should not be left here. We should love our nature the way they love us and throwing trash is one thing.


"Ok." I give up finding a bin and just resumed reading my book. The topics for this sem are tough that burning my brows is not enough. I adjusted my glass and my seat for a comfortable position. Once I did, I reduced my hearing sounds and focused in reading.

I jumped out of my seat when a hand touch my shoulders. The sudden act almost made me scream.

"Shane! Why did you do that?" I look at her with an annoyed face. They are laughing their as**s out that made me more annoyed.

"Clarissa, dear, why can't you be used with Shane?" I huffed and look at Sandra.

"It's annoying! I'm in the middle of reading and suddenly a hand touch me from behind. Who wouldn't be scared?" I put a bookmark and closed my book before stashing them on my bag.

Shane grabbed my shoulders and hugged me from the side.

"Hey I'm sorry ok? That'd be the last time. I promise!" I rolled my eyes at her.

"That's the thirty-fifth" pertaining to her promise.

She smiled at me and tightened her hold on me.

"You know that I love you right?"

"And so?" I look at Sandra as she hold my left hand.

"Nothing, just reminding you." This girl is my headache.

"Come on. Miss Jess class will start soon." We hurriedly walk as soon as we saw the time.

"Good that we're on time." I look around the room as the students come in.

"It's quiet full." They also notice.

"Someone important might be here." The two looked at me with an unamused look.

"Really, Clarissa? That's your thoughts?"

"What?" I was just guessing. I put out my book and opened it at the page where the bookmark lies and resumed my reading. The sound of whispering and giggles snatched me from my bubble. I looked around and I still can't see Miss Jess. It's past fifteen minutes on her time.

"Did Miss says that she'll be late?" I asked Sandra as she's the only one who's vacant. Shane's busy whispering and talking to a guy.

"No." I looled over her shoulder to see what she's looking but it's a bad decision.

"Why are you looking at a guys pen*s?" I ask bewildered. She looked at me with her straight face but seconds after she burst out laughing.

"Clarissa, my gosh. You're so innocent haha. I can not." She almost fall off her seat because of her unstoppable laugh.

"Girl, breathe. That's not good!" I adjusted my glass and crossed my arms. She's still not done so I beat her with my book.

"Hey, hey, hey. Ok. Ok. Ok. I'm done, I'm done. But seriously? Do you really think it's his guy? Girl, he still had his underwear. He's not bare." She's still laughing while saying those words. I squinted my eyes and put my book back on the table.

"But I hope he is." What the heck?

"Ok class, sorry I just arrived......" I slapped her arm with my hands for the last time before focusing on class and saw her zipping her lips with still a teasing expression.

"So today, the room seems full. Why is that? Hmm. Oh, right. Mr. Lee, why are you in my class?" We all look at the direction where Miss Jess is looking.

The guy just crossed his arms and looked straight in front. Oh, the attitude.

As I put my attention back to the front, I saw his head looked at my direction but I think I was just seeing things.

"Ok, lets get back to the topic......."